hypertable 开发计划(roadmap)
时间:2010-11-02 来源:cnblogs
hypertable在今天发布了其未来半年的开发计划,列出了其计划开发的新功能、对应的版本号及时间点。按照这一时间表,在明年7月hypertable会结束其功能开发,实现bigtable文档中的所有功能。下面是其时间表: “alpha”(November 12th 2010)
- Group Commit
- Regular expression filtering on ROW, COLUMN FAMILY, and VALUE
- Improved Hive integration “alpha”(December 31st 2010)
- Automatic range balancing with the addition of new nodes
- Asynchronous Client interface “beta”(April 30th 2011)
- Automatic RangeServer failover
- Automatic Master failover
- COMPACT command for performing manual compactions
- Secondary Indexes
At this point, the software will be feature complete with respect to 1.0. The only changes that will go into the software between this release and 1.0 will be bug fixes, documentation improvements, and possibly some usability features that are discovered during the beta period and deemed to be very important.
1.0 (June 30th 2011)
This will be the first major release that marks the end of the beta period. It will represent a fully functional Bigtable impelmentation.