时间:2007-02-17 来源:PHP爱好者
class mime_decode {
var $content = Array();
function mime_encode_headers($string) {
if($string == "") return;
$string = "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?".str_replace("+","_",str_replace("%","=",urlencode($string)))."?=";
return $string;
function decode_mime_string($string) {
if(($pos = strpos($string,"=?")) === false) return $string;
while(!($pos === false)) {
$newresult .= substr($string,0,$pos);
$string = substr($string,$pos+2,strlen($string));
$intpos = strpos($string,"?");
$charset = substr($string,0,$intpos);
$enctype = strtolower(substr($string,$intpos+1,1));
$string = substr($string,$intpos+3,strlen($string));
$endpos = strpos($string,"?=");
$mystring = substr($string,0,$endpos);
$string = substr($string,$endpos+2,strlen($string));
if($enctype == "q") {
$mystring = str_replace("_"," ",$mystring);
$mystring = $this->decode_qp($mystring);
} else if ($enctype == "b")
$mystring = base64_decode($mystring);
$newresult .= $mystring;
$pos = strpos($string,"=?");
return $newresult.$string;
function decode_header($header) {
$headers = explode("rn",$header);
$decodedheaders = Array();
for($i=0;$i<count($headers);$i++) {
$thisheader = $headers[$i];
if(strpos($thisheader,": ") === false) {
$decodedheaders[$lasthead] .= " $thisheader";
} else {
$dbpoint = strpos($thisheader,": ");
$headname = strtolower(substr($thisheader,0,$dbpoint));
$headvalue = trim(substr($thisheader,$dbpoint+1));
if($decodedheaders[$headname] != "") $decodedheaders[$headname] .= "; $headvalue";
else $decodedheaders[$headname] = $headvalue;
$lasthead = $headname;
return $decodedheaders;
function fetch_structure($email) {
$ARemail = Array();
$separador = "rnrn";
$header = trim(substr($email,0,strpos($email,$separador)));
$bodypos = strlen($header)+strlen($separador);
$body = substr($email,$bodypos,strlen($email)-$bodypos);
$ARemail["header"] = $header; $ARemail["body"] = $body;
return $ARemail;
function get_names($strmail) {
$ARfrom = Array();
$strmail = stripslashes(ereg_replace("t","",ereg_replace("n","",ereg_replace("r","",$strmail))));
if(trim($strmail) == "") return $ARfrom;
$armail = Array();
$counter = 0; $inthechar = 0;
$chartosplit = ",;"; $protectchar = """; $temp = "";
$lt = "<"; $gt = ">";
$closed = 1;
for($i=0;$i<strlen($strmail);$i++) {
$thischar = $strmail[$i];
if($thischar == $lt && $closed) $closed = 0;
if($thischar == $gt && !$closed) $closed = 1;
if($thischar == $protectchar) $inthechar = ($inthechar)?0:1;
if(!(strpos($chartosplit,$thischar) === false) && !$inthechar && $closed) {
$armail[] = $temp; $temp = "";
} else
$temp .= $thischar;
if(trim($temp) != "")
$armail[] = trim($temp);
for($i=0;$i<count($armail);$i++) {
$thisPart = trim(eregi_replace("^"(.*)"$", "1", trim($armail[$i])));
if($thisPart != "") {
if (eregi("(.*)<(.*)>", $thisPart, $regs)) {
$email = trim($regs[2]);
$name = trim($regs[1]);
} else {
if (eregi("([-a-z0-9_$+.]+@[-a-z0-9_.]+[-a-z0-9_]+)((.*))", $thisPart, $regs)) {
$email = $regs[1];
$name = $regs[2];
} else
$email = $thisPart;
$email = eregi_replace("^<(.*)>$", "1", $email);
$name = eregi_replace("^"(.*)"$", "1", trim($name));
$name = eregi_replace("^((.*))$", "1", $name);
if ($name == "") $name = $email;
if ($email == "") $email = $name;
$ARfrom[$i]["name"] = $this->decode_mime_string($name);
$ARfrom[$i]["mail"] = $email;
return $ARfrom;
function build_alternative_body($ctype,$body) {
global $mime_show_html;
$boundary = $this->get_boundary($ctype);
$part = $this->split_parts($boundary,$body);
$thispart = ($mime_show_html)?$part[1]:$part[0];
$email = $this->fetch_structure($thispart);
$header = $email["header"];
$body = $email["body"];
$headers = $this->decode_header($header);
$body = $this->compile_body($body,$headers["content-transfer-encoding"]);
return $body;
function build_related_body($ctype,$body) {
global $mime_show_html,$sid,$lid,$ix,$folder;
$Rtype = trim(substr($ctype,strpos($ctype,"type=")+5,strlen($ctype)));
if(strpos($Rtype,";") != 0)
$Rtype = substr($Rtype,0,strpos($Rtype,";"));
