Windows 8 Hyper-v和MinWin:一个扭转战局的策略?
时间:2011-08-04 来源:Linux人社区论坛
Microsoft seems to be "all in" with its virtualization strategy these days: back in June we heard word of a client-hypervisor (Hyper-V 3.0) built into Windows 8 and in mid-July, Hyper-V for the upcoming Windows Server 8 was publicly unveiled. And I've dug up evidence of a much bigger presence of MinWin in Microsoft's upcoming OS. So how is this fitting together? Is this the ultimate virtualization trio?
最近,微软似乎对其虚拟化策略全身而入:早在六月,我们就听说客户监控(client-hypervisor)程序(Hyper-V 3.0)进入Windows 8;七月中旬,即将来临的Windows Server 8下的Hyper-V又被公开揭露。而且我还找到了很可能证明MinWin将进驻微软即将来临的操作系统的证据。那,它们是如何集成在一起的呢?难道这就是传说中的终极虚拟化三套件?

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