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关于Android 3.0,你要知道的

时间:2010-07-30  来源:linux-ren

   虽然大多数Android 用户仍然在等待Android 2.2 ,有关它的下一版本--Android 3.0 或称姜饼--的细节已经开始浮出水面。
Android 3.0 release date is looking like Q4 of this year, possibly around October. And Gingerbread may already be in some testers' hands - Phandroid has shown an unverified photo of a test build of Android 3.0 running in the wild. Android 3.0 发行期大概在今年第四季度,可能是十月份左右。而姜饼可能已经在一些测试者手中--Phandroid (网站)已经展示出了一张未经鉴定的Android 3.0 测试版的运行界面照片。
As we reported earlier this month, a Russian podcast details how Android 3.0 will be restricted to high-end handsets (and tablets). The podcast explained that Android 3.0 phones will require at least a 1GHz processor, 512MB of RAM and 3.5-inch or larger displays. 如我们本月初报道的那样,一个俄罗斯播客详述了Android 3.0 只能运行在高端手机(和平板电脑)上的种种缘由。播客解释说,Android 3.0 电话将需要至少1GHz 处理器, 512MB内存及3.5英寸或更大显示屏。
Confirmed Android 3.0 features include improved copy and paste and support for WebM video playback. The WebM Project confirmed that "WebM support in Android is expected in the Gingerbread release". WebM files are compressed with the VP8 video codec, which Google purchased and open-sourced earlier this year. 经认证的Android 3.0特性包括改进的复制粘贴功能和对WebM视频回放的支持。WebM工程确认说,“Android 对WebM的支持有望在姜饼这款发行里实现”。WebM 文件是用VP8视频编码格式压缩的;谷歌今年早期购买了VP8视频编码技术,并开放了其源代码。
It's also rumoured that Android 3.0 will feature a new user interface. TechCrunch reported that "Google is focusing the bulk of its efforts on the user experience for the upcoming Gingerbread release." 同样有传言说Android 3.0 会以一个全新的用户界面为特色。 TechCrunch(网站)报告说“谷歌正把主要精力集中在即将来临的姜饼发行的用户体验上。”

This, Google apparently hopes, will deter handset manufacturers from adding in their own Android 3.0 customizations (such as HTC's Sense). 谷歌通过这一举措,显然希望让手持设备厂商打消加入他们自己的Android 3.0 定制(如HTC的情形)的念头。
One of the first Android 3.0 handsets could be the Samsung Galaxy S2 if another rumour is to be believed. The leaked details of the Galaxy S I9200 claim a 4.3-inch screen with a resolution of 1280x720. 如果传言属实的话,第一款Android 3.0手持设备就应该是Samsung Galaxy S2 了。泄漏出来的有关Galaxy S I9200 的细节提及了一个1280*720分辨率才4.3英寸的显示屏。
We'll bring you more Android 3.0 details as they emerge. 我们将及时向您报道更多Android 3.0 新发布的细节。
In the meantime, check out Android 3.0: 10 things Google should change. 同时,您可以看看Android 3.0:谷歌应该改变的十件事。
英文原文:http://www.techradar.com/news/phone-a ... t-you-need-to-know-706243
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