时间:2007-02-17 来源:PHP爱好者
// Copyright ?2000-2001, Roland Roberts <[email protected]>
// 2001 Alister Bulman <[email protected]> Re-Port multi template-roots + more
// PHP3 Port: Copyright ?1999 CDI <[email protected]>, All Rights Reserved.
// Perl Version: Copyright ?1998 Jason Moore <[email protected]>, All Rights Reserved.
// RCS Revision
// @(#) $Id: class.rFastTemplate.php,v 1.22 2001/10/18 21:36:53 roland Exp $
// $Source: /home/cvs/projects/php/tools/class.rFastTemplate.php,v $
// Copyright Notice
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// class.rFastTemplate.php is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Comments
// I would like to thank CDI <[email protected]> for pointing out the
// copyright notice attached to his PHP3 port which I had blindly missed
// in my first release of this code.
// This work is derived from class.FastTemplate.php3 version 1.1.0 as
// available from That work makes
// reference to the "GNU General Artistic License". In correspondence
// with the author, the intent was to use the GNU General Public License;
// this work does the same.
// Authors
// Roland Roberts <[email protected]>
// Alister Bulman <[email protected]> (multi template-roots)
// Michal Rybarik <[email protected]> (define_raw())
// CDI <[email protected]>, PHP3 port
// Jason Moore <[email protected]>, original Perl version
// Synopsis
// require ("PATH-TO-TEMPLATE-CODE/class.Template.php");
// $t = new Template("PATH-TO-TEMPLATE-DIRECTORY");
// $t->define (array(MAIN => "diary.html"));
// $t->setkey (VAR1, "some text");
// $t->subst (INNER, "inner")
// $t->setkey (VAR1, "some more text");
// $t->subst (INNER, ".inner")
// $t->setkey (VAR2, "var2 text");
// $t->subst (CONTENT, "main");
// $t->print (CONTENT);
// Description
// This is a class.FastTemplate.php3 replacement that provides most of the
// same interface but has the ability to do nested dynamic templates. The
// default is to do dynamic template expansion and no special action is
// required for this to happen.
// class.FastTemplate.php3 Methods Not Implemented
// clear_parse
// Same as clear. In fact, it was the same as clear in FastTemplate.
// clear_all
// If you really think you need this, try
// unset $t;
// $t = new Template ($path);
// which gives the same effect.
// clear_tpl
// Use unload instead. This has the side effect of unloading all parent
// and sibling templates which may be more drastic than you expect and
// is different from class.FastTemplate.php3. This difference is
// necessary since the only way we can force the reload of an embedded
// template is to force the reload of the parent and sibling templates.
// class.FastTemplate.php3 Methods by Another Name
// The existence of these functions is a historical artifact. I
// originally had in mind to write a functional equivalent from scratch.
// Then I came my senses and just grabbed class.FastTemplate.php3 and
// started hacking it. So, you can use the names on the right, but the
// ones on the left are equivalent and are the names used in the original
// class.FastTemplate.php3.
// parse --> subst
// get_assiged --> getkey
// assign --> setkey
// clear_href --> unsetkey
// clear_assign --> unsetkey
// FastPrint --> xprint
class rFastTemplate {
// File name to be used for debugging output. Needs to be set prior to
// calling anything other than option setting commands (debug, debugall,
// strict, dynamic) because once the file has been opened, this is ignored.
var $DEBUGFILE = '/tmp/class.rFastTemplate.php.dbg';
// File descriptor for debugging output.
var $DEBUGFD = -1;
// Array for individual member functions. You can turn on debugging for a
// particular member function by calling $this->debug(FUNCTION_NAME)
var $DEBUG = array ();
// Turn this on to turn on debugging in all member functions via
// $this->debugall(). Turn if off via $this->debugall(false);
var $DEBUGALL = false;
// Names of actual templates. Each element will be an array with template
// information including is originating file, file load status, parent
// template, variable list, and actual template contents.
var $TEMPLATE = array();
// Holds paths-to-templates (See: set_root and FindTemplate)
var $ROOT = array();
// Holds the HANDLE to the last template parsed by parse()
var $LAST = ';
// Strict template checking. Unresolved variables in templates will generate a
// warning.
