Qt Mobility Project APIs Overview (1.0.2)
时间:2010-10-06 来源:jason23reg
These APIs allow the developer to use these features with ease from one framework and apply them to phones, netbooks and non-mobile personal computers.
Bearer Management An API to control the system's connectivity state.
Contacts An API enabling clients to request contact data from local or remote backends.
Location The Location API provides a library for distributing and receiving location data using arbitrary data sources.
Messaging The Messaging API enables access to messaging services.
Multimedia Provides a set of APIs to play and record media, and manage a collection of media content.
Publish and Subscribe The Publish and Subscribe API, containing Value Space, enables applications to read item values, navigate through and subscribe to change notifications.
Qt Service Framework A set of Qt APIs to that allows clients to discover and instantiate arbitrary services.
Sensors API The Sensors API provides access to sensors.
System Information A set of APIs to discover system related information and capabilities.
Versit API An API to manage Versit documents.
The QtMobility APIs are placed into the QtMobility namespace, with the important exception of Multimedia.
[1] http://library.forum.nokia.com/index.jsp?topic=/Qt_for_Symbian_Developers_Library/GUID-7E53D0F7-72CB-41C4-8807-FE7A772B0DB4.html