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php爱好者> 资讯>Zend Studio for Eclipse 6.1.2

Zend Studio for Eclipse 6.1.2

时间:2009-04-23  来源:ugmbbc

一个屡获大奖的专业 PHP 集成开发环境,具备功能强大的专业编辑工具和调试工具,支持PHP语法加亮显示,支持语法自动填充功能,支持书签功能,支持语法自动缩排和代码复制功能,内置一个强大的PHP代码调试工具,支持本地和远程两种调试模式,支持多种高级调试功能。Zend Studio for Eclipse是PHP官方的开发工具.它基于Eclipse和PDT,加入了ZendStudio的专用特性,ZF框架,ZendCore Zend Platform.Zend Studio一直是很多PHP开发者的首选工具,它与Java的关系一向甚为亲密,Zend Studio 5一直都是基于Java Swing的,现在好了,Zend Studio直接改投Eclipse了.

下载:Zend Studio for Eclipse 6.1.2

Updated Component Versions

- Eclipse Platorm - updated to the latest SR-2 version (Eclipse 3.4.2).
- Eclipse Datatools platform - updated to the latest SR-2 version (1.6.2).
- Eclipse Web tools platform - updated to the latest SR-2 version (3.0.4).
- Eclipse Target Management (RSE) - updated to the latest SR-2 version (3.0.3).
- PHPUnit - updated from version 3.3.9 to 3.3.15
- Zend Framework - Version 1.7.8, which includes the Dojo 1.2 library, added 
  as an option.
Bux Fixes 
The following customer reported issues were fixed:

- 6.1.1 breaks Perforce plug-in - Ticket #181773 
- Problems updating Zend Studio - Ticket #181911  
- Cannot use plugin manager to update or install software - Ticket #181914 
- RSE Feature Patch requires feature 3.0.2 - Ticket #181932 
- Remote debugging problems when php.ini has auto_prepend_file 
  - Ticket #181434 
- "As you type" validation doesn't work - Ticket #182318 
- Default SVN connector not saved in preferences - Ticket #181061 
- Built-in PHP5 executable extensions problem - Ticket #181624 
- Table Data Editor (DTP) is limited to the first 50 rows - Ticket #180645 
- Unable to select database in SQL Scrapbook - Ticket #181509 
- Cannot install/update plug-in with the Language Pack installed 
  - Ticket #181887 
- Software only starts up once with the Language Pack installed 
  - Ticket #181924 
- Zend Studio Error displayed during file open - Ticket #182385 
- Language Pack installation causes "java.util.zip.ZipException: Too many 
  open files" error - Ticket #182394 

In addition, the following bugs were fixed:

- Debug URL action doesn't work with GET parameters  - Mantis #0023473 
- Zend Server doesn't autodetect Zend Studio 6.1.1  - Mantis #0024374 
- Code Assist throws an error in a dialog in a JavaScript HTML file 
  - Mantis #0024558 
- FTP connection freezes Studio after 5 minutes of work (takes 97% CPU)
  - Mantis #0024260

Known issues
- Encrypt communication using SSL - Debugging with Zend Studio and Zend Server
  is not possible using the encrypted (SSL) communication option. This issue 
  will be resolved in the next Zend Server minor release. As a workaround one 
  should disable this option (off by default).

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