Zend Studio 7.0.0 Beta
时间:2009-06-24 来源:ugmbbc
一个屡获大奖的专业 PHP 集成开发环境,具备功能强大的专业编辑工具和调试工具,支持PHP语法加亮显示,支持语法自动填充功能,支持书签功能,支持语法自动缩排和代码复制功能,内置一个强大的PHP代码调试工具,支持本地和远程两种调试模式,支持多种高级调试功能。Zend Studio for Eclipse v6.0是PHP官方的开发工具.它基于Eclipse和PDT,加入了ZendStudio的专用特性,ZF框架,ZendCore Zend Platform.Zend Studio一直是很多PHP开发者的首选工具,它与Java的关系一向甚为亲密,Zend Studio 5一直都是基于Java Swing的,现在好了,Zend Studio直接改投Eclipse了.
下载: Zend Studio 7.0.0 Beta
- Support for PHP 5.3
- Enhanced source code editing - in-place code refactoring, semantic analysis & quick fix, mark occurrences, and more
- Quick & easy debugging – detection and diagnosis of problems with Zend Server integration
- Enhanced Zend Framework integration – code generation with Zend Tool, customized project layout, and more
- Better performance
- Learn about all the new features and enhancements in Zend Studio 7.0
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