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php爱好者> 资讯>开发版Ubuntu Christian Edition 5.0

开发版Ubuntu Christian Edition 5.0

时间:2009-07-17  来源:distrowatch


        Ubuntu Christian Edition是一份免费的、开源的操作系统,它面向基督教徒。它基于流行的Ubuntu。除了包含标准的Ubuntu应用程序,Ubuntu Christian Edition还包含了可获得的最好的基督教软件。最新的发行包纳了GnomeSword,这是一份基于Sword项目的面向Linux环境的圣经学习程序。与GnomeSword一并安装的模块有圣经、论丛和字典。Ubuntu Christian Edition还包含完全集成的web内容家长管理程序,这基于Dansguardian。用于调整家长管理设置的图形化工具也被面向Ubuntu Christian Edition专门开发出来。Ubuntu Christian Edition的目标不是把基督教引入Linux,而是把Linux引入到基督教徒中。

        Jereme Hancock announced the release of Ubuntu Christian Edition 5.0: "After almost a full year without a release we finally have the next release ready. We also have a new development team and focus. The release of Ubuntu CE v5.0 based on Ubuntu 9.04 is now available for download as well as from our repos. This has been a request from the very beginning. We are excited that now standard Ubuntu users cans simply install Ubuntu CE using apt-get or Synaptic. This release is a back to basics release and should be considered beta at this point. We are focusing on the functionality for now and will work towards the aesthetics. I will continue to be the Project Lead and will be in charge of the iso builds and website. David Kuntadi is now the Development Lead and will be in charge of the deb packages and repos. We will be looking for a person who is willing to take charge of the themes, graphics, and artwork for the next release." See the release announcement and turn to the end of the changelog for further information. Download: ubuntu-9.04-christian_edition_v5.0.iso (694MB, MD5).

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