发行版SimplyMEPIS 8.0.10
时间:2009-08-26 来源:distrowatch
MEPIS Linux是一份桌面Linux系统,它也能被方便地配置成专用的服务器。它被设计为同时适合于个人和商用目的。它拥有最新的特性,例如它是一张自启动运行/安装/修复光盘,以及自动配置硬件,NTFS分区大小调整支持,ACPI电源管理,WiFi支持,反混淆TrueType字体,个人防火墙,KDE桌面等等。
Warren Woodford has announced the release of SimplyMEPIS 8.0.10, an updated build of the beginner-friendly distribution and live CD based on Debian GNU/Linux: "MEPIS LLC has released SimplyMEPIS 8.0.10, an update to the community edition of MEPIS 8.0. SimplyMEPIS 8.0 uses a Debian 5.0 'Lenny' stable foundation enhanced with a long-term support kernel, key package upgrades, and the MEPIS Assistant applications to create an up-to-date, ready-to-use desktop computer system. The updated components on the SimplyMEPIS ISOs include recent updates from the Debian 'Lenny' pool and also the security-patched Linux kernel, rt2860 driver, Firefox 3.5.2, Google Gadgets 0.11.0, ALSA 1.0.20, BIND 9.6.1-P1, and KNetworkManager 0.7. In addition, some minor tweaks have been applied to the MEPIS installer and the MEPIS utilities." Here is the complete release announcement. Download: SimplyMEPIS-CD_8.0.10-rel_32.iso (694MB, MD5), SimplyMEPIS-CD_8.0.10-rel_64.iso (658MB, MD5).