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php爱好者> 资讯>开发版:GeeXboX 1.2 Beta 1发布

开发版:GeeXboX 1.2 Beta 1发布

时间:2008-11-03  来源:lupaworld

  GeeXboX是一份完整的操作系统,它运行Linux内核并基于出色的软件MPlayer。它不需要硬盘,你只要把GeeXboX可启动光盘插入任何一台奔腾级计算机的光驱就能引导之。此外,GeeXboX是自由的软件,它的诞生要感谢许许多多的开源软件。这意味着任何人都可以修改它并且创建他自己的 GeeXboX发布。你可能会奇怪,为什么要选择引导进另外一种操作系统以播放你的媒体文件呢?但是,请想像一下那些Mini-ITX平台,例如VIA Epia/Eden或者Shuttle barebones吧。现在可以把DivX带进你的家庭影院,把这类计算机变成你的电视机。在首个开发版本释出时(2002年十二月),它还只能播放 DivX电影,但现在,几乎所有的媒体文件都能在GeeXboX里播放了。
After more than one year of development, the first beta version of GeeXboX 1.2, a free embedded Linux distribution which aims at turning a computer into an HTPC (Home Theater PC) or a Media Center, was released: "As told at the time of the 1.1 release, the major change is X.Org inclusion. This was a lot of work but this allows GeeXboX to fully support wide screens and all of the new HDTV monitors. Everything is auto-detected and configured and it should detect the best resolution that suits your monitor. Along with X.Org, come all of its video drivers. Say bye bye to VIDIX (as good as it was) and welcome to XVideo. This brings video acceleration to nearly all video cards in the wild. The whole distribution is now modularized to best detect your hardware and load only what is needed. Many drivers have been added and installation has been completely reworked for better usability. This version also has been optimized for various platforms like Eee PCs, EasyGate, and it brings official support to MacIntel computers." Read the full release announcement on the project's homepage. Download: geexbox-1.2-beta1-en.i386.glibc.iso (18MB, MD5).
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