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php爱好者> 资讯>开源开源 Flash-lightspark 0.4.3 final发布

开源开源 Flash-lightspark 0.4.3 final发布

时间:2010-08-11  来源:osmsg.com


Lightspark 0.4.3 是一款完全按照公开的 Adobe Flash/SWF 文档制作的开源 Flash 软件,支持基于OpenGL的渲染和基于LLVM的ActionScript执行。使用 GPLv3 协议。详细如下:

Lightspark 0.4.3 支持 Liquid 层,支持对输入层进行快速渲染并减少了对内存的消耗。

Lightspark 0.4.3 final release

I’m offi­cially announc­ing Lightspark 0.4.3. A cou­ple of inter­est­ing fea­tures as been added since the RC and a good amount of bug fixes thanks to user reports. The aggre­gate changelog since 0.4.2 is huge! Here it is:

  • Liq­uid lay­out support
  • Faster ren­der­ing of the input layer
  • Reduced mem­ory consumption
  • Sup­port for H263/MP3 videos
  • Smoother play­back of audio and video
  • Fall­back on Gnash for older clips

Many users asked why vimeo, hulu and many oth­ers video shar­ing sites don’t work while youtube does. The answer is, although flash based video play­ers looks sim­ple a lot of action script code is actu­ally being exe­cuted under the hood. Sup­port for youtube has been a pri­or­ity given it’s huge pop­u­lar­ity but I’d like to clar­ify that lightspark is not a youtube spe­cific hack and that over time sup­port will come for any site.

As a way to help new devel­oper join my effort I’d like to launch a “site adopt­ing” cam­paign. Devel­op­ers that are will­ing to work on lightspark, but are scared by the com­plex­ity of the chal­lenge can choose a site using flash that is important/useful for them and work to imple­ment the needed fea­tures. To help them I’m most always online in the #lightspark IRC chan­nel and avail­able to tutor them.

As a clos­ing news, after the last post a radeon user helped to shed some light over the ati related issues. radeon users are urged to upgrade at least the mesa 7.8.2 to try lightspark as the sup­port for the needed GL fea­tures got def­i­nitely bet­ter. Keep report­ing bugs if any­thing is not work­ing even after the upgrade. More­over, I’ve dis­cov­ered today that fire­fox older than ver­sion 3.5.11 will not work as it misses a needed plu­gin inter­face, so keep your sys­tems updated!

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