Objeck 2.1.1 发布,面向对象编程语言
时间:2011-10-01 来源:开源中国社区
Objeck 是一个计算机面向对象程序设计语言,Objeck 把所有的数据类型都当成是对象,包含一个编译器和虚拟机,具有内存管理和JIT编译器。
bundle Default {
class SayHello{
function : Main(args : String[]), Nil {
"Hello World!"->PrintLine();
1. The C++ API was refactored.
2. Current and upcoming releases will leverage the native API to provide database (ODBC) and GUI (GTK+) support.
3. GTK+ 集成的 Bug 修复:including a memory manager bug related to the scanning of methods with higher-order functions, a compiler bug that was assigning the same type ID to certain static and instance memory blocks, and a recently introduced compiler bug that caused the compiler to crash if certain shared library references couldn’t be resolved