Depicting the earliest tale in The Legend of Zelda timeline, a young knight must journey between the endless sky and the mythical surface below in search of his childhood friend, Zelda. As their destiny unfolds, a wicked plan to resurrect an ancient evil force is set in motion, orchestrated by a mysterious demon lord…
Take to the skies on your trusty Loftwing and visit islands dotted on the horizon, then dive down to the fabled surface and trek through forests, deserts, volcanoes and more. Befriend new allies, uncover hidden secrets and cut down myriad monsters on your journey to stop Ghirahim’s nefarious plan.
Hidden deep within each surface region lies a sprawling dungeon packed with fearsome fiends, treasures and puzzles design to test the bravest of heroes. Defeat the guardian waiting for you at the end of each dungeon and you’ll be one step closer to saving the world.