var $STRICT = true;
// If true, this suppresses the warning generated by $STRICT=true.
var $QUIET = false;
// Holds handles assigned by a call to parse().
var $HANDLE = array();
// Holds all assigned variable names and values.
var $VAR = array();
// Set to true is this is a WIN32 server. This was part of the
// class.FastTemplate.php3 implementation and the only real place it kicks
// in is in setting the terminating character on the value of $ROOT, the
// path where all the templates live.
var $WIN32 = false;
// Automatically scan template for dynamic templates and assign new values
// to TEMPLATE based on whatever names the HTML comments use. This can be
// changed up until the time the first parse() is called. Well, you can
// change it anytime, but it will have no effect on already loaded
// templates. Also, if you have dynamic templates, the first call to parse
// will load ALL of your templates, so changing it after that point will
// have no effect on any defined templates.
var $DYNAMIC = true;
// Grrr. Don't try to break these extra long regular expressions into
// multiple lines for readability. PHP 4.03pl1 chokes on them if you do.
// I'm guessing the reason is something obscure with the parenthesis
// matching, the same sort of thing Tcl might have, but I'm not sure.
// Regular expression which matches the beginning of a dynamic/inferior
// template. The critical bit is that we need two parts: (1) the entire
// match, and (2) the name of the dynamic template. The first part is
// required because will do a strstr() to split the buffer into two
// pieces: everything before the dynamic template declaration and
// everything after. The second is needed because after finding a BEGIN
// we will search for an END and they both have to have the same name of
// we consider the template malformed and throw and error.
// Both of these are written with PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular
// Expressions) because we need the non-greedy operators to insure that
// we don't read past the end of the HTML comment marker in the case that
// the BEGIN/END block have trailing comments after the tag name.
var $REGEX_DYNBEG = '/(<!--s*BEGINs+DYNAMICs+BLOCK:s*([A-Za-z][-_A-Za-z0-9.]+)(s*|s+.*?)-->)/';
// Regular expression which matches the end of a dynamic/inferior
// template; see the comment about on the BEGIN match.
var $REGEX_DYNEND = '/(<!--s*ENDs+DYNAMICs+BLOCK:s*([A-Za-z][-_A-Za-z0-9.]+)(s*|s+.*?)-->)/';
// Regular expression which matches a variable in the template.
var $REGEX_VAR = '/{[A-Za-z][-_A-Za-z0-9]*}/';
// Description
// Constructor.
function rFastTemplate ($pathToTemplates = ') {
// $pathToTemplates can also be an array of template roots, handled in set_root
global $php_errormsg;
if (!empty($pathToTemplates)) {
$this->set_root ($pathToTemplates);
$this->DEBUG = array ('subst' => false,
'parse_internal' => false,
'parse_internal_1' => false,
'parsed' => false,
'clear' => false,
'clear_dynamic' => false,
'load' => false);
return $this;
// Description
// Set the name to be used for debugging output. If another file has
// already been opened, close it so the next call to logwrite will
// reopen under this name.
function debugfile ($name) {
$this->DEBUGFILE = $name;
// Description
// Turn on/off debugging output of an individual member function.
function debug ($what, $on = true) {
$this->DEBUG[$what] = $on;
// Description
// Turn on/off debugging output of all member functions.
function debugall ($on = true) {
$this->DEBUGALL = $on;
// Description
// Turn on/off automatic dynamic template expansion. Note that a
// template with an inferior dynamic template embedded will still
// parse but only as if it were part of the main template. When this
// is turned on, it will be parsed out as as if it were a full-blown
// template and can thus be both parsed and appended to as a separate
// entity.
function dynamic ($on = true) {
$this->DYNAMIC = $on;
// Description
// Turn on/off strict template checking. When on, all template tags
// must be assigned or we throw an error (but stilll parse the
// template).
function strict ($on = true) {
$this->STRICT = $on;
function quiet ($on = true) {
$this->QUIET = true;
// Description
// For compatibility with class.FastTemplate.php3.
function no_strict () {
$this->STRICT = false;
// Description
// Utility function for debugging.
function logwrite ($msg) {
if ($this->DEBUGFD <0) {
$this->DEBUGFD = fopen ($this->DEBUGFILE, 'a');
fputs ($this->DEBUGFD,
strftime ('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S ') . $msg . "n");
// Description
// This was lifted as-is from class.FastTemplate.php3. Based on what
// platform is in use, it makes sure the path specification ends with
// the proper path separator; i.e., a slash on unix systems and a
// back-slash on WIN32 systems. When we can run on Mac or VMS I guess
// we'll worry about other characters....
