时间:2007-02-17 来源:PHP爱好者
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
作者: Troels Arvin
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
PortScanner PHP3 script
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
A php3 routine to perform a port scann of an ip adress or hostname.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Ground idea (Netbus detector) by Troels Arvin <[email protected]>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
At the end of this file there is a list of port an there description.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Create a file i.e port_def.inc, insert this definitions and include
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
the file in this script.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Author: Fabian Dennler, [email protected]
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Date: 03.05.2000
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Version 1.0, September 21 1999.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Revision 03.05.2000
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Latest version is at: http://www.harlequin.ch/projekte/scripts/
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!-- Version 1.0, September 21 1999. -->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!-- Revision 03.05.00 -->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!-- Latest version is at http://www.harlequin.ch/projekte/scripts/ -->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!-- Fabian Dennler, 21091999 -->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<head><title>Online Port Scanner Utility</title>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<meta name="description" content="Online Port Scanner utility - see if there are unknows open Ports">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<meta name="keywords" content="port scanner, detection">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<style type="text/css">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
body { background-color: white;color: black;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
strong {color: red;font-weight: bold;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
input.submit {background-color: navy;color: white;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
h1 {color: navy;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
code {color: blue;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
h2 {color: navy;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
pre {background-color: "p.note {font-size: smaller;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
p.permission {color: "-->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align="center"><h1>Online Port Scanner</h1></td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td colspan=3>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Mit diesem Online Scanner ist es m鰃lich ein bestimmter Rechner im Internet nach offener Ports zu durchsuchen.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Sie k鰊nen den Scanner so einstellen, das er die "Well Know Ports" und/oder die "Registred Ports" durchsucht, aber auch
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
mit Benutzerdefinierte Angaben. Momentan beschrenkt sich dieser Dienst f黵 TCP Verbindungen.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<hr noshade size="1">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
function connectToPort ($host, $port) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
global $OPEN_PORTS;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// This function is the interesting part of the script.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// It may be called from the ’MAIN’
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// part of the script further down.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Not declared ill unless we find something
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$status = 0;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "<p>Trying port $port at $host...";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Open a socket to the user’s computer (or proxy; in
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// this case, the result can’t be trusted)
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$socket = fsockopen($host, $port, &$errno, &$errstr);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($socket) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// A connection could be made.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Port $port connection established - <strong>ATTENTION!</strong></p>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$status = 1;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$OPEN_PORTS[$port] = $port;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "$OPEN_PORTS";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Let’s see if it’s speaking
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// To make sure that we will not be listening for ever
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// in case of a silent (but open) port
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
set_socket_blocking($socket, 0);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$count = 0;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$portOutput = "";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// We will not keep trying for ever; let’s stop after
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// 10000 glances
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
while ($count <10000) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($readString = fread($socket, 1)) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Convert <, >, " and & to HTML entities
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$readString = htmlspecialchars($readString);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Add the output to the sum of output
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$portOutput .= $readString;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// $portOutput .= $portOutput."
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Enough of this. Close the connection.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($portOutput != "") {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<p align="left"><b>Server Output for Port $port:</b>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<p align="left">$portOutput</p>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
} else {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// In case we have good news:
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Port $port connection refused - <code>good</code></p>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Return status for the port we just examined
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
return $status;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
function Port_print($item) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
global $scann_host;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
global $OPEN_PORTS;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
global $PORTSDEscriptION;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($item!= "") {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "$OPEN_PORTS";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$check_connection = "telnet://".$scann_host. ":".$item;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($OPEN_PORTS[$item]) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<li><a href="$check_connection">$PORTSNUMBER[$item] : $PORTSDEscriptION[$item]</a>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
function printForm ($host, $uri) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Make sure the user knows what’s going on.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// This should not be dangerous in any way, but let’s ask anyway
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<form method=post action="$uri">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<table cellpadding=’1’ cellspacing=’0’ border=’0’ bgcolor=’ <tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td colspan=2><h2>Scanner Konfiguration</h2></td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td valign="top">Durchsuche Host</td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align="left">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<li><input type=text name="Host_To_Scann" Value="localhost">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td valign="top">Durchsuche Ports</td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align="left">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<li><input type=checkbox checked name="Well_Know_Ports">Well Know Ports
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<li><input type=checkbox name="Registred_Ports">Registred Ports
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<li><input type=checkbox name="User_Ports">Benutzerdefinierte Ports <small>(Folgende Felder Eintragen)</small>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td valign="top">?/td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align="left">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
From <input type=text name="User_Port_From"> To <input type=text name="User_Port_To">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p class="permission">Permission to connect to <code>selected ports</code> at
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<code>selected host</code>爂ranted:牋<input
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
type=checkbox name=permission value="ok"></p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align=’center’><p><input class=submit type=submit></p></td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// **********
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// **********
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Initialize
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Detection_Status = 0;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Set Port List
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
include "port_def.inc";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// This may seem stupid; but if PHP is running in ’safe mode’,
