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php爱好者> 资讯>亚洲开源峰会将移师中国大陆地区召开


时间:2008-02-29  来源:linux论坛

据Zdnet报道,亚洲开源软件峰会的组织者有意将大会的举办地放到中国大陆。亚洲开源软件峰会是由Apache基金会和Eclipse基金会共同组织的,OSSummit Asia 2007原打算去年11月在香港召开,可是因为缺乏展商和用户的相应,迟迟没有召开。

OSSummit 2008大会组织者Charel Morris通过电子邮件告诉ZDnet亚洲网站,他们已经意识到,应当要花更多的时间和两岸三地的开源社区沟通,需要给予他们更多的时间来协调,这样才能使得他们能参加OSSummit。

OSSummit 2008将于今年的年中的时候举办,具体日期还没有确定,不过大会的风格不会有所改变,还是主要关注开发者,来做演讲的嘉宾都是来自开源社区的一线,比如是某些开源项目的负责人等等,大会的目的是提高整个开源软件社区的开发能力,通过相关技术、理念的交流来提升他们的综合水平。

本次大会的赞助商主要有Google、 Mozilla、Sun微系统公司和Sybase等等。

The organizers of Open Source Software Summit (OSSummit) Asia are now looking to hold the conference in mainland China.

The event, organized by the Apache Software Foundation and Eclipse Foundation, was originally set to be held in Hong Kong in November last year, but was postponed due to the lack of response.

Charel Morris, producer of OSSummit 2008, told ZDNet Asia in an e-mail last November: "We realized that we needed more time to connect with all the various [open source] communities throughout China and then in turn give them time to attend OSSummit," said Morris.

Shortly after the postponement last year, a spokesperson explained the delay was to give Chinese nationals "the time to gain access to Hong Kong"--a problem now theoretically avoided by moving the conference nearer to the Chinese participants.

Morris said the pre-conference training sessions will be dropped from the itinerary, but that the conference will "continue to be a technically oriented event with content presented by leaders in the open source community".

Morris had said in the earlier e-mail that "technical training for software developers is the prime motivation for this type of conference".

The OSSummit Web site states the conference will be moved to the middle of this year, although the exact date is not yet specified. Morris said the organizers are looking at dates which will not clash with the Olympic Games in August.

The event has been positioned as an idea-exchange between developers, vendors and users of open source, and lists sponsors such as Google, Mozilla, Sun Microsystems and Sybase, among others.
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