// $root can now be an array of template roots which will be searched to
// find the first matching name.
function set_root ($root) {
if (!is_array($root)) {
$trailer = substr ($root, -1);
if ($trailer != ($this->WIN32 ? '' : '/'))
$root .= ($this->WIN32 ? '' : '/');
if (!is_dir($root)) {
$this->error ("Specified ROOT dir [$root] is not a directory", true);
return false;
$this->ROOT[] = $root;
} else {
while(list($k, $v) = each($root)) {
if (is_dir($v)) {
$trailer = substr ($v,-1);
if ($trailer != ($this->WIN32 ? '' : '/'))
$v .= ($this->WIN32 ? '' : '/');
$this->ROOT[] = $v;
} else
$this->error ("Specified ROOT dir [$v] is not a directory", true);
// Description
// Associate files with a template names.
// Sigh. At least with the CVS version of PHP, $dynamic = false sets it
// to true.
function define ($fileList, $dynamic = 0) {
reset ($fileList);
while (list ($tpl, $file) = each ($fileList)) {
$this->TEMPLATE[$tpl] = array ('file' => $file, 'dynamic' => $dynamic);
return true;
function define_dynamic ($tplList, $parent=') {
if (is_array($tplList)) {
reset ($tplList);
while (list ($tpl, $parent) = each ($tplList)) {
$this->TEMPLATE[$tpl]['parent'] = $parent;
$this->TEMPLATE[$tpl]['dynamic'] = true;
} else {
// $tplList is not an array, but a single child/parent pair.
$this->TEMPLATE[$tplList]['parent'] = $parent;
$this->TEMPLATE[$tplList]['dynamic'] = true;
// Description
// Defines a template from a string (not a file). This function has
// not been ported from original PERL module to CDI's
// class.FastTemplate.php3, and it comebacks in rFastTemplate
// class. You can find it useful if you want to use templates, stored
// in database or shared memory.
function define_raw ($stringList, $dynamic = 0) {
reset ($stringList);
while (list ($tpl, $string) = each ($stringList)) {
$this->TEMPLATE[$tpl] = array ('string' => $string, 'dynamic' => $dynamic, 'loaded' => 1);
return true;
// Description
// Try each directory in our list of possible roots in turn until we
// find a matching template
function FindTemplate ($file) {
// first try for a template in the current directory short path for
// absolute filenames
if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '/') {
if (file_exists($file)) {
return $file;
// search path for a matching file
while(list($k, $v) = each($this->ROOT)) {
$f = $v . $file;
if (file_exists($f)) {
return $f;
$this->error ("FindTemplate: file $file does not exist anywhere in " . implode(' ', $this->ROOT), true);
return false;
// Description
// Load a template into memory from the underlying file.
function &load ($file) {
$debug = $this->DEBUGALL || $this->DEBUG['load'];
if (! count($this->ROOT)) {
if ($debug)
$this->logwrite ("load: cannot open template $file, template base directory not set");
$this->error ("cannot open template $file, template base directory not set", true);
return false;
} else {
$contents = ';
$filename = $this->FindTemplate ($file);
if ($filename)
$contents = implode (', (@file($filename)));
if (!($contents) or (empty($contents)) or (! $filename)) {
if ($debug)
$this->logwrite ("load: failed to load $file, $php_errormsg");
$this->error ("load($file) failure: $php_errormsg", true);
} else {
if ($debug)
$this->logwrite ("load: found $filename");
return $contents;
// 未完待续 呵呵 ——————by 孤狼
php爱好者站 php基础|php进阶|php模板.
