时间:2011-08-04 来源:Linux人社区论坛
Mozilla Firefox has been listening to recent memory complains, and as a side effect tested the browser's scalability to the extreme with memshrink's improvements. The results are shocking: For 150 tabs open using the test script, Firefox nightly takes 6 min 14 on the test system, uses 2GB and stays responsive. For the same test, Chrome takes 28 min 55 and is unusable during loading. An optimized version of the script has been made for Chrome as an attempt to work-around Chrome's limitations and got an improved loading time of 27 min 58, while using 5GB of memory.
Mozilla Firefox最近一直在听取有关内存消耗过大的抱怨。采用Memshrink(Mozilla解决内存消耗过大问题的团队)的改进之后,Firefox测试了浏览器应对极端情况的能力。测试结果惊人:使用测试脚本打开150个标签页,在测试系统上Firefox花了6.14分钟,使用了2GB内存,并保持响应。同一个测试,Chrome花了28.55分钟,载入期间无法响应任何操作。该脚本的一个优化版本已为Chrome写好,试图突破Chrome的限制,将载入时间缩减到27.58分钟,使用5GB内存。

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