时间:2011-08-05 来源:Linux人社区论坛
Google and Mozilla are now working on adding file-/protocol-associations to webapps. So that when you want to select an image. You can browse your filesystem or use webapps that registered with your browser: One more item which is needed to make the web into an operating system.

英文原文:http://www.osnews.com/story/25032/Fil ... -Associations_for_the_Web
译文原文:http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newb ... pic_id=62133&forum=72
转载请注明:Linux人社区 英文资讯翻译专版 编译 `

英文原文:http://www.osnews.com/story/25032/Fil ... -Associations_for_the_Web
译文原文:http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newb ... pic_id=62133&forum=72
转载请注明:Linux人社区 英文资讯翻译专版 编译 `
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