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// the script_URI environment variable doesn’t seem to
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// be readily available
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$uri = "http://" . $SERVER_NAME . $REQUEST_URI;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Standard CGI environment variable; we are not using CGI, but
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// fortunately, the variable is still avaliable
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($Host_To_Scann!= "localhost") {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$scann_host = gethostbyaddr($Host_To_Scann);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
else {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$scann_host = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Trying to make sure that the user actually wants me
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// to scan his/her ports. - And trying to make sure that nobody is
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// directly linking to the script.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if (!(($permission == "ok") && ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") && ($HTTP_REFERER == $uri))) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Write the permission-asking form - i.e. call the
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// previously defined ’printForm’ function
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
printForm($host, $uri);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
else {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if (!($Well_Know_Ports== "")) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
for ($i=0;$i<=1023;$i++) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Scann_Ports[$i] = $PORTSNUMBER[$i];
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if (!($Registred_Ports== "")) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
for ($i=1024;$i<=17007;$i++) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Scann_Ports[$i] = $PORTSNUMBER[$i];
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if (!($User_Ports== "")) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
for ($i=$User_Port_From;$i<=$User_Port_To;$i++) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Scann_Ports[$i] = $PORTSNUMBER[$i];
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Paranoia checks OK. Let’s do it
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<h2>Processing host $scann_host ...</h2>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "<table border=1 cellpadding=5>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "<tr><td>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Call script and add the status to the sum of status
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// codes. The function ’connectToPort’ is defined above
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
while(list($KEY,$VALUE) = each($Scann_Ports)) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
//echo "$VALUEn";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Detection_Status += connectToPort($scann_host, $Scann_Ports[$VALUE]);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// echo "$Detection_Status";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// echo "<hr noshade>n";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "</td></tr>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "</table>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "<hr noshade>n";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Summarize results
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<table>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<tr><td align="center">";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<h1>Conclusion</h1>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "</td></tr>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<tr><td>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($Detection_Status > 0) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>Connection to at least one port succeeded.</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>This means that this computer have any services activated.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
See <a href="http://www2.dgsys.com/~lkh/ipnumb.html" target=’_blank’>port definition</a> for more informations.</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<p><b>Following services are running:</b></p>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
array_walk( $Scann_Ports , ’Port_print’ );
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>You may <a href="$uri">try again</a>.</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
else {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// It’s nice to bring good news
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>No ports responded at host $scann_host.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Congratulations - that’s a <code>good</code> sign!</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>You may <a href="$uri">try again</a>.</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "</td></tr>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "</table>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<hr noshade size="1">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[0] = "Reserved";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1] = "TCP Port Service Multiplexer";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Mark Lottor
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[2] = "Management Utility";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[3] = "Compression Process";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Bernie Volz
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[4] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[5] = "Remote Job Entry";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[6] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[7] = "Echo";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[8] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[9] = "Discard";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[10] = 10;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[10] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[11] = 11;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[11] = "Active Users";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[12] = 12;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[12] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[13] = 13;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[13] = "Daytime";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[14] = 14;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[14] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[15] = 15;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[15] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[16] = 16;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[16] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[17] = 17;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[17] = "Quote of the Day";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[18] = 18;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[18] = "Message Send Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Rina Nethaniel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[19] = 19;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[19] = "Character Generator";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[20] = 20;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[20] = "File Transfer [Default Data]";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[21] = 21;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[21] = "File Transfer [Control]";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[22] = 22;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[22] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[23] = 23;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[23] = "Telnet";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[24] = 24;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[24] = "any private mail system";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Rick Adam
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[25] = 25;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[25] = "Simple Mail Transfer";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[26] = 26;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[26] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[27] = 27;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[27] = "NSW User System FE";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Robert Thomas
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[28] = 28;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[28] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[29] = 29;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[29] = "MSG ICP";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Robert Thomas
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[30] = 30;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[30] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[31] = 31;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[31] = "MSG Authentication";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Robert Thomas
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[32] = 32;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[32] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[33] = 33;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[33] = "Display Support Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Ed Cain
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[34] = 34;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[34] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[35] = 35;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[35] = "any private printer server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[36] = 36;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[36] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[37] = 37;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[37] = "Time";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[38] = 38;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[38] = "Route Access Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Robert Ullmann