// Copyright ?2000-2001, Roland Roberts <[email protected]>
// 2001 Alister Bulman <[email protected]> Re-Port multi template-roots + more
// PHP3 Port: Copyright ?1999 CDI <[email protected]>, All Rights Reserved.
// Perl Version: Copyright ?1998 Jason Moore <[email protected]>, All Rights Reserved.
// RCS Revision
// @(#) $Id: class.rFastTemplate.php,v 1.22 2001/10/18 21:36:53 roland Exp $
// $Source: /home/cvs/projects/php/tools/class.rFastTemplate.php,v $
// Copyright Notice
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
// any later version.
// class.rFastTemplate.php is distributed in the hope that it will be
// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// Comments
// I would like to thank CDI <[email protected]> for pointing out the
// copyright notice attached to his PHP3 port which I had blindly missed
// in my first release of this code.
// This work is derived from class.FastTemplate.php3 version 1.1.0 as
// available from That work makes
// reference to the "GNU General Artistic License". In correspondence
// with the author, the intent was to use the GNU General Public License;
// this work does the same.
// Authors
// Roland Roberts <[email protected]>
// Alister Bulman <[email protected]> (multi template-roots)
// Michal Rybarik <[email protected]> (define_raw())
// CDI <[email protected]>, PHP3 port
// Jason Moore <[email protected]>, original Perl version
// Synopsis
// require ("PATH-TO-TEMPLATE-CODE/class.Template.php");
// $t = new Template("PATH-TO-TEMPLATE-DIRECTORY");
// $t->define (array(MAIN => "diary.html"));
// $t->setkey (VAR1, "some text");
// $t->subst (INNER, "inner")
// $t->setkey (VAR1, "some more text");
// $t->subst (INNER, ".inner")
// $t->setkey (VAR2, "var2 text");
// $t->subst (CONTENT, "main");
// $t->print (CONTENT);
// Description
// This is a class.FastTemplate.php3 replacement that provides most of the
// same interface but has the ability to do nested dynamic templates. The
// default is to do dynamic template expansion and no special action is
// required for this to happen.
// class.FastTemplate.php3 Methods Not Implemented
// clear_parse
// Same as clear. In fact, it was the same as clear in FastTemplate.
// clear_all
// If you really think you need this, try
// unset $t;
// $t = new Template ($path);
// which gives the same effect.
// clear_tpl
// Use unload instead. This has the side effect of unloading all parent
// and sibling templates which may be more drastic than you expect and
// is different from class.FastTemplate.php3. This difference is
// necessary since the only way we can force the reload of an embedded
// template is to force the reload of the parent and sibling templates.
// class.FastTemplate.php3 Methods by Another Name
// The existence of these functions is a historical artifact. I
// originally had in mind to write a functional equivalent from scratch.
// Then I came my senses and just grabbed class.FastTemplate.php3 and
// started hacking it. So, you can use the names on the right, but the
// ones on the left are equivalent and are the names used in the original
// class.FastTemplate.php3.
// parse --> subst
// get_assiged --> getkey
// assign --> setkey
// clear_href --> unsetkey
// clear_assign --> unsetkey
// FastPrint --> xprint
class rFastTemplate {
// File name to be used for debugging output. Needs to be set prior to
// calling anything other than option setting commands (debug, debugall,
// strict, dynamic) because once the file has been opened, this is ignored.
var $DEBUGFILE = '/tmp/class.rFastTemplate.php.dbg';
// File descriptor for debugging output.
var $DEBUGFD = -1;
// Array for individual member functions. You can turn on debugging for a
// particular member function by calling $this->debug(FUNCTION_NAME)
var $DEBUG = array ();
// Turn this on to turn on debugging in all member functions via
// $this->debugall(). Turn if off via $this->debugall(false);
var $DEBUGALL = false;
// Names of actual templates. Each element will be an array with template
// information including is originating file, file load status, parent
// template, variable list, and actual template contents.
var $TEMPLATE = array();
// Holds paths-to-templates (See: set_root and FindTemplate)
var $ROOT = array();
// Holds the HANDLE to the last template parsed by parse()
var $LAST = ';
// Strict template checking. Unresolved variables in templates will generate a
// warning.