if(substr($Rtype,0,1) == """ && substr($Rtype,-1) == """)
$Rtype = substr($Rtype,1,strlen($Rtype)-2);
$boundary = $this->get_boundary($ctype);
$part = $this->split_parts($boundary,$body);
for($i=0;$i<count($part);$i++) {
$email = $this->fetch_structure($part[$i]);
$header = $email["header"];
$body = $email["body"];
$headers = $this->decode_header($header);
$ctype = $headers["content-type"];
$cid = $headers["content-id"];
$Actype = split(";",$headers["content-type"]);
$types = split("/",$Actype[0]); $rctype = strtolower($Actype[0]);
if($rctype == "multipart/alternative")
$msgbody = $this->build_alternative_body($ctype,$body);
elseif($rctype == "text/plain" && strpos($headers["content-disposition"],"name") === false) {
$body = $this->compile_body($body,$headers["content-transfer-encoding"]);
$msgbody = $this->build_text_body($body);
} elseif($rctype == "text/html" && strpos($headers["content-disposition"],"name") === false) {
$body = $this->compile_body($body,$headers["content-transfer-encoding"]);
if(!$mime_show_html) $body = $this->build_text_body(strip_tags($body));
$msgbody = $body;
} else {
$thisattach = $this->build_attach($header,$body,$boundary,$i);
if($cid != "") {
if(substr($cid,0,1) == "<" && substr($cid,-1) == ">")
$cid = substr($cid,1,strlen($cid)-2);
$cid = "cid:$cid";
$thisfile = "download.php?sid=$sid&lid=$lid&folder=".urlencode($folder)."&ix=".$ix."&bound=".base64_encode($thisattach["boundary"])."&part=".$thisattach["part"]."&filename=".urlencode($thisattach["name"]);
$msgbody = str_replace($cid,$thisfile,$msgbody);
return $msgbody;
function linesize($message="", $length=70) {
$line = explode("rn",$message);
for ($i=0 ;$i <count($line); $i++) {
$line_part = explode(" ",trim($line[$i]));
for ($e = 0; $e<count($line_part); $e++) {
$buf_o = $buf;
if ($e == 0) $buf .= $line_part[$e];
else $buf .= " ".$line_part[$e];
if (strlen($buf) > $length and $buf_o != "") {
$message .= "$buf_orn";
$buf = $line_part[$e];
$message .= "$bufrn";
php爱好者站 http://www.phpfans.net 文章|教程|下载|源码|论坛.
class mime_decode {
var $content = Array();
function mime_encode_headers($string) {
if($string == "") return;
$string = "=?ISO-8859-1?Q?".str_replace("+","_",str_replace("%","=",urlencode($string)))."?=";
return $string;
function decode_mime_string($string) {
if(($pos = strpos($string,"=?")) === false) return $string;
while(!($pos === false)) {
$newresult .= substr($string,0,$pos);
$string = substr($string,$pos+2,strlen($string));
$intpos = strpos($string,"?");
$charset = substr($string,0,$intpos);
$enctype = strtolower(substr($string,$intpos+1,1));
$string = substr($string,$intpos+3,strlen($string));
$endpos = strpos($string,"?=");
$mystring = substr($string,0,$endpos);
$string = substr($string,$endpos+2,strlen($string));
if($enctype == "q") {
$mystring = str_replace("_"," ",$mystring);
$mystring = $this->decode_qp($mystring);
} else if ($enctype == "b")
$mystring = base64_decode($mystring);
$newresult .= $mystring;
$pos = strpos($string,"=?");
return $newresult.$string;
function decode_header($header) {
$headers = explode("rn",$header);
$decodedheaders = Array();
for($i=0;$i<count($headers);$i++) {
$thisheader = $headers[$i];
if(strpos($thisheader,": ") === false) {
$decodedheaders[$lasthead] .= " $thisheader";
} else {
$dbpoint = strpos($thisheader,": ");
$headname = strtolower(substr($thisheader,0,$dbpoint));
$headvalue = trim(substr($thisheader,$dbpoint+1));
if($decodedheaders[$headname] != "") $decodedheaders[$headname] .= "; $headvalue";
else $decodedheaders[$headname] = $headvalue;
$lasthead = $headname;
return $decodedheaders;
function fetch_structure($email) {
$ARemail = Array();
$separador = "rnrn";
$header = trim(substr($email,0,strpos($email,$separador)));
$bodypos = strlen($header)+strlen($separador);
$body = substr($email,$bodypos,strlen($email)-$bodypos);
$ARemail["header"] = $header; $ARemail["body"] = $body;
return $ARemail;
function get_names($strmail) {
$ARfrom = Array();
$strmail = stripslashes(ereg_replace("t","",ereg_replace("n","",ereg_replace("r","",$strmail))));
