Linux Mint 7 “Gloria” 发布
时间:2009-05-27 来源:逆铭
LinuxMint是一份基于Ubuntu的发行,其目标是提供一种更完整的即刻可用体验,这包括提供浏览器插件、多媒体编解码器、对DVD播放的支持、Java和其他组件.它与Ubuntu软件仓库兼容.新版本基于Ubuntu 9.04,修复大量bug并作出许多改进。改进的部分包括菜单系统、应用程序管理器、上传管理器等。
Quick steps:
- Download the ISO.
- While it’s downloading look at the videos and the overview of the new features in Linux Mint 7, read the User Guide and make sure to quickly go through the known issues.
- After the ISO is downloaded verify the MD5 (as described in the user guide).
- Burn the ISO at low speed and enjoy Linux Mint 7.

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