var $STRICT = true;
// If true, this suppresses the warning generated by $STRICT=true.
var $QUIET = false;
// Holds handles assigned by a call to parse().
var $HANDLE = array();
// Holds all assigned variable names and values.
var $VAR = array();
// Set to true is this is a WIN32 server. This was part of the
// class.FastTemplate.php3 implementation and the only real place it kicks
// in is in setting the terminating character on the value of $ROOT, the
// path where all the templates live.
var $WIN32 = false;
// Automatically scan template for dynamic templates and assign new values
// to TEMPLATE based on whatever names the HTML comments use. This can be
// changed up until the time the first parse() is called. Well, you can
// change it anytime, but it will have no effect on already loaded
// templates. Also, if you have dynamic templates, the first call to parse
// will load ALL of your templates, so changing it after that point will
// have no effect on any defined templates.
var $DYNAMIC = true;
// Grrr. Don't try to break these extra long regular expressions into
// multiple lines for readability. PHP 4.03pl1 chokes on them if you do.
// I'm guessing the reason is something obscure with the parenthesis
// matching, the same sort of thing Tcl might have, but I'm not sure.
// Regular expression which matches the beginning of a dynamic/inferior
// template. The critical bit is that we need two parts: (1) the entire
// match, and (2) the name of the dynamic template. The first part is
// required because will do a strstr() to split the buffer into two
// pieces: everything before the dynamic template declaration and
// everything after. The second is needed because after finding a BEGIN
// we will search for an END and they both have to have the same name of
// we consider the template malformed and throw and error.
// Both of these are written with PCRE (Perl-Compatible Regular
// Expressions) because we need the non-greedy operators to insure that
// we don't read past the end of the HTML comment marker in the case that
// the BEGIN/END block have trailing comments after the tag name.
var $REGEX_DYNBEG = '/(<!--s*BEGINs+DYNAMICs+BLOCK:s*([A-Za-z][-_A-Za-z0-9.]+)(s*|s+.*?)-->)/';
// Regular expression which matches the end of a dynamic/inferior
// template; see the comment about on the BEGIN match.
var $REGEX_DYNEND = '/(<!--s*ENDs+DYNAMICs+BLOCK:s*([A-Za-z][-_A-Za-z0-9.]+)(s*|s+.*?)-->)/';
// Regular expression which matches a variable in the template.
var $REGEX_VAR = '/{[A-Za-z][-_A-Za-z0-9]*}/';
// Description
// Constructor.
function rFastTemplate ($pathToTemplates = ') {
// $pathToTemplates can also be an array of template roots, handled in set_root
global $php_errormsg;
if (!empty($pathToTemplates)) {
$this->set_root ($pathToTemplates);
$this->DEBUG = array ('subst' => false,
'parse_internal' => false,
'parse_internal_1' => false,
'parsed' => false,
'clear' => false,
'clear_dynamic' => false,
'load' => false);
return $this;
// Description
// Set the name to be used for debugging output. If another file has
// already been opened, close it so the next call to logwrite will
// reopen under this name.
function debugfile ($name) {
$this->DEBUGFILE = $name;
// Description
// Turn on/off debugging output of an individual member function.
function debug ($what, $on = true) {
$this->DEBUG[$what] = $on;
// Description
// Turn on/off debugging output of all member functions.
function debugall ($on = true) {
$this->DEBUGALL = $on;
// Description
// Turn on/off automatic dynamic template expansion. Note that a
// template with an inferior dynamic template embedded will still
// parse but only as if it were part of the main template. When this
// is turned on, it will be parsed out as as if it were a full-blown
// template and can thus be both parsed and appended to as a separate
// entity.
function dynamic ($on = true) {
$this->DYNAMIC = $on;
// Description
// Turn on/off strict template checking. When on, all template tags
// must be assigned or we throw an error (but stilll parse the
// template).
function strict ($on = true) {
$this->STRICT = $on;
function quiet ($on = true) {
$this->QUIET = true;
// Description
// For compatibility with class.FastTemplate.php3.
function no_strict () {
$this->STRICT = false;
// Description
// Utility function for debugging.
function logwrite ($msg) {
if ($this->DEBUGFD <0) {
$this->DEBUGFD = fopen ($this->DEBUGFILE, 'a');
fputs ($this->DEBUGFD,
strftime ('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S ') . $msg . "n");
// Description
// This was lifted as-is from class.FastTemplate.php3. Based on what
// platform is in use, it makes sure the path specification ends with
// the proper path separator; i.e., a slash on unix systems and a
// back-slash on WIN32 systems. When we can run on Mac or VMS I guess
// we'll worry about other characters....