if(trim($strmail) == "") return $ARfrom;
$armail = Array();
$counter = 0; $inthechar = 0;
$chartosplit = ",;"; $protectchar = """; $temp = "";
$lt = "<"; $gt = ">";
$closed = 1;
for($i=0;$i<strlen($strmail);$i++) {
$thischar = $strmail[$i];
if($thischar == $lt && $closed) $closed = 0;
if($thischar == $gt && !$closed) $closed = 1;
if($thischar == $protectchar) $inthechar = ($inthechar)?0:1;
if(!(strpos($chartosplit,$thischar) === false) && !$inthechar && $closed) {
$armail[] = $temp; $temp = "";
} else
$temp .= $thischar;
if(trim($temp) != "")
$armail[] = trim($temp);
for($i=0;$i<count($armail);$i++) {
$thisPart = trim(eregi_replace("^"(.*)"$", "1", trim($armail[$i])));
if($thisPart != "") {
if (eregi("(.*)<(.*)>", $thisPart, $regs)) {
$email = trim($regs[2]);
$name = trim($regs[1]);
} else {
if (eregi("([-a-z0-9_$+.]+@[-a-z0-9_.]+[-a-z0-9_]+)((.*))", $thisPart, $regs)) {
$email = $regs[1];
$name = $regs[2];
} else
$email = $thisPart;
$email = eregi_replace("^<(.*)>$", "1", $email);
$name = eregi_replace("^"(.*)"$", "1", trim($name));
$name = eregi_replace("^((.*))$", "1", $name);
if ($name == "") $name = $email;
if ($email == "") $email = $name;
$ARfrom[$i]["name"] = $this->decode_mime_string($name);
$ARfrom[$i]["mail"] = $email;
return $ARfrom;
function build_alternative_body($ctype,$body) {
global $mime_show_html;
$boundary = $this->get_boundary($ctype);
$part = $this->split_parts($boundary,$body);
$thispart = ($mime_show_html)?$part[1]:$part[0];
$email = $this->fetch_structure($thispart);
$header = $email["header"];
$body = $email["body"];
$headers = $this->decode_header($header);
$body = $this->compile_body($body,$headers["content-transfer-encoding"]);
return $body;
function build_related_body($ctype,$body) {
global $mime_show_html,$sid,$lid,$ix,$folder;
$Rtype = trim(substr($ctype,strpos($ctype,"type=")+5,strlen($ctype)));
if(strpos($Rtype,";") != 0)
$Rtype = substr($Rtype,0,strpos($Rtype,";"));
if(substr($Rtype,0,1) == """ && substr($Rtype,-1) == """)
$Rtype = substr($Rtype,1,strlen($Rtype)-2);
$boundary = $this->get_boundary($ctype);
$part = $this->split_parts($boundary,$body);
for($i=0;$i<count($part);$i++) {
$email = $this->fetch_structure($part[$i]);
$header = $email["header"];
$body = $email["body"];
$headers = $this->decode_header($header);
$ctype = $headers["content-type"];
$cid = $headers["content-id"];
$Actype = split(";",$headers["content-type"]);
$types = split("/",$Actype[0]); $rctype = strtolower($Actype[0]);
if($rctype == "multipart/alternative")
$msgbody = $this->build_alternative_body($ctype,$body);
elseif($rctype == "text/plain" && strpos($headers["content-disposition"],"name") === false) {
$body = $this->compile_body($body,$headers["content-transfer-encoding"]);
$msgbody = $this->build_text_body($body);
} elseif($rctype == "text/html" && strpos($headers["content-disposition"],"name") === false) {
$body = $this->compile_body($body,$headers["content-transfer-encoding"]);
if(!$mime_show_html) $body = $this->build_text_body(strip_tags($body));
$msgbody = $body;
} else {
$thisattach = $this->build_attach($header,$body,$boundary,$i);
if($cid != "") {
if(substr($cid,0,1) == "<" && substr($cid,-1) == ">")
$cid = substr($cid,1,strlen($cid)-2);
$cid = "cid:$cid";
$thisfile = "download.php?sid=$sid&lid=$lid&folder=".urlencode($folder)."&ix=".$ix."&bound=".base64_encode($thisattach["boundary"])."&part=".$thisattach["part"]."&filename=".urlencode($thisattach["name"]);
$msgbody = str_replace($cid,$thisfile,$msgbody);
return $msgbody;
function linesize($message="", $length=70) {
$line = explode("rn",$message);
for ($i=0 ;$i <count($line); $i++) {
$line_part = explode(" ",trim($line[$i]));
for ($e = 0; $e<count($line_part); $e++) {
$buf_o = $buf;
if ($e == 0) $buf .= $line_part[$e];
else $buf .= " ".$line_part[$e];
if (strlen($buf) > $length and $buf_o != "") {
$message .= "$buf_orn";
$buf = $line_part[$e];
$message .= "$bufrn";
php爱好者站 http://www.phpfans.net 文章|教程|下载|源码|论坛.
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