时间:2010-09-01 来源:cnblogs
Here is the exact breakdown of Avira's survey results. Respondents were asked "Where do you suspect is the greatest danger of malware infection on the Internet?"以下是Avira调查结果的精确统计。他们询问调查对象:“你怀疑哪里是互联网中恶意软件感染的最危险地带?”
12.59%- Browser games (Poker, etc.) are really popular - the danger here is very high- 12.59%——浏览器游戏(扑克等等)十分流行——危险性很高
- 22%——访问者暴露在危险中,尤其是带有色情图片内容的网站
- 26.69%—— 提供非法软件的那些盗版软件网站极端危险
- 4.14%——大型门户网站特别脆弱,因为他们十分受欢迎
- 34.5%——谈到安全问题,所有互联网上的网站都一样危险
尽管这么多互联网用户对潜在的网络安全问题如此关注是一件好事,但正如Avira的数据安全专家Sorin Mustaca指出的那样,令人沮丧的是“3个人中有一个人不信任他们访问的任何网站。”
As a caveat,we should note that Avira's survey is based on a random sample of the company's own customers. These users - byvirtue of using Avira's free and paid software in the first place - may skew somewhat more towards being security conscious than the average Internet user.作为附加说明,我们要注意的是,Avira的调查报告是基于该公司顾客的随机样本。这些用户——本来就使用了Avira的免费或者付费软件——相对于普通的互联网用户可能更关注与安全问题。
22%- Visitors are exposed to such dangers especially on websites with pornographic content 26.69%- So-called Warez sites,which offer illegal software, are extremely dangerous 4.14%- Big portals are particularlyvulnerable, due to their popularity 34.5%- When it comes to security, all websites are equally dangerous, all over the Internet
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