// $root can now be an array of template roots which will be searched to
// find the first matching name.
function set_root ($root) {
if (!is_array($root)) {
$trailer = substr ($root, -1);
if ($trailer != ($this->WIN32 ? '' : '/'))
$root .= ($this->WIN32 ? '' : '/');
if (!is_dir($root)) {
$this->error ("Specified ROOT dir [$root] is not a directory", true);
return false;
$this->ROOT[] = $root;
} else {
while(list($k, $v) = each($root)) {
if (is_dir($v)) {
$trailer = substr ($v,-1);
if ($trailer != ($this->WIN32 ? '' : '/'))
$v .= ($this->WIN32 ? '' : '/');
$this->ROOT[] = $v;
} else
$this->error ("Specified ROOT dir [$v] is not a directory", true);
// Description
// Associate files with a template names.
// Sigh. At least with the CVS version of PHP, $dynamic = false sets it
// to true.
function define ($fileList, $dynamic = 0) {
reset ($fileList);
while (list ($tpl, $file) = each ($fileList)) {
$this->TEMPLATE[$tpl] = array ('file' => $file, 'dynamic' => $dynamic);
return true;
function define_dynamic ($tplList, $parent=') {
if (is_array($tplList)) {
reset ($tplList);
while (list ($tpl, $parent) = each ($tplList)) {
$this->TEMPLATE[$tpl]['parent'] = $parent;
$this->TEMPLATE[$tpl]['dynamic'] = true;
} else {
// $tplList is not an array, but a single child/parent pair.
$this->TEMPLATE[$tplList]['parent'] = $parent;
$this->TEMPLATE[$tplList]['dynamic'] = true;
// Description
// Defines a template from a string (not a file). This function has
// not been ported from original PERL module to CDI's
// class.FastTemplate.php3, and it comebacks in rFastTemplate
// class. You can find it useful if you want to use templates, stored
// in database or shared memory.
function define_raw ($stringList, $dynamic = 0) {
reset ($stringList);
while (list ($tpl, $string) = each ($stringList)) {
$this->TEMPLATE[$tpl] = array ('string' => $string, 'dynamic' => $dynamic, 'loaded' => 1);
return true;
// Description
// Try each directory in our list of possible roots in turn until we
// find a matching template
function FindTemplate ($file) {
// first try for a template in the current directory short path for
// absolute filenames
if (substr($file, 0, 1) == '/') {
if (file_exists($file)) {
return $file;
// search path for a matching file
while(list($k, $v) = each($this->ROOT)) {
$f = $v . $file;
if (file_exists($f)) {
return $f;
$this->error ("FindTemplate: file $file does not exist anywhere in " . implode(' ', $this->ROOT), true);
return false;
// Description
// Load a template into memory from the underlying file.
function &load ($file) {
$debug = $this->DEBUGALL || $this->DEBUG['load'];
if (! count($this->ROOT)) {
if ($debug)
$this->logwrite ("load: cannot open template $file, template base directory not set");
$this->error ("cannot open template $file, template base directory not set", true);
return false;
} else {
$contents = ';
$filename = $this->FindTemplate ($file);
if ($filename)
$contents = implode (', (@file($filename)));
if (!($contents) or (empty($contents)) or (! $filename)) {
if ($debug)
$this->logwrite ("load: failed to load $file, $php_errormsg");
$this->error ("load($file) failure: $php_errormsg", true);
} else {
if ($debug)
$this->logwrite ("load: found $filename");
return $contents;
// 未完待续 呵呵 ——————by 孤狼
php爱好者站 php基础|php进阶|php模板.
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