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[39] = 39;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[39] = "Resource Location Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Mike Accetta
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[40] = 40;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[40] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[41] = 41;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[41] = "Graphics";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[42] = 42;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[42] = "Host Name Server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[43] = 43;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[43] = "Who Is";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[44] = 44;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[44] = "Who Is";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[45] = 45;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[45] = "Message Processing Module [recv]";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[46] = 46;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[46] = "MPM [default send]";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[47] = 47;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[47] = "NI FTP";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Steve Kille
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[48] = 48;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[48] = "Digital Audit Daemon";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Larry Scott
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[49] = 49;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[49] = "Login Host Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Pieter Ditmars
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[50] = 50;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[50] = "Remote Mail Checking Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Steve Dorner
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[51] = 51;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[51] = "IMP Logical Address Maintenance";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Andy Malis
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[52] = 52;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[52] = "XNS Time Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Susie Armstrong
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[53] = 53;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[53] = "Domain Name Server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Paul Mockapetris
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[54] = 54;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[54] = "XNS Clearinghouse";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[55] = 55;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[55] = "ISI Graphics Language";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[56] = 56;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[56] = "XNS Authentication";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[57] = 57;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[57] = "any private terminal access";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[58] = 58;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[58] = "XNS Mail";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Susie Armstrong
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[59] = 59;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[59] = "any private file service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Kathy Huber
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[66] = 66;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[66] = "Oracle SQL*NET";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jack Haverty
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[67] = 67;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[67] = "Bootstrap Protocol Server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[68] = 68;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[68] = "Bootstrap Protocol Client";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[69] = 69;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[69] = "Trivial File Transfer";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// David Clark
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[70] = 70;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[70] = "Gopher";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Mark McCahill
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[71] = 71;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[71] = "Remote Job Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[76] = 76;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[76] = "Distributed External Object Store";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[78] = 78;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[78] = "vettcp";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Christopher Leong
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[79] = 79;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[79] = "Finger";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// David Zimmerman
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[80] = 80;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[80] = "World Wide Web HTTP";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[88] = 88;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[88] = "Kerberos";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Eliot Moss
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[92] = 92;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[92] = "Network Printing Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jeremy Siegel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[107] = 107;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[107] = "Remote Telnet Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Joyce K. Reynolds
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[110] = 110;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[110] = "Post Office Protocol - Version 3";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Glenn Davis
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[113] = 113;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[113] = "Authentication Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Martin Forssen
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[115] = 115;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[115] = "Simple File Transfer Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Larry Barnes
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[119] = 119;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[119] = "Network News Transfer Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Larry Peterson
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[137] = 137;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[137] = "NETBIOS Name Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[138] = 138;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[138] = "NETBIOS Datagram Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[139] = 139;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[139] = "NETBIOS Session Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1024] = 1024;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1024] = "Reserved";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1025] = 1025;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1025] = "network blackjack";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1356] = 1356;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1356] = "CuillaMartin Company";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Per Schroeder
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1361] = 1361;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1361] = "LinX";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jeffery Chiao
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1366] = 1366;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1366] = "Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Mary Ann Burt
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1376] = 1376;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1376] = "IBM Person to Person Software";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Andreas Glocker
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1387] = 1361;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1387] = "Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jeffrey Millman
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1416] = 1405;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1416] = "Novell LU6.2";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Bob Braden
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1428] = 1428;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1428] = "Informatik License Manager";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Steve Beigel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1433] = 1433;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1433] = "Microsoft-SQL-Monitor";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1434] = 1434;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1434] = "Microsoft-SQL-Monitor";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Matt Timmermans
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1465] = 1465;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1465] = "Pipes Platform";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Eric Soderberg
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1477] = 1477;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1477] = "ms-sna-server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1478] = 1478;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1478] = "ms-sna-base";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
php爱好者 站 http://www.phpfans.net 网页制作|网站建设|数据采集.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
作者: Troels Arvin
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
PortScanner PHP3 script
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
