oracle 调用链接接口发送短消息
时间:2010-10-12 来源:hero--008 //控制何时发短信
PWD_DIR=/home/oracle/shell SQLPLUS=${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus CONFIG_INI=${PWD_DIR}/ini/config_v2.ini gameuser='GAMEDATA/"h^zx@xxnm(Ybn"'
echo ${gameuser} echo ${SQLPLUS} cd ${PWD_DIR} ${SQLPLUS} ${gameuser} << ! @etl_monitor_v2.sql; / exit; ! -------------------------------------- etl_monitor_v2.sql //真正发短信的东东 declare p_txt varchar2(4000); p_txt_all varchar2(4000); req UTL_HTTP.REQ; resp UTL_HTTP.RESP;
begin for r in (select job_name, run_cnt, table_name, column_name from etl_monitor_config_tab) loop -- Call the Etl Monitor function p_txt := etl_monitor_v2(r.job_name, r.run_cnt); p_txt_all := p_txt_all || p_txt; --短信的内容! end loop; if p_txt_all is not null then req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST('http://192.168.XXX/pass/web/alertsms.php?data=' || p_txt_all); resp := UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE(req); utl_http.end_response(resp); end if; EXCEPTION WHEN utl_http.end_of_body THEN utl_http.end_response(resp); end; --PS:其实http://192.168.XXX/pass/web/alertsms.php这个链接地址是真正的发短信的接口 这个具体是通过PHP来实现的 ------------------------------------- etl_monitor_v2 的内容 create or replace function etl_monitor_v2(job_name varchar2, run_cnt int) RETURN varchar2 IS v_monitor_date date; --The monitor of the proc's date v_job_name varchar2(130); v_log_id number; v_status_cnt int; v_result varchar2(4000); begin v_monitor_date := trunc(sysdate); v_job_name := job_name;
if run_cnt = 1 then select log_id into v_log_id from user_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = v_job_name and trunc(actual_start_date) = v_monitor_date; else select max(log_id) into v_log_id from user_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = v_job_name and trunc(actual_start_date) = v_monitor_date; end if;
select count(*) into v_status_cnt from user_scheduler_job_run_details where log_id = v_log_id and status = 'SUCCEEDED';
if v_status_cnt = 0 then select OWNER || '.' || JOB_NAME || '+FALSED+' || TO_CHAR(TRUNC(ACTUAL_START_DATE), 'MM-DD') into v_result from user_scheduler_job_run_details where log_id = v_log_id; end if;
return v_result;
exception when others then return SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA') || '.' || v_job_name || '+NOEXECUTE+' || TO_CHAR(v_monitor_date, 'MM-DD'); end;
PWD_DIR=/home/oracle/shell SQLPLUS=${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus CONFIG_INI=${PWD_DIR}/ini/config_v2.ini gameuser='GAMEDATA/"h^zx@xxnm(Ybn"'
echo ${gameuser} echo ${SQLPLUS} cd ${PWD_DIR} ${SQLPLUS} ${gameuser} << ! @etl_monitor_v2.sql; / exit; ! -------------------------------------- etl_monitor_v2.sql //真正发短信的东东 declare p_txt varchar2(4000); p_txt_all varchar2(4000); req UTL_HTTP.REQ; resp UTL_HTTP.RESP;
begin for r in (select job_name, run_cnt, table_name, column_name from etl_monitor_config_tab) loop -- Call the Etl Monitor function p_txt := etl_monitor_v2(r.job_name, r.run_cnt); p_txt_all := p_txt_all || p_txt; --短信的内容! end loop; if p_txt_all is not null then req := UTL_HTTP.BEGIN_REQUEST('http://192.168.XXX/pass/web/alertsms.php?data=' || p_txt_all); resp := UTL_HTTP.GET_RESPONSE(req); utl_http.end_response(resp); end if; EXCEPTION WHEN utl_http.end_of_body THEN utl_http.end_response(resp); end; --PS:其实http://192.168.XXX/pass/web/alertsms.php这个链接地址是真正的发短信的接口 这个具体是通过PHP来实现的 ------------------------------------- etl_monitor_v2 的内容 create or replace function etl_monitor_v2(job_name varchar2, run_cnt int) RETURN varchar2 IS v_monitor_date date; --The monitor of the proc's date v_job_name varchar2(130); v_log_id number; v_status_cnt int; v_result varchar2(4000); begin v_monitor_date := trunc(sysdate); v_job_name := job_name;
if run_cnt = 1 then select log_id into v_log_id from user_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = v_job_name and trunc(actual_start_date) = v_monitor_date; else select max(log_id) into v_log_id from user_scheduler_job_run_details where job_name = v_job_name and trunc(actual_start_date) = v_monitor_date; end if;
select count(*) into v_status_cnt from user_scheduler_job_run_details where log_id = v_log_id and status = 'SUCCEEDED';
if v_status_cnt = 0 then select OWNER || '.' || JOB_NAME || '+FALSED+' || TO_CHAR(TRUNC(ACTUAL_START_DATE), 'MM-DD') into v_result from user_scheduler_job_run_details where log_id = v_log_id; end if;
return v_result;
exception when others then return SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'CURRENT_SCHEMA') || '.' || v_job_name || '+NOEXECUTE+' || TO_CHAR(v_monitor_date, 'MM-DD'); end;
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