Unicorn 4.1.0 发布,Rack的HTTP服务器
时间:2011-08-20 来源:开源中国社区
Unicorn 是一个为运行 Rack 应用的HTTP服务器。Unicorn 是一个利用Unix的高级特性开发的,只为具备低延迟,高带宽的连接的客户服务的HTTP服务器软件。慢的客户服务需要通过放置一个反向代理,充分缓冲的要求,在与客户的Unicorn 和缓慢的反应能力。
安装方式:gem install unicorn
1. Rack::Chunked and Rack::ContentLength middlewares are loaded by default for RACK_ENV=(development|deployment) users.
2. CTL characters are now rejected from HTTP header values and Exception messages are now filtered for [:cntrl:] characters.
3. There were minor bugfixes and future-proofing changes for Ruby 2.0
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