A php3 routine to perform a port scann of an ip adress or hostname.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Ground idea (Netbus detector) by Troels Arvin <[email protected]>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
At the end of this file there is a list of port an there description.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Create a file i.e port_def.inc, insert this definitions and include
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
the file in this script.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Author: Fabian Dennler, [email protected]
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Date: 03.05.2000
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Version 1.0, September 21 1999.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Revision 03.05.2000
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Latest version is at: http://www.harlequin.ch/projekte/scripts/
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/loose.dtd">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!-- Version 1.0, September 21 1999. -->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!-- Revision 03.05.00 -->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!-- Latest version is at http://www.harlequin.ch/projekte/scripts/ -->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<!-- Fabian Dennler, 21091999 -->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<head><title>Online Port Scanner Utility</title>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<meta name="description" content="Online Port Scanner utility - see if there are unknows open Ports">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<meta name="keywords" content="port scanner, detection">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<style type="text/css">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
body { background-color: white;color: black;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
strong {color: red;font-weight: bold;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
input.submit {background-color: navy;color: white;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
h1 {color: navy;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
code {color: blue;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
h2 {color: navy;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
pre {background-color: "p.note {font-size: smaller;}
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
p.permission {color: "-->
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align="center"><h1>Online Port Scanner</h1></td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td colspan=3>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Mit diesem Online Scanner ist es m鰃lich ein bestimmter Rechner im Internet nach offener Ports zu durchsuchen.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Sie k鰊nen den Scanner so einstellen, das er die "Well Know Ports" und/oder die "Registred Ports" durchsucht, aber auch
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
mit Benutzerdefinierte Angaben. Momentan beschrenkt sich dieser Dienst f黵 TCP Verbindungen.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<hr noshade size="1">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
function connectToPort ($host, $port) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
global $OPEN_PORTS;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// This function is the interesting part of the script.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// It may be called from the ’MAIN’
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// part of the script further down.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Not declared ill unless we find something
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$status = 0;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "<p>Trying port $port at $host...";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Open a socket to the user’s computer (or proxy; in
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// this case, the result can’t be trusted)
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$socket = fsockopen($host, $port, &$errno, &$errstr);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($socket) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// A connection could be made.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Port $port connection established - <strong>ATTENTION!</strong></p>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$status = 1;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$OPEN_PORTS[$port] = $port;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "$OPEN_PORTS";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Let’s see if it’s speaking
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// To make sure that we will not be listening for ever
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// in case of a silent (but open) port
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
set_socket_blocking($socket, 0);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$count = 0;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$portOutput = "";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// We will not keep trying for ever; let’s stop after
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// 10000 glances
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
while ($count <10000) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($readString = fread($socket, 1)) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Convert <, >, " and & to HTML entities
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$readString = htmlspecialchars($readString);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Add the output to the sum of output
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$portOutput .= $readString;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// $portOutput .= $portOutput."
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Enough of this. Close the connection.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($portOutput != "") {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<p align="left"><b>Server Output for Port $port:</b>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<p align="left">$portOutput</p>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
} else {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// In case we have good news:
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Port $port connection refused - <code>good</code></p>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Return status for the port we just examined
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
return $status;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
function Port_print($item) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
global $scann_host;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
global $OPEN_PORTS;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
global $PORTSDEscriptION;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($item!= "") {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "$OPEN_PORTS";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$check_connection = "telnet://".$scann_host. ":".$item;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($OPEN_PORTS[$item]) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<li><a href="$check_connection">$PORTSNUMBER[$item] : $PORTSDEscriptION[$item]</a>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
function printForm ($host, $uri) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Make sure the user knows what’s going on.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// This should not be dangerous in any way, but let’s ask anyway
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<form method=post action="$uri">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<table cellpadding=’1’ cellspacing=’0’ border=’0’ bgcolor=’ <tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td colspan=2><h2>Scanner Konfiguration</h2></td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td valign="top">Durchsuche Host</td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align="left">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<li><input type=text name="Host_To_Scann" Value="localhost">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td valign="top">Durchsuche Ports</td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align="left">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<li><input type=checkbox checked name="Well_Know_Ports">Well Know Ports
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<li><input type=checkbox name="Registred_Ports">Registred Ports
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<li><input type=checkbox name="User_Ports">Benutzerdefinierte Ports <small>(Folgende Felder Eintragen)</small>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<tr align="center">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td valign="top">?/td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align="left">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
From <input type=text name="User_Port_From"> To <input type=text name="User_Port_To">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p class="permission">Permission to connect to <code>selected ports</code> at
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<code>selected host</code>爂ranted:牋<input
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
type=checkbox name=permission value="ok"></p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<td align=’center’><p><input class=submit type=submit></p></td>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// **********
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// **********
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Initialize
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Detection_Status = 0;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Set Port List
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
include "port_def.inc";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// This may seem stupid; but if PHP is running in ’safe mode’,
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// the script_URI environment variable doesn’t seem to
