开发版Pentoo 2009.0 Beta
时间:2009-08-19 来源:distrowatch
Pentoo LiveCD是基于Gentoo的Linux自启动运行光盘,它带有一套面向渗透测试的应用程序和安全工具收藏。
After three years without a release, Michael Zanetta has announced the availability of Pentoo 2009.0 Beta, a Gentoo-based Linux live CD with a selection of applications and tools designed to perform penetration testing: "I know we've been so long to throw this out, but we finally managed to get something working and here it is, twice, as we're releasing both a 32-bit and 64-bit edition. It features the following: changes saving; enhanced cracking software - NTLM/MD4/MD5 CUDA brute forcer, WPA PSK rainbow tables generation accelerated through CUDA, STREAM or PADLOCK, John The Ripper with MPI support; Linux kernel 2.6.29 and WiFi 2.6.31_rc4 with all the patches from Zero; tons of new tools; Enlightenment DR17 built from SVN." The release announcement can be found on the project's home page, while a brief changelog is available on the download page. Get the live CD images from here: pentoo-i686-2009.0_beta.iso (658MB, MD5), pentoo-x86_64-2009.0_beta.iso (700MB, MD5).