时间:2010-10-15 来源:xin478
Bcc: xin478<[email protected]>,xin478<[email protected]>
原来做的时候感觉也不是什么难事,我原来的做法是要求用户提供发件者的SMTP信息,如服务器、端口、用户名、密码,然后通过socket连接该服务器,发送邮件。在本地测试一切OK,上传到服务器,就不行了。服务器是在美国,提示unable to connect to server smtp.xxxx.com:25,大体意思是连不上指定地址及端口,一想就觉着是可能IP受限制了(因为最近被和谐的事情太多了),换了一个SMTP地址再试试,还不行,换了很多个,还不行,这才意思到不是这个问题。看字面上又像是连接被拒绝,防火墙似的拦截,不过我心想,不能啊,这个怎么能限制了,那还让不让人发邮件啊,于是又去绕弯子,最好折腾了一个下午,没结果,终于受不了了,发了一个ticket给客服问他有没有相关的限制,结果人家回过来,一看傻了
“Hello, By default no account is allowed to connect to the SMTP servers of any other account. therefore, you should use "localhost" as the host address for SMTP and authenticate using one of your own email addresses that are listed in the cpanel.”
虽然显示是发件人是[email protected],实际上是通过另一个邮箱发送的。这个实际上就是在邮件头里面添加的,如果用默认的mail函数的话,这东西就修改不了了。
以下代码因为是从自己写的框架里面直接复制出来的,缺少了必要的函数和类,如C,L,SArgumentException, MailStruct等,所以无法直接使用,仅做实现参考
<?php using('system.text'); /* *邮件构造类,负责将邮件正文的信息编码为可供邮件发送类使用的内容(即eml内容) *原型代码,未严格测试,邮件附件的好像还不能用 * @category System * @package System * @subpackage Web.Mail * @author xin478 <[email protected]> * @version $Id: mailstruct.class.php 42 2010-04-02 10:23 $ */ class MailStruct { private $mailCCs; //抄送列表 private $mailBCCs; //暗送列表 private $mailTo; //收件人 private $mailToADD; //收件人邮箱 private $mailFrom; //发件人 private $mailFromADD; //发件人邮箱 private $mailSubject; //主题 private $mailMessage; //信件主体 private $mailAttachments=array(); //附件 private $isHtml=false; private $isNotify=false; private $charset='utf-8'; private $boundary; public function __construct() { if (!defined('CRLF')) define('CRLF', "\r\n"); $this->boundary ='====='.md5(rand()).'====='; } public function MailTo($name=null) { if( empty($name) ) return $this->mailTo; else $this->mailTo=$name; } public function MailToAddress($mailaddress=null) { if( empty($mailaddress) ) return $this->mailToADD; else { if(!VerifyHelper::isEmail($mailaddress)) throw new SArgumentException( sprintf(L('_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'),$mailaddress) ); $this->mailToADD=$mailaddress; } } public function MailFrom($name=null) { if( empty($name) ) return $this->mailFrom; else $this->mailFrom=$name; } public function MailFromAddress($mailaddress=null) { if( empty($mailaddress) ) return $this->mailFromADD; else { if(!VerifyHelper::isEmail($mailaddress)) throw new SArgumentException( sprintf(L('_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'),$mailaddress) ); $this->mailFromADD=$mailaddress; } } public function MailCC() { return is_array($this->mailCCs) && count($this->mailCCs)>0 ? $this->mailCCs : false; } public function MailBCC() { return is_array($this->mailBCCs) && count($this->mailBCCs)>0 ? $this->mailBCCs : false; } public function MailSubject($subject=null) { if(isset($subject)) $this->mailSubject=$subject; else return $this->mailSubject; } public function MailMessage($message=null) { if(isset($message)) $this->mailMessage=ltrim($message); else return $this->mailMessage; } public function IsHtml($isHtml=null) { if(isset($isHtml)) $this->isHtml=$isHtml; else return $this->isHtml; } public function IsNotify($isNotify=null) { if(isset($isNotify)) $this->isNotify=$isNotify; else return $this->isNotify; } public function Charset($charset=null) { if(empty($charset)) return $this->charset; else $this->charset=$charset; } public function getHeader() { if( empty($this->mailToADD) || empty($this->mailFromADD)) return false; $headers=''; $headers.= 'Date: ' . gmdate('D, j M Y H:i:s') . ' +0000'.CRLF; $headers.= 'From: "=?'.$this->charset.'?B?' . base64_encode( $this->mailFrom?$this->mailFrom : substr($this->mailFromADD,0,strpos($this->mailFromADD,'@')) ) . '?=" <' . $this->mailFromADD . '>'.CRLF; if( ! is_array($this->mailBCCs)) $headers.= 'To: "=?'.$this->charset.'?B?' . base64_encode( $this->mailTo?$this->mailTo : substr($this->mailToADD,0,strpos($this->mailToADD,'@')) ) . '?=" <' . $this->mailToADD. '>'.CRLF; //$headers.= 'From: "'. ($this->mailFrom?$this->mailFrom : substr($this->mailFromADD,0,strpos($this->mailFromADD,'@')) ) . '" <' . $this->mailFromADD . '>'.CRLF; //$headers.