时间:2011-08-05 来源:Linux人社区论坛
"Much has been said about open source projects - and open source platforms are now powering an ever-increasing share of the mobile market. But what is 'open' and how can you measure openness? As part of our new research report, VisionMobile Research Partner Liz Laffan introduces the Open Governance Index - a new approach to measuring the 'openness' of software projects, from Android to WebKit."
“有关开源项目的话题太多太多;而今,开源平台也以前所未有的份额占领着移动市场。但是,究竟何为开放,你又能如何衡量开放度呢?作为我们最新调查报告的一部分,VisionMobile Research Partner的Liz Laffan引入了开放管理指数(the Open Governance Index)——一种新的衡量从Android到Webkit的软件项目‘开放性’的尝试。”

英文原文:http://www.osnews.com/story/25028/A_N ... The_Open_Governance_Index
译文原文:http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newb ... pic_id=62130&forum=72
转载请注明:Linux人社区 英文资讯翻译专版 编译
英文原文:http://www.osnews.com/story/25028/A_N ... The_Open_Governance_Index
译文原文:http://www.linux-ren.org/modules/newb ... pic_id=62130&forum=72
转载请注明:Linux人社区 英文资讯翻译专版 编译
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