Solaris 10 10-08发布
时间:2008-11-10 来源:distrowatch
Solaris是一份计算机操作系统,它是由Sun Microsystems所开发和拥有的Unix变体。早期的版本基于BSD UNIX并且被称为SunOS。后来,SunOS 5切换至基于System V的代码,并更名Solaris 2以示标志。之前的版本就被追溯命名为Solaris 1.x。在2.6版本后,Sun去掉了名字中的"2."。Solaris由SunOS UNIX的基础操作系统加上一份图形用户环境组成。Solaris主要被设计为在SPARC处理器上运行。还有一个称为Solaris x86的版本,它运行于PC机上。尽管以很多个开放标准为基础,Solaris并不按自由软件授权,而是有专利权的产品。尽管如此,二进制及源码版本都可以在各种时期免费下载。
Sun Microsystems has announced the availability of an update build of Solaris 10, release 10/08: "Sun announced the latest version of the Solaris 10 operating system - Solaris 10 10/08. The new version builds on the core strengths of the Solaris 10 to help customers maximize asset usage and systems performance, manage datacenter complexity, preserve business continuity and reduce costs. Solaris 10 10/08 includes numerous product updates and enhancements, several of which were done through the OpenSolaris community. New features in Solaris 10 10/08: the ZFS file system has been enhanced with recent work from the OpenSolaris community; Solaris 10's virtualization technologies, such as Solaris Containers, have been enhanced with new features; Sun and Intel continue to collaborate to help ensure Solaris 10 will support Intel's latest Intel Xeon processor line." Read the release announcement and press release for further details. CD and DVD images of Solaris 10 10/08 are available for free download from Sun Microsystem's download page (registration required).