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ASP.NET State Management

时间:2010-10-08  来源:eolande


ASP.NET State Management
ASP.NET includes a variety of options for state management. It features the same Session and Application
state collections as traditional ASP (with a few enhancements) and an entirely new view state
model. ASP.NET even includes a caching system that allows you to retain information without sacrificing
server scalability. Each state management choice has a different lifetime, scope, performance
overhead, and level of support.
下表是Collection-based state.


View State

Custom Cookies

Session State

Application State


Allowed Data Types

All serializable .NET data types.

String data.

All serializable .net date types Nonserializable types are supported if you are using the default in-process state service

All .NET data types

All .NET data types

Storage Location

A hidden field in the current web page.

The client’s computer (in

memory or a

small text file,

depending on its

lifetime settings).

Server memory

Server memory

Server memory


Retained permanently for postbacks to a single page

Set by the programmer. It can be used in multiple pages and can persist between visits.

Times out after a predefined period(usually 20 minutes)

The lifetime of the application

Depends on the expiration policy you set but may possibly be released early if server memory becomes scarce.


Limited to the current Page

The whole asp.net application

The whole ASP.NET application

The whole ASP.NET application .Unlike most other types of the methods .application data is global to all users

The same as application state


By default it’s insecure, although you can use Page directives to enforce encryption and hashing.

Insecure and can be modified by the user

Secure.because the data is never transmitted to the client.However, subject to session hijacking if you don not use SSL

Very secure.because the data is never transmitted to the client.

Very secure.because the data is never transmitted to the client.

Performance Implications

Storing a large amount of information will slow transmission but will not affect server performance

None,because the amount f the data is trivial.

Storing a large amount of information can slow down the server severely. Especially if  there are a large number of user will have a separate copy of sessiondata.

Storing a large amount of information can slow down the server severely. Because this data will never time out and be removed

Storing a large amount of information may force out other , more useful cached information. However ,ASP.NET has the ability to remove items early to ensure optimum performance.

Typical Use

Page-specific settings

Personalication preferences for website

Store items in a shopping basket.

Storing any types of global data

Storing data retrieved from a databse




Query String

Allowed Data Types

All serializable .NET data types Nonserializable types are supported if you create a custom profile.

A limited amount of string data.

Storage Location

A back-end database.

The browser’s URL string.



Lost when the user  enters a new URL or closes the browser. However, can be stored in a bookmark.


The whole ASP.NET application.

Limited to the target page


Fairly secure, because although stored in a database that could be compromised.

Clearly visible and easy for the user to modify.

Performance Implications

Large amounts of data can be stored easily, but there may be a nontrivial overhead in retrieving and writing the data for each request.

None, because the amount of data is trivial.

Typical Use

Store customer account information.

Sending a product ID from a catalog page to a details page.

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