Scientific Linux 4.8 LiveCD 发布
时间:2009-08-28 来源:linux论坛
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7;'hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {'');}" onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" alt="" />
Scientific Linux是一份重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise Linux,它包含了遍布世界的多种多样的实验室和大学的贡献。
Linux kernel 2.6.9; openAFS client 1.4.7, X.Org 6.8.2, KDE 3.3.1, IceWM 1.2.37, GNOME 2.8.0 (only on DVD), GIMP 2.0.5
livecd_SL48_kde.iso (686MB, MD5)
livedvd_SL48.iso (2,195MB, MD5)
livecd64_SL48_kde.iso (671MB, MD5)
livedvd64_SL48.iso (2,369MB, MD5).
下载: oschina
Scientific Linux是一份重新编译的Red Hat Enterprise Linux,它包含了遍布世界的多种多样的实验室和大学的贡献。
Linux kernel 2.6.9; openAFS client 1.4.7, X.Org 6.8.2, KDE 3.3.1, IceWM 1.2.37, GNOME 2.8.0 (only on DVD), GIMP 2.0.5
livecd_SL48_kde.iso (686MB, MD5)
livedvd_SL48.iso (2,195MB, MD5)
livecd64_SL48_kde.iso (671MB, MD5)
livedvd64_SL48.iso (2,369MB, MD5).
下载: oschina
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