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php爱好者> php文档>Ralph Lauren polos Symmetric multi- level single-span rigid frame of a solution5

Ralph Lauren polos Symmetric multi- level single-span rigid frame of a solution5

时间:2011-06-03  来源:loofksn2ki

Symmetric multi-level single-span rigid frame of a solution System considerably. The initial approximate solution if the right choices, run the shorter the time to ask, but always better to catch up with Seidel iteration method to solve a single instance of the rapid three-layer symmetric cross-2o frame shown in Figure 2, each height are h = 3m, beams span,Ralph Lauren Classic gas tank structure inspection, = 4.5m, 2P = 10kN. Known line of beams and columns relative stiffness ratio 1112:2, the node number from the bottom to n = 1,2,. . . . . , 2q fixed end to 0. The patients met the case shown in Figure la, can be tense of 2) to solve the known: iTI = 20, P = 5kN, h = 3m,Ralph Lauren polos, i = i at ti = fl/12) t2 = 0.04166667 data generation type (2) left too n = l: 【F. 1 = 【a I_251In = 2 ~ 111-1: 【F21 = 【1-2.2511n = m: 【【FJ = 1 - 2.25] of data generation type (2) right side of the equation was right values linear equations can be written thus: Man closure problem diagram in Figure 2 (6) of this equation, using BASIC language of the preparation method and Seidel iterative method to catch up the two procedures, the IBM-PC machine calculation. After an error allowed the algorithm to take 1O ~, considered as the layers of bending moment M values ​​listed in Table 1 which refers to methods of a catch, method II that Seidel iterative method,Ralph Lauren polos, the calculation of the two methods were consistent with the literature f1I. (Continued on page 38) 6 + = aK are a-ΣlIm ~ s and mow the small computing model uncertainty, they are random variables,Ralph Lauren polos, the objective L based on the required coagulation test I t carbonation on the structure durability must break off rate using the method of the profits obtained in the case can not be predicted to allow carbonation depth of carbonation depth is less than the size of the failure probability of coagulation on the structure of carbonation. Carbonation carbonation depth and speed of coagulation factors are characteristics that the indicators of coagulation t carbonation, carbonation rate coefficient of the ceramic concrete claim is closed affecting concrete carbonation depth of carbonation rate factor coagulation factor Bu reflect the randomness of the carbonation depth J randomness, while the carbonation rate coefficient independent of time, its statistical analysis easier. Therefore, this article first affecting concrete carbonation rate of the main factors, on the basis of further discussion on the carbonation rate of coagulation factors, discussed the probability distribution coefficient of concrete carbonation, carbonation of concrete for the further study of the failure probability or carbonation points off the reliability of the foundation noted in passing that, due to the limited measured data collected in this paper on the coagulation rate coefficients {b carbonation probability model is preliminary,Ralph Lauren polos, pending continue to improve;
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