XML Schema
时间:2011-04-07 来源:脚印
Restrictions for Datatypes
Constraint 约束 |
Description 说明 |
enumeration |
Defines a list of acceptable values 定义了一系列的有效值 |
fractionDigits |
Specifies the maximum number of decimal places allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero 指定了允许的小数位数的最多位数。必须大于等于0 |
length |
Specifies the exact number of characters or list items allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero 指定了允许的字符或列表项的个数。必须大于等于0 |
maxExclusive |
Specifies the upper bounds for numeric values (the value must be less than this value) 指定了数值的上限(数值要比这个值小) |
maxInclusive |
Specifies the upper bounds for numeric values (the value must be less than or equal to this value) 指定了数值上限(数值必须小于等于这个值) |
maxLength |
Specifies the maximum number of characters or list items allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero 指定了所允许的字符或列表项的最多个数。必须大于等于0 |
minExclusive |
Specifies the lower bounds for numeric values (the value must be greater than this value) 指定了数值的下限 (数值要比这个值小) |
minInclusive |
Specifies the lower bounds for numeric values (the value must be greater than or equal to this value) 指定了数值的下限(数值必须大于等于这个值) |
minLength |
Specifies the minimum number of characters or list items allowed. Must be equal to or greater than zero 指定了所允许的字符或列表的最少个数。必须等于大于0个 |
pattern |
Defines the exact sequence of characters that are acceptable 定义了符合要求的字符的确切排列顺序 |
totalDigits |
Specifies the exact number of digits allowed. Must be greater than zero 指定了所允许的字符的确切个数。必须大于0 |
whiteSpace |
Specifies how white space (line feeds, tabs, spaces, and carriage returns) is handled 指定了空白该怎样被处理(换行符,制表符,空格符和回车符) |
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