时间:2010-12-14 来源:望远镜

2 [STAThread]
3 static void Main(string[] args)
4 {
5 bool isFirst;
7 System.Threading.Mutex mutex = new System.Threading.Mutex(true, "WindowAppTest", out isFirst);
8 //这里的myApp是程序的标识,建议换成你的程序的物理路径,这样的话如果在一个操作系统中这个标志不会和其它程序冲突
9 if (!isFirst)
10 {
11 MessageBox.Show("Exist");
12 Environment.Exit(1);//实例已经存在,退出程序
13 }
14 else
15 {
16 Application.Run(new Form1());
17 }
18 }
把AssemblyInfo.cs里的[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]改为[assembly:AssemblyFileVersion("")],然后利用该信息进行判断。

2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Linq;
4 using System.Text;
5 using System.Diagnostics;
6 using System.Reflection;
7 using System.Collections;
8 using System.Threading;
10 namespace MyWork_01
11 {
12 class Program
13 {
14 static void Main(string[] args)
15 {
16 Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses(); //获得当前所有进程
17 Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); //获取当前正在运行进程
18 ProcessModule currentPM = currentProcess.Modules[0];
19 int same = 0; //相同运行实例个数
20 ArrayList proList = new ArrayList(); //将相同实例加入此集合中
22 foreach (Process p in processes)
23 {
24 try//由于进程不同,有的进程不包含Modules信息,所以要用try保护
25 {
26 if (p.Modules != null)
27 if (p.Modules.Count > 0)
28 {
29 System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule pm = p.Modules[0];
30 if (pm.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion.Equals(currentPM.FileVersionInfo.FileVersion))
31 {
32 same++;
33 proList.Add(p);
34 }
35 if (same > 1)
36 {
37 same++;
38 proList.Add(p);
39 if (same > 1)
40 {
41 for (int i = 0; i < proList.Count; i++)
42 {
43 if (((Process)(proList[i])).Id == currentProcess.Id)
44 {
45 Console.WriteLine("该进程已经启动了一个实例");
46 Thread.Sleep(1000);
47 ((Process)(proList[i])).Kill();
48 }
49 }
50 }
51 }
52 }
53 }
54 catch
55 { }
56 }
57 Console.Read();
58 }
59 }
60 }

2 using System.Collections.Generic;
3 using System.Linq;
4 using System.Text;
5 using System.Reflection;
6 using System.Diagnostics;
7 using System.Collections;
8 using System.Threading;
10 [assembly: Help("This Assembly demonstrates custom attributes creation and their run-time query.")]
12 public class HelpAttribute : Attribute
13 {
14 public HelpAttribute(String Description_in)
15 {
16 this.description = Description_in;
17 }
19 protected String description;
21 public String Description
22 {
23 get
24 {
25 return this.description;
26 }
27 }
28 }
29 class Program
30 {
31 static void Main(string[] args)
32 {
33 HelpAttribute HelpAttr1 = null;
34 HelpAttribute HelpAttr2 = null;
35 Process currentProcess = Process.GetCurrentProcess(); //获取当前正在运行进程
36 Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom(currentProcess.MainModule.FileName);
37 foreach (Attribute attr in a.GetCustomAttributes(true))
38 {
39 HelpAttr1 = attr as HelpAttribute;
40 if (null != HelpAttr1)
41 {
42 //Console.WriteLine("Description of {0}:\n{1}", currentProcess.MainModule.FileName, HelpAttr1.Description);
43 break;
44 }
45 }
46 Process[] processes = Process.GetProcesses(); //获得当前所有进程
47 int same = 0; //相同运行实例个数
48 ArrayList proList = new ArrayList(); //将相同实例加入此集合中
49 foreach (Process pro in processes)
50 {
51 try//由于进程不同,有的进程不包含Modules信息,所以要用try保护
52 {
53 if (pro.Modules != null)
54 if (pro.Modules.Count > 0)
55 {
56 Assembly b = Assembly.LoadFrom(pro.MainModule.FileName);
57 foreach (Attribute attr in b.GetCustomAttributes(true))
58 {
59 HelpAttr2 = attr as HelpAttribute;
60 if (null != HelpAttr2)
61 {
62 if (HelpAttr1.Description.Equals(HelpAttr2.Description))
63 {
64 same++;
65 proList.Add(pro);
66 if (same > 1)
67 {
68 for (int i = 0; i < proList.Count; i++)
69 {
70 if (((Process)(proList[i])).Id == currentProcess.Id)
71 {
72 Console.WriteLine("该进程已经启动了一个实例");
74 Thread.Sleep(1000);
75 ((Process)(proList[i])).Kill();
77 }
78 }
79 }
80 }
81 }
82 }
83 }
84 }
85 catch
86 {
87 }
88 }
89 Console.ReadLine();
90 }
92 }
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