= 'To: "'.($this->mailTo?$this->mailTo : substr($this->mailToADD,0,strpos($this->mailToADD,'@')) ) . '" <' . $this->mailToADD. '>'.CRLF; if( is_array($this->mailCCs) && count($this->mailCCs)>0) { foreach($this->mailCCs as $k=>$v) $ccs.=' "=?'.$this->charset.'?B?' . base64_encode( $v ) . '?=" <' . $k. '>,'; if(isset($ccs)) $headers.='Cc:'.substr($ccs,0,-1).CRLF; } if( is_array($this->mailBCCs) && count($this->mailBCCs)>0) { foreach($this->mailBCCs as $k=>$v) $bccs.=' "=?'.$this->charset.'?B?' . base64_encode( $v ) . '?=" <' . $k. '>,'; //foreach($this->mailBCCs as $k=>$v) $bccs.=' "'. $v . '" <' . $k. '>,'; if(isset($bccs)) $headers.='Bcc:'.substr($bccs,0,-1).CRLF; } $headers.= 'Subject: =?'.$this->charset.'?B?' . base64_encode($this->mailSubject).'?=' . CRLF; $headers.= 'Message-ID: <' . time() . '.' . $this->mailFromADD . '>'.CRLF; $headers.= 'Mime-Version: 1.0'."".CRLF; if ($this->isNotify) $headers.= 'Disposition-Notification-To: =?'.$this->charset.'?B?' . base64_encode($this->mailFrom) . '?='.'" <' . $this->mailFromADD . '>'.CRLF; if(count($this->mailAttachments)==0) $headers.= 'Content-Type: multipart/alternative;'.CRLF."\t".'boundary="'.$this->boundary.'"'.CRLF; else $headers.= 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'.CRLF."\t".'boundary="'.$this->boundary.'"'.CRLF; $headers.=CRLF.CRLF.CRLF; return str_replace(CRLF . '.', CRLF . '..', $headers); } public function getMessage() { $bodys=""; $bodys.= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.".CRLF.CRLF; $bodys.= "--" . $this->boundary.CRLF; $bodys.= "Content-Type: text/plain;".CRLF."\tcharset=\"us-ascii\"".CRLF; $bodys.= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64".CRLF.CRLF; $bodys.= base64_encode(strip_tags(str_replace('<br/>',"\n",$this->mailMessage))).CRLF.CRLF; $bodys.= "--" . $this->boundary.CRLF; if($this->isHtml) { $bodys.= "Content-Type: text/html;".CRLF."\tcharset=\"us-ascii\"".CRLF; $bodys.= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64'.CRLF.CRLF; $bodys.=base64_encode($this->mailMessage).CRLF.CRLF; } foreach($this->mailAttachments as $filename) { $contentType = self::getContentType($filename); $attachment = base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename)); $attachment = chunk_split($attachment); $bodys.= "--".$this->boundary.CRLF; $bodys.= "Content-type: " . $contentType . "; name=".basename($filename) .CRLF; $bodys.= "Content-disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($filename) .CRLF; $bodys.= "Content-transfer-encoding: base64".CRLF.CRLF; $bodys.= $attachment .CRLF.CRLF; } $bodys.= "--" . $this->boundary."--".CRLF; $bodys = str_replace(CRLF . '.', CRLF . '..', $bodys); $bodys = substr($bodys, 0, 1) == '.' ? '.' . $bodys : $bodys; return $bodys; } public function addBCC($mailaddress,$name=null) { if(!VerifyHelper::isEmail($mailaddress)) throw new SArgumentException( sprintf(L('_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'),$mailaddress) ); $address=strtolower($mailaddress); $this->mailBCCs[$address]= empty($name)? substr($address,0, strpos($address,'@')) : $name; } public function addCC($mailaddress,$name=null) { if(!VerifyHelper::isEmail($mailaddress)) throw new SArgumentException( sprintf(L('_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS'),$mailaddress) ); $address=strtolower($mailaddress); $this->mailCCs[$address]= empty($name)? substr($address,0, strpos($address,'@')) : $name; } public function addAttachments($path) { if(!in_array($path,$this->mailAttachments)) $this->mailAttachments[]=$path; } static function getContentType($inFileName) { //--去除路径 $inFileName = basename($inFileName); //--去除没有扩展名的文件 if(strrchr($inFileName, ".") == false) { return "application/octet-stream"; } //--提区扩展名并进行判断 $extension = strrchr($inFileName, "."); switch($extension){ case ".gif": return "image/gif"; case ".gz": return "application/x-gzip"; case ".htm": return "text/html"; case ".html": return "text/html"; case ".jpg": return "image/jpeg"; case ".tar": return "application/x-tar"; case ".txt": return "text/plain"; case ".zip": return "application/zip"; default: return "application/octet-stream"; } } } ?>
