You play as the grandson of Red, a legendary Rider. The story begins with a fateful encounter with Ena, a Wyverian girl who has been entrusted with an egg with the potential to hatch into a legendary Rathalos which could wreak havoc if awakened to its destructive power.
Embark on a journey which will test the bonds of friendship in a changing world, and discover the truth behind the legends of old.
Included DLCs:
Launch Starter PackDeluxe KitEna’s Outfit: Tropical DressEna’s Outfit: Ancient RaimentEna’s Outfit: Felyne Shelter GarbEna’s Outfits: Cheerleader Three-Pack (Blue/Orange/Pink)Ena’s Outfit: Kamura Maiden OutfitRider’s Layered Armor: Hakum Rider OutfitNavirou’s Outfit: Downy DudsNavirou’s Outfit: Kulu-Ya-Ku CostumeNavirou’s Outfit: Legiana CostumeNavirou’s Outfit: Paolumu CostumeNavirou’s Outfit: Anjanath CostumeNavirou’s Outfit: Fulgur Anja CostumeNavirou’s Outfit: Velkhana CostumeRider’s Hairstyle: Shaggy LegianaRider’s Hairstyle: Lumu AfroRider’s Hairstyle: Mizutsune BraidRider’s Hairstyle: Mohawk KuluCharacter Edit Ticket One-PackCharacter Edit Ticket Two-PackCharacter Edit Ticket Three-PackDLC23 & DLC24 have no names and weren’t released
If you have issues with the PC version of the game, you might try my emulated Switch repack.