时间:2010-10-10 来源:vvian
公司的邮件服务器使用的是Lotus Notes 8.0,一台小型机,四千左右用户,从理论上来说,不应该这么慢。与邮件服务器管理员联系,请他在后台监测一下发送的过程,他监测后告诉我,每发送一封邮件,都要连接一次服务器,而我们的服务器前段时间刚做了一次安全基线,加上了一个参数,“用于验证的 SMTP 会话发送的邮件是否来自通过验证的用户的 Internet 地址,此设置的目的是确认用户没有尝试伪造“收件人”域”。这有可能是造成每次连接服务器验证时间过长的情况。相关信息如下:
[454808:00136-03743] 2010-10-08 13:32:13 SMTP Server: localhost (10.169.**.**) connected
[454808:00136-03743] 2010-10-08 13:32:13 SMTP Server: Authentication succeeded for user ******* ; connecting host 10.169.**.**
[454808:00136-02218] 2010-10-08 13:32:13 SMTP Server: Message 001E6A8C (MessageID: ) received
[454808:00136-03743] 2010-10-08 13:32:13 SMTP Server: localhost (10.169.**.**) disconnected. 1 message[s] received
[364650:00020-04113] 2010-10-08 13:32:13 Router: Message 001E6A8C delivered to *******
[454808:00136-02218] 2010-10-08 13:32:30 SMTP Server: localhost (10.169.**.**) connected
[454808:00136-02218] 2010-10-08 13:32:30 SMTP Server: Authentication succeeded for user ******* ; connecting host 10.169.**.**
[454808:00136-03743] 2010-10-08 13:32:30 SMTP Server: Message 001E710C (MessageID: ) received
[454808:00136-02218] 2010-10-08 13:32:30 SMTP Server: localhost (10.169.**.**) disconnected. 1 message[s] received
[364650:00016-03085] 2010-10-08 13:32:30 Router: Message 001E710C delivered to *******
public void Send(Message message) { if (message == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("message", "Message cannot be null."); } using (SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(this.m_logStream)) { client.Connect(this.m_hostName, this.m_port); client.Helo(this.m_domain); client.Auth(this.m_authentication, (this.m_userName == null) ? string.Empty : this.m_userName, (this.m_password == null) ? string.Empty : this.m_password); if (message.From != null) { client.MailFrom(message.From); } foreach (Address address in message.To) { client.RcptTo(address.Email); } foreach (Address address2 in message.Cc) { client.RcptTo(address2.Email); } foreach (Address address3 in message.Bcc) { client.RcptTo(address3.Email); } client.Data(message); client.Quit(); } }
根据我的想法,我要将这个代码分成三个不同的子程序,分别为Open(打开端口并验证)、Send(发送邮件)、Close(关闭连接),这些工作就需要对现有的代码进行修改,中间出现的问题主要是一开始没有注意,每个子程序里面都使用了一次using (client = new SmtpClient);,这样的话就子程序执行完成后,client变量也就释放了,达不到想要的效果,后来搜索并查阅了一些相关资料,在Smtp.cs中加入以下代码:
private SmtpClient m_Client = null; // Methods public void Open(string hostName, short port, string domain, SmtpAuthentication authentication, string userName, string password) { if (null == m_Client) { m_Client = new SmtpClient(); m_Client.Connect(hostName, port); m_Client.Helo(domain); m_Client.Auth(authentication, (userName == null) ? string.Empty : userName, (password == null) ? string.Empty : password); } } public void Close() { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(null != m_Client); if (null != m_Client) m_Client.Quit(); } public void SendEx(Message message) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(null != m_Client); // if (null == m_Client) //return false; if (message == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("message", "Message cannot be null."); } if (message.From != null) { m_Client.MailFrom(message.From); } foreach (Address address in message.To) { m_Client.RcptTo(address.Email); } foreach (Address address2 in message.Cc) { m_Client.RcptTo(address2.Email); } foreach (Address address3 in message.Bcc) { m_Client.RcptTo(address3.Email); } m_Client.Data(message); }
这个功能修改成功后,我不由的又动起了心思,记得在上一篇文章中我说到了Jmail 4.4还有的ReplyTo功能,在最新的Jmail.Net中竟然没有了,而我的邮件发送平台也很需要这个功能(A通过平台发送的一封邮件给B,B如果要回复当然最好是直接点击回复按钮就回复到A的邮箱而不是系统发件邮箱了),说干就干,再次分析代码。
private Address m_replyto; public Address ReplyTo { get { return this.m_replyto; } set { this.m_replyto = value; } }
//修改public message
public Message()
: this(new Address(), null, null, null,null )
public Message(Address from, Address to, Address replyto,string subject, string bodyText)
this.m_charset = Encoding.ASCII;
this.m_from = from;
this.m_replyto = replyto;
this.m_to = new AddressList();
if (to != null)
this.m_cc = new AddressList();
this.m_bcc = new AddressList();
this.m_subject = subject;
this.m_date = DateTime.Now;
this.m_bodyText = bodyText;
this.m_bodyHtml = null;
this.m_attachments = new AttachmentCollection();
this.m_headers = new NameValueCollection();
//public Entity Assemble()/public object Clone()/public static Message Disassemble(Entity entity)
//增加以下代码 public Address Replyto { get { object headerValue = this.InternalGetHeaderValue("Replyto"); if (headerValue == null) { headerValue = this.InternalSet("Replyto", new Address()).Value; } return (Address)headerValue; } set { this.InternalSet("Reply-To", value); } } //修改以下二个子程序的判断部分 public ICollection CustomKeys { get { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (string str in this.Names) { if (((((string.Compare("Content-Type", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Content-Disposition", str, true) != 0)) && ((string.Compare("Content-Transfer-Encoding", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Subject", str, true) != 0))) && (((string.Compare("From", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Reply-To", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Date", str, true) != 0)) && ((string.Compare("To", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Bcc", str, true) != 0)))) && (string.Compare("Cc", str, true) != 0)) { list.Add(str); } } return list; } } public ICollection CustomKeys { get { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); foreach (string str in this.Names) { if (((((string.Compare("Content-Type", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Content-Disposition", str, true) != 0)) && ((string.Compare("Content-Transfer-Encoding", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Subject", str, true) != 0))) && (((string.Compare("From", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Reply-To", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Date", str, true) != 0)) && ((string.Compare("To", str, true) != 0) && (string.Compare("Bcc", str, true) != 0)))) && (string.Compare("Cc", str, true) != 0)) { list.Add(str); } } return list; } }
//修改程序,增加一个对ReplyTo的处理 internal Header(HeaderCollection parent, string name, object value) { this.m_parent = parent; this.m_name = name; if ((value != null) && (typeof(string) == value.GetType())) { string contentType = (string)value; switch (this.m_name.ToLower()) { case "content-type": this.m_value = MediaType.Parse(contentType); return; case "content-disposition": this.m_value = Disposition.Parse(parent, contentType); return; case "content-transfer-encoding": this.m_value = TransferEncoding.Parse(contentType); return; case "date": this.m_value = Rfc822Date.Parse(contentType); return; case "from": this.m_value = Address.Parse(contentType); return; case "replyto": this.m_value = Address.Parse(contentType ); return; case "to": case "cc": case "bcc": this.m_value = AddressList.Parse(contentType); return; } this.m_value = value; } else { this.m_value = value; } }