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// be readily available
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$uri = "http://" . $SERVER_NAME . $REQUEST_URI;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Standard CGI environment variable; we are not using CGI, but
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// fortunately, the variable is still avaliable
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($Host_To_Scann!= "localhost") {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$scann_host = gethostbyaddr($Host_To_Scann);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
else {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$scann_host = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Trying to make sure that the user actually wants me
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// to scan his/her ports. - And trying to make sure that nobody is
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// directly linking to the script.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if (!(($permission == "ok") && ($REQUEST_METHOD == "POST") && ($HTTP_REFERER == $uri))) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Write the permission-asking form - i.e. call the
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// previously defined ’printForm’ function
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
printForm($host, $uri);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
else {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if (!($Well_Know_Ports== "")) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
for ($i=0;$i<=1023;$i++) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Scann_Ports[$i] = $PORTSNUMBER[$i];
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if (!($Registred_Ports== "")) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
for ($i=1024;$i<=17007;$i++) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Scann_Ports[$i] = $PORTSNUMBER[$i];
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if (!($User_Ports== "")) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
for ($i=$User_Port_From;$i<=$User_Port_To;$i++) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Scann_Ports[$i] = $PORTSNUMBER[$i];
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Paranoia checks OK. Let’s do it
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<h2>Processing host $scann_host ...</h2>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "<table border=1 cellpadding=5>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "<tr><td>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Call script and add the status to the sum of status
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// codes. The function ’connectToPort’ is defined above
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
while(list($KEY,$VALUE) = each($Scann_Ports)) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
//echo "$VALUEn";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$Detection_Status += connectToPort($scann_host, $Scann_Ports[$VALUE]);
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// echo "$Detection_Status";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// echo "<hr noshade>n";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "</td></tr>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "</table>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// print "<hr noshade>n";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Summarize results
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<table>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<tr><td align="center">";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<h1>Conclusion</h1>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "</td></tr>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<tr><td>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
if ($Detection_Status > 0) {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>Connection to at least one port succeeded.</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>This means that this computer have any services activated.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
See <a href="http://www2.dgsys.com/~lkh/ipnumb.html" target=’_blank’>port definition</a> for more informations.</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "<p><b>Following services are running:</b></p>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
array_walk( $Scann_Ports , ’Port_print’ );
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>You may <a href="$uri">try again</a>.</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
else {
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// It’s nice to bring good news
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>No ports responded at host $scann_host.
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
Congratulations - that’s a <code>good</code> sign!</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<p>You may <a href="$uri">try again</a>.</p>
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "</td></tr>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
print "</table>";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
<hr noshade size="1">
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[0] = "Reserved";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1] = "TCP Port Service Multiplexer";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Mark Lottor
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[2] = "Management Utility";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[3] = "Compression Process";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Bernie Volz
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[4] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[5] = "Remote Job Entry";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[6] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[7] = "Echo";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[8] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[9] = "Discard";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[10] = 10;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[10] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[11] = 11;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[11] = "Active Users";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[12] = 12;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[12] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[13] = 13;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[13] = "Daytime";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[14] = 14;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[14] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[15] = 15;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[15] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[16] = 16;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[16] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[17] = 17;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[17] = "Quote of the Day";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[18] = 18;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[18] = "Message Send Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Rina Nethaniel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[19] = 19;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[19] = "Character Generator";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[20] = 20;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[20] = "File Transfer [Default Data]";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[21] = 21;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[21] = "File Transfer [Control]";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[22] = 22;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[22] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[23] = 23;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[23] = "Telnet";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[24] = 24;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[24] = "any private mail system";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Rick Adam
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[25] = 25;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[25] = "Simple Mail Transfer";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[26] = 26;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[26] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[27] = 27;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[27] = "NSW User System FE";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Robert Thomas
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[28] = 28;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[28] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[29] = 29;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[29] = "MSG ICP";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Robert Thomas
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[30] = 30;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[30] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[31] = 31;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[31] = "MSG Authentication";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Robert Thomas
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[32] = 32;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[32] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[33] = 33;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[33] = "Display Support Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Ed Cain
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[34] = 34;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[34] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[35] = 35;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[35] = "any private printer server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[36] = 36;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[36] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[37] = 37;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[37] = "Time";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[38] = 38;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[38] = "Route Access Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Robert Ullmann
