Apache Axis2 1.5.2 发布
时间:2010-09-27 来源:红薯
Apache Axis2 对Axis1进行了重新设计,支持SOAP1.2/REST以及更多。
[AXIS2-3290] surefire is still run even if maven.test.skip is true
[AXIS2-4113] Unable to sign axis2 jar 1.4/1.4.1: ZipException
[AXIS2-4371] Unable to compile class for JSP: axis2-web/viewphases.jsp
[AXIS2-4450] CVE-2010-1632: Message builders for SOAP and XML should not attempt to load DTDs
[AXIS2-4751] Cookie value is always kept whatever SESSION_MAINTAIN_PROPERTY value is configured
[AXIS2-4752] Timeout due to connection pool is starved in latest 1.5.2-SNAPSHOT code.
[AXIS2-4768] Mtom optimization doesn't work when using simple bean
[AXIS2-4787] Hardcoded Bundle-Versions in adb, jaxws, kernel, metadata and saaj modules
[AXIS2-4788] axis2-jibx has conflicting bcel dependencies