Windows 8 Beta 版将在2012年2月发布
时间:2011-12-02 来源:cnblogs
微软将在明年 2 月份公布 Windows 8 Beta 版,而正式版本依旧被认为在 6 月。从 Beta 到 RTM 只有短短四个月的时间,这让开发工作听起来有点过于乐观。之前多数人认为微软的 Windows 8 Beta 将在 CES,也就是 2012 年 1 月份公布,这将让微软有更多时间发布更多的 RC 版系统。
目前微软没有公开有关 Windows 8 的最终发行日期,通常而言,Windows 的发布都要经过数个 Beta 和 RC 过程才会最终释放。
发布之前先来体验一些 Windows 8 的墙纸吧
Windows 8 Bliss
Beautiful And Blissful Landscape
Windows 8 Zurich
Classy And Upscale Looking Windows 8 Wallpaper With Microsoft Icons
Windows 8 offcial
Awesome Snow Clad Mountain And A Crossroad
Windows 8 Aquatic
Enigmatic Blue Windows 8 Aquatic Wallpaper
Starting Windows
Nice Starting WIndows 8 Wallpaper
Windows 8 Prestige
Cool Black Windows 8 Prestige
Microsoft Windows 8
The Official Windows 8 Wallpaper With The Trademarm Microsoft Logo
Windows 8 beta
Simple Yet Sparkling Windows 8 Beta
Hazel Background Windows 8
Windows 8 Wallpaper With Elegant Hazel And Golden Tinge Background
Grey Beta Windows 8
Business Theme Grey Beta Windows 8
Windows 8 Desktop
Desktop Style Windows 8 Wallpaper
Windows 8 Next Generation
Nice Blue Windows 8 Next Generation Wallpaper
Mysterious Clouds Windows 8 Wallpaper
Mysterious Landscape With Clouds Windows 8 Wallpaper
Nature Green Windows 8 Professional
Lovely All-green Nature Inspired Wallpaper
Spiral Staircase Windows 8 Wallpaper
Nice Modern-feel Spiral Staircase Windows 8 Wallpaper
Microsoft Chidori Wallpaper
Cool Microsoft Chidori Code Name Wallpaper
Windows 8 Fish Wallpaper
Aquatic Windows 8 Fish Wallpaper
Windows 8 Ultimate
Basic Windows 8 Ultimate Wallpaper
Windows 8 Green
Beautiful Nature Inspired Wallpaper
Windows 8 Blue
Blue Microsoft Windows Wallpaper
Sparkling Windows 8 Professional Edition
Sparkling And Vibrant Windows 8 Professional Edition
Colorful Glasses
Creative Art Windows 8 Wallpaper
Windows 8 Shining
Abstract Art Windoes 8 Wallpaper
Windows 8 Nerd
Ultra-cool Windows 8 Nerd
Windows 8 Inspired Desktop
Windows 8 Inspired Desktop Perfect For Geeks