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[39] = 39;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[39] = "Resource Location Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Mike Accetta
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[40] = 40;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[40] = "Unassigned";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[41] = 41;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[41] = "Graphics";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[42] = 42;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[42] = "Host Name Server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[43] = 43;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[43] = "Who Is";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[44] = 44;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[44] = "Who Is";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[45] = 45;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[45] = "Message Processing Module [recv]";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[46] = 46;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[46] = "MPM [default send]";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[47] = 47;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[47] = "NI FTP";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Steve Kille
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[48] = 48;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[48] = "Digital Audit Daemon";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Larry Scott
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[49] = 49;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[49] = "Login Host Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Pieter Ditmars
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[50] = 50;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[50] = "Remote Mail Checking Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Steve Dorner
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[51] = 51;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[51] = "IMP Logical Address Maintenance";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Andy Malis
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[52] = 52;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[52] = "XNS Time Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Susie Armstrong
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[53] = 53;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[53] = "Domain Name Server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Paul Mockapetris
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[54] = 54;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[54] = "XNS Clearinghouse";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[55] = 55;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[55] = "ISI Graphics Language";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[56] = 56;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[56] = "XNS Authentication";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[57] = 57;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[57] = "any private terminal access";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[58] = 58;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[58] = "XNS Mail";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Susie Armstrong
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[59] = 59;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[59] = "any private file service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Kathy Huber
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[66] = 66;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[66] = "Oracle SQL*NET";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jack Haverty
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[67] = 67;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[67] = "Bootstrap Protocol Server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[68] = 68;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[68] = "Bootstrap Protocol Client";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[69] = 69;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[69] = "Trivial File Transfer";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// David Clark
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[70] = 70;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[70] = "Gopher";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Mark McCahill
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[71] = 71;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[71] = "Remote Job Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[76] = 76;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[76] = "Distributed External Object Store";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[78] = 78;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[78] = "vettcp";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Christopher Leong
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[79] = 79;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[79] = "Finger";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// David Zimmerman
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[80] = 80;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[80] = "World Wide Web HTTP";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jon Postel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[88] = 88;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[88] = "Kerberos";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Eliot Moss
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[92] = 92;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[92] = "Network Printing Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jeremy Siegel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[107] = 107;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[107] = "Remote Telnet Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Joyce K. Reynolds
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[110] = 110;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[110] = "Post Office Protocol - Version 3";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Glenn Davis
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[113] = 113;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[113] = "Authentication Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Martin Forssen
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[115] = 115;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[115] = "Simple File Transfer Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Larry Barnes
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[119] = 119;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[119] = "Network News Transfer Protocol";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Larry Peterson
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[137] = 137;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[137] = "NETBIOS Name Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[138] = 138;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[138] = "NETBIOS Datagram Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[139] = 139;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[139] = "NETBIOS Session Service";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1024] = 1024;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1024] = "Reserved";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1025] = 1025;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1025] = "network blackjack";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1356] = 1356;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1356] = "CuillaMartin Company";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Per Schroeder
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1361] = 1361;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1361] = "LinX";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jeffery Chiao
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1366] = 1366;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1366] = "Novell NetWare Comm Service Platform";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Mary Ann Burt
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1376] = 1376;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1376] = "IBM Person to Person Software";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Andreas Glocker
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1387] = 1361;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1387] = "Computer Aided Design Software Inc LM";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Jeffrey Millman
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1416] = 1405;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1416] = "Novell LU6.2";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Bob Braden
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1428] = 1428;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1428] = "Informatik License Manager";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Steve Beigel
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1433] = 1433;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1433] = "Microsoft-SQL-Monitor";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1434] = 1434;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1434] = "Microsoft-SQL-Monitor";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Matt Timmermans
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1465] = 1465;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1465] = "Pipes Platform";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
// Eric Soderberg
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1477] = 1477;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1477] = "ms-sna-server";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSNUMBER[1478] = 1478;
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
$PORTSDEscriptION[1478] = "ms-sna-base";
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
c hina it power . c ommBb5Q7KZCOIyOGuDm1EeUB839
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