时间:2007-02-17 来源:PHP爱好者
返回到类(Back To Class)c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 既然你有这么大的权力,那么究竟为什么要把自己限制在仅仅是单个的RDF来源呢?就象我早先说过的一样,大多数主要的站点都经常为他们所提供的内容做快照。其实将所有这些不同的来源插入到你的站点当中是相当简单的。让我们看看是如何做的。c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 首先,我们把前面例子中的代码模块化。这样一来,你就无须为每一个单个的来源都一遍又一遍的重写相同的代码了。简化的方法就是将之打包成类,再把这个类包含到我的PHP脚本当中。c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 类代码如下:c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e<?class RDFParser{ // // variables // // set up local variables for this class var $currentTag = ""; var $flag = ""; var $count = 0; // this is an associative array of channel data with keys("title", "link", "description") var $channel = array(); // this is an array of arrays, with each array elementrepresenting an <item> // each outer array element is itself an associative array // with keys ("title", "link", "description") var $items = array(); // // methods // // set the name of the RDF file to parse // this is usually a local file // you may set it to a remote file if your PHP build supportsURL fopen() function setResource($file) { $this->file = $file; } // parse the RDF file set with setResource() // this populates the $channel and $items arrays function parseResource() { // create parser $this->xp = xml_parser_create(); // set object reference xml_set_object($this->xp, $this); // set handlers and parser options xml_set_element_handler($this->xp, "elementBegin","elementEnd"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->xp,"characterData"); xml_parser_set_option($this->xp,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, TRUE); xml_parser_set_option($this->xp, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE,TRUE); // read XML file if (!($fp = fopen($this->file, "r"))) { die("Could not read $this->file"); } // parse data while ($xml = fread($fp, 4096)) { if (!xml_parse($this->xp, $xml, feof($fp))) { die("XML parser error: " .xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->xp))); } } // destroy parser xml_parser_free($this->xp); } // opening tag handler function elementBegin($parser, $name, $attributes) { $this->currentTag = $name; // set flag if entering <channel> or <item> block if ($name == "ITEM") { $this->flag = 1; } else if ($name == "CHANNEL") { $this->flag = 2; } } // closing tag handler function elementEnd($parser, $name) { $this->currentTag = ""; // set flag if exiting <channel> or <item> block if ($name == "ITEM") { $this->count++; $this->flag = 0; } else if ($name == "CHANNEL") { $this->flag = 0; } } // character data handler function characterData($parser, $data) { $data = trim(htmlspecialchars($data)); if ($this->currentTag == "TITLE" || $this->currentTag =="LINK" || $this->currentTag == "DEscriptION") { // add data to $channels[] or $items[] array if ($this->flag == 1) { $this->items[$this->count][strtolower($this->currentTag)] .= $data; } else if ($this->flag == 2) { $this->channel[strtolower($this->currentTag)] .= $data; } } } // return an associative array containing channel information // (the $channel[] array) function getChannelInfo() { return $this->channel; } // return an associative array of arrays containing iteminformation // (the $items[] array) function getItems() { return $this->items; } } ?>c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 如果你对PHP类较为熟悉的话,那么理解这段代码是相当容易的。如果不太懂的话,那么请直接跳到文章末尾的链接部分,看一篇关于类工作原理的好文章。然后在回来继续阅读上面的代码。c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 在使用这个类之前,我要特别花几分钟指出其中的一行代码——即上面对xml_set_object()函数调用的那一行。c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 现在的问题是如何使用这个类实际生成具有多个内容来源的Web页。c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e<?include("class.RDFParser.php");// how many items to display in each channel$maxItems = 5;?><html><head><basefont face="Verdana"><body> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> <tr><!-- first cell --><td valign=top align=left><font size="-1"><?// get and parse freshmeat.net channel$f = new RDFParser();$f->setResource("http://www.freshmeat.net/backend/fm-releases.rdf");$f->parseResource();$f_channel = $f->getChannelInfo();$f_items = $f->getItems();// now format and print it...?>The latest from <a href=<? echo $f_channel["link"]; ?>><? echo$f_channel["title"]; ?></a> <br> <ul> <? // iterate through items arrayfor ($x=0; $x<$maxItems; $x++) { if (is_array($f_items[$x])) { // print data $item = $f_items[$x]; echo "<li><a href=" . $item["link"] . ">" .$item["title"] . "</a>"; }}?></ul></font></td> <!-- second cell --><td align=center width=50%><i>Primary page content here</i></td> <!-- third cell --><td valign=top align=left><font size="-1"><?// get and parse slashdot.org channel$s = new RDFParser();$s->setResource("http://slashdot.org/slashdot.rdf");$s->parseResource();$s_channel = $s->getChannelInfo();$s_items = $s->getItems();// now format and print it...?>The latest from <a href=<? echo $s_channel["link"]; ?>><? echo$s_channel["title"]; ?></a> <br> <ul> <? // iterate through items arrayfor ($x=0; $x<$maxItems; $x++) { if (is_array($s_items[$x])) { // print data $item = $s_items[$x]; echo "<li><a href=" . $item["link"] . ">" .$item["title"] . "</a>"; }}?></ul></font></td> </tr></table> </body></head> </html>c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 这段代码相当简单。一旦你用“new”关键字生成一个类的实例,c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e $f = new RDFParser();c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 那么就可以用类方法来设置要分析的RDF文件的位置,c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e$f->setResource("http://www.freshmeat.net/backend/fm-releases.rdf"); $f->parseResource();c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 并且获取$channel和$items数组,以用于后面的处理。c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e<?$f_channel = $f->getChannelInfo();$f_items = $f->getItems();?> The latest from <a href=<? echo $f_channel["link"]; ?>><? echo$f_channel["title"]; ?></a> <br> <ul> <? // iterate through items arrayfor ($x=0; $x<$maxItems; $x++) { if (is_array($f_items[$x])) { // print data $item = $f_items[$x]; echo "<li><a href=" . $item["link"] . ">" .$item["title"] . "</a>"; }}?> </ul>c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 每次你重新装入上面的脚本,相应的RDF文件就会被从特定的位置上取来,经过分析之后,按要求的格式显示出来。c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e 如果你站点具有高的访问量,你就可能觉得我们的辛苦无意义之极,尤其是当所用的RDF数据更新地没有那么快时,情况更糟。 在这种情况下,或许探究一下在本地缓存RDF数据才是较明智的做法:要么扩展上面的例子程序,在其中加入缓存功能;要么每阁几个小时都花很长的时间下载一个最新RDF文件的本地副本到你的Web服务器上,然后使用这个本地副本,而不是那个“活”的(the “live” one)。c hina it power . c omCBelzmR2KKFMNVzYrCnjicq0e
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