Fotoxx 11.07 发布,照片处理软件
时间:2011-07-03 来源:chenkan
Fotoxx 是一款 Linux 平台下用于处理照片的一个开源的自由软件,虽然不及大家熟知的“光影魔术手”的功能那么强大,但对于照片的日常上的简单处理还是足够了。可以进行简单的去 红眼,补光,模糊化,角度调整,裁减,形变,等等常用的照片处理。不过遗憾的是这款软件目前还没有中文版,对于英文差的朋友来说上手有点难度。
1. Most image retouch functions can now be used in parallel.
2. Most user-set window positions are remembered within and across sessions.
3. A new function was implemented to change the colors of one image to match another.
4. Brightness Ramp can now do colors: remove a color cast that varies across an image or image area.
5. A new function was implemented to revise image colors based on a set of control points with varying color adjustments.
6. Overall brightness and color can be revised in calibrated steps.
7. Nine other improvements and three bugfixes were made.