/** * 利用SOCKET发送SMTP邮件 * 因为是从自己写的框架里面直接复制出来的,直接使用不能使用,少了几个函数和类,如C,L,SArgumentException等,所以仅做参考 */ class SocketSmtp { private $host,$port,$user,$pass,$auth; private $timeout = 10; private $socket; private $helo='localhost'; private $status=0; public function __construct($host,$user='',$pass='',$port=25,$auth=1) { if (!defined('CRLF')) define('CRLF', "\r\n"); $this->host=$host; $this->port=$port; $this->helo=$host; $this->user=$user; $this->pass=$pass; $this->auth=$auth; } /** * 获取或设置连接超时时长(秒) * @param <int> $second * @return <int> */ public function timeOut($second=null) { if( is_numeric($second) && $second>0) $this->timeout=$second; else return $this->timeout; } /** * 发送指定邮件并返回是否成功 * @param MailStruct $mail * @return <bool> */ public function Send($mail) { if(! $mail instanceof MailStruct) throw new SArgumentException(L('_INVALID_ARGUMENT_TYPE_','MailStruct'),$mail); if(!$this->connect() || !$this->auth() || !$this->mail( $mail->MailFromAddress() )) return false $arrToEmail = array(); if($mail->mailCC() ) { $ccs=array_keys($mail->mailCC()); $arrToEmail = array_merge($arrToEmail,$ccs ); } if($mail->mailBCC() ) { $bccs=array_keys($mail->mailBCC()); $arrToEmail = array_merge($arrToEmail, $bccs); } foreach($arrToEmail as $toEmail) { $this->rcpt($toEmail); } if (!$this->data()) return false; $this->send_data($mail->getHeader()); $this->send_data(''); $this->send_data($mail->getMessage()); $this->send_data('.'); return (substr($this->get_data(), 0, 3) === '250'); } /** * 关闭连接到服务的链接 */ public function close() { if($this->socket!=null) { $this->send_data('QUIT'); @fclose($this->socket); $this->status=0; $this->socket = null; } } private function mail($from) { if ($this->send_data('MAIL FROM:<' . $from . '>') && substr($err=$this->get_data(), 0, 3) === '250' ) { return true; } else { return false; } } private function auth() { if($this->status<2) return false; if(!$this->auth) return true; if (is_resource($this->socket) && $this->send_data('AUTH LOGIN') && substr($error = $this->get_data(), 0, 3) === '334' && $this->send_data(base64_encode($this->user)) // Send username && substr($error = $this->get_data(),0,3) === '334' && $this->send_data(base64_encode($this->pass)) // Send password && substr($error = $this->get_data(),0,3) === '235' ) { $this->status=3; return true; } else { throw new SystemException( L('_ERROR_AUTHORIZE_'), trim(substr($error, 3))); return false; } } private function rcpt($to) { if ($this->send_data('RCPT TO:<' . $to . '>') && substr($error = $this->get_data(), 0, 2) === '25') { return true; } else { throw new SystemException( L('_ERROR_COMMAND_RESPONSE_'), trim(substr($error, 3))); return false; } } private function data() { if (is_resource($this->socket) && $this->send_data('DATA') && substr($error = $this->get_data(), 0, 3) === '354' ) { return true; } else { throw new SystemException( L('_ERROR_COMMAND_RESPONSE_'), trim(substr($error, 3))); return false; } } private function send_data($data) { return fwrite($this->socket, $data . CRLF, strlen($data) + 2); } private function get_data() { $return = ''; $line = ''; if (is_resource($this->socket)) { while (strpos($return, CRLF) === false OR $line{3} !== ' ') { $line = fgets($this->socket, 512); $return .= $line; } return trim($return); } else { return ''; } } private function connect() { if( $this->status>0 && is_resource($this->socket)) return true; $this->socket = fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout); if(!$this->socket) throw new SystemException( L('_CONNECT_SERVER_FAIL_'),$errstr); $this->get_data(); @stream_set_timeout($this->socket, 0, 250000); $this->status=1; $cmd=$this->auth ?'EHLO ':'HELO '; if( $this->send_data($cmd . $this->helo) && substr($error = $this->get_data(), 0, 3) === '250') { $this->status=2; return true; } else { throw new SystemException( L('_ERROR_COMMAND_RESPONSE_'), trim(substr($error, 3))); return false; } } }