时间:2011-04-22 来源:cnblogs
用户数据分析在当下已经越来越受到重视。而 Hadoop 几乎成了大规模并行计算的首选。下面一个例子是当前红得发紫的全球第一团购网Groupon的数据分析中心。
Groupon在全球500多个市场有超过7千万注册用户,这些用户产生了大量的数据,这些数据若能合理进行分析,将产生不可估量的价值,这是Groupon选择CDH(Cloudera’s Distribution for Apache Hadoop)的原因。
“Cloudera is committed to companies with large amounts of complex data like Groupon by providing the Hadoop-based platform industry-standard in CDH along with unsurpassed Hadoop-related support and services,” said Amr Awadallah, CTO, Cloudera. “Groupon is a perfect example of how enterprises can best make use of Hadoop to get the most insight out of their data and we’re proud to be working with such a trail-blazing company.”….
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