Space, Object, and Transaction Management in Oracl
时间:2010-09-10 来源:TOMSYAN
This article describes the new features related to space, object and transaction management in Oracle 10g.
The COMPACT option allows the shrink operation to be broken into two stages. First the rows are moved using the COMPACT option but the HWM is not adjusted so no parsed SQL statements are invalidated. The HWM can be adjusted at a later date by reissuing the statement without the COMPACT option. At this point any depenedant SQL statements will need to be reparsed.
- Automatic Undo Retention Tuning
- Undo Advisor
- Segment Advisor
- Online Segment Shrink
- New Segment Resource Estimation
Automatic Undo Retention Tuning
Oracle 10g automatically tunes undo retention to reduce the chances of "snapshot too old" errors during long-running queries. The UNDO_RETENTION parameter is used to set a low retention time threshold which the system will attempt to achieve. In the event of any undo space constraints the system will prioritize DML operations over undo retention meaning the low threshold may not be achieved. If the undo retention threshold must be guaranteed, even at the expense of DML operations, the RETENTION GUARANTEE clause can be set against the undo tablespace during or after creation:-- Reset the undo low threshold. ALTER SYSTEM SET UNDO_RETENTION = 2400; -- Guarantee the minimum threshold is maintained. ALTER TABLESPACE undotbs1 RETENTION GUARANTEE; SELECT tablespace_name, retention FROM dba_tablespaces; TABLESPACE_NAME RETENTION ------------------------------ ----------- SYSTEM NOT APPLY UNDOTBS1 GUARANTEE SYSAUX NOT APPLY TEMP NOT APPLY USERS NOT APPLY 5 rows selected. -- Switch back to the default mode. ALTER TABLESPACE undotbs1 RETENTION NOGUARANTEE; TABLESPACE_NAME RETENTION ------------------------------ ----------- SYSTEM NOT APPLY UNDOTBS1 NOGUARANTEE SYSAUX NOT APPLY TEMP NOT APPLY USERS NOT APPLY 5 rows selected.As the name suggests, the NOT APPLY value is assigned to non-undo tablespaces for which this functionality does not apply.
Undo Advisor
The Undo Advisor in Enterprise Manager (Home > Advisor Central > Undo Management > Undo Advisor) provides recommendations for undo configuration. The Undo Advisor is also accessible from PL/SQL using the DBMS_ADVISOR package, but none of the reporting procedures support this advisor so you must access the recommendations from the DBA_ADVISOR_% views manually:SELECT MIN(snap_id), MAX(snap_id) FROM dba_hist_snapshot; MIN(SNAP_ID) MAX(SNAP_ID) ------------ ------------ 884 1052 1 row selected. DECLARE l_task_name VARCHAR2(30) := '884_1052_AWR_SNAPSHOT_UNDO'; l_object_id NUMBER; BEGIN -- Create an ADDM task. DBMS_ADVISOR.create_task ( advisor_name => 'Undo Advisor', task_name => l_task_name, task_desc => 'Undo Advisor Task'); DBMS_ADVISOR.create_object ( task_name => l_task_name, object_type => 'UNDO_TBS', attr1 => NULL, attr2 => NULL, attr3 => NULL, attr4 => 'null', attr5 => NULL, object_id => l_object_id); -- Set the target object. DBMS_ADVISOR.set_task_parameter ( task_name => l_task_name, parameter => 'TARGET_OBJECTS', value => l_object_id); -- Set the start and end snapshots. DBMS_ADVISOR.set_task_parameter ( task_name => l_task_name, parameter => 'START_SNAPSHOT', value => 884); DBMS_ADVISOR.set_task_parameter ( task_name => l_task_name, parameter => 'END_SNAPSHOT', value => 1052); -- Execute the task. DBMS_ADVISOR.execute_task(task_name => l_task_name); END; /
Segment Advisor
The segment advisor performs analysis on the fragmentation of specified tablespaces, segments or objects and makes recommendations on how space can be reclaimed. The advisor is accessible from Enterprise Manager (Home > Advisor Central > Segment Advisor) or from PL/SQL by using the DBMS_ADVISOR package:DECLARE l_object_id NUMBER; BEGIN -- Create a segment advisor task for the SCOTT.EMP table. DBMS_ADVISOR.create_task ( advisor_name => 'Segment Advisor', task_name => 'EMP_SEGMENT_ADVISOR', task_desc => 'Segment Advisor For EMP'); DBMS_ADVISOR.create_object ( task_name => 'EMP_SEGMENT_ADVISOR', object_type => 'TABLE', attr1 => 'SCOTT', attr2 => 'EMP', attr3 => NULL, attr4 => 'null', attr5 => NULL, object_id => l_object_id); DBMS_ADVISOR.set_task_parameter ( task_name => 'EMP_SEGMENT_ADVISOR', parameter => 'RECOMMEND_ALL', value => 'TRUE'); DBMS_ADVISOR.execute_task(task_name => 'EMP_SEGMENT_ADVISOR'); -- Create a segment advisor task for the USERS tablespace. DBMS_ADVISOR.create_task ( advisor_name => 'Segment Advisor', task_name => 'USERS_SEGMENT_ADVISOR', task_desc => 'Segment Advisor For USERS'); DBMS_ADVISOR.create_object ( task_name => 'USERS_SEGMENT_ADVISOR', object_type => 'TABLESPACE', attr1 => 'USERS', attr2 => NULL, attr3 => NULL, attr4 => 'null', attr5 => NULL, object_id => l_object_id); DBMS_ADVISOR.set_task_parameter ( task_name => 'USERS_SEGMENT_ADVISOR', parameter => 'RECOMMEND_ALL', value => 'TRUE'); DBMS_ADVISOR.execute_task(task_name => 'USERS_SEGMENT_ADVISOR'); END; / -- Display the findings. SET LINESIZE 250 COLUMN task_name FORMAT A20 COLUMN object_type FORMAT A20 COLUMN schema FORMAT A20 COLUMN object_name FORMAT A30 COLUMN object_name FORMAT A30 COLUMN message FORMAT A40 COLUMN more_info FORMAT A40 SELECT f.task_name, f.impact, o.type AS object_type, o.attr1 AS schema, o.attr2 AS object_name, f.message, f.more_info FROM dba_advisor_findings f JOIN dba_advisor_objects o ON f.object_id = o.object_id AND f.task_name = o.task_name WHERE f.task_name IN ('EMP_SEGMENT_ADVISOR', 'USERS_SEGMENT_ADVISOR') ORDER BY f.task_name, f.impact DESC;
Online Segment Shrink
Based on the recommendations from the segment advisor you can recover space from specific objects using one of the variations of the ALTER TABLE ... SHRINK SPACE command:-- Enable row movement. ALTER TABLE scott.emp ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT; -- Recover space and amend the high water mark (HWM). ALTER TABLE scott.emp SHRINK SPACE; -- Recover space, but don't amend the high water mark (HWM). ALTER TABLE scott.emp SHRINK SPACE COMPACT; -- Recover space for the object and all dependant objects. ALTER TABLE scott.emp SHRINK SPACE CASCADE;The shrink is accomplished by moving rows between blocks, hence the requirement for row movement to be enabled for the shrink to take place. This can cause problem with ROWID based triggers. The shrinking process is only available for objects in tablespaces with automatic segment-space management enabled.
The COMPACT option allows the shrink operation to be broken into two stages. First the rows are moved using the COMPACT option but the HWM is not adjusted so no parsed SQL statements are invalidated. The HWM can be adjusted at a later date by reissuing the statement without the COMPACT option. At this point any depenedant SQL statements will need to be reparsed.
New Segment Resource Estimation
Additions to the DBMS_SPACE package allow segment sizes to be estimated before they are actually created, enabling the DBA to organize disk space in advance:SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE l_ddl VARCHAR2(500); l_used_bytes NUMBER; l_alloc_bytes NUMBER; BEGIN -- Estimate the size of a new table on the USERS tablespace. DBMS_SPACE.create_table_cost ( tablespace_name => 'USERS', avg_row_size => 106, row_count => 1000000, pct_free => 10, used_bytes => l_used_bytes, alloc_bytes => l_alloc_bytes); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('new table (TS=USERS): used=' || l_used_bytes || ' bytes allocated=' || l_alloc_bytes || ' bytes'); -- Estimate the size of a new index. l_ddl := 'CREATE INDEX scott.emp_idx_1 ON scott.emp(job, mgr, hiredate)'; DBMS_SPACE.create_index_cost ( ddl => l_ddl, used_bytes => l_used_bytes, alloc_bytes => l_alloc_bytes); DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('scott.emp_idx_1 : used=' || l_used_bytes || ' bytes allocated=' || l_alloc_bytes || ' bytes'); END; / new table (TS=USERS): used=124125184 bytes allocated=125829120 bytes scott.emp_idx_1 : used=280 bytes allocated=65536 bytes PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.The OBJECT_GROWTH_TREND pipelined function uses information from the AWR to display information about growth trends for specific objects:
COLUMN timepoint FORMAT A30 SELECT * FROM TABLE(DBMS_SPACE.object_growth_trend ('SCOTT','EMP','TABLE')) ORDER BY timepoint; TIMEPOINT SPACE_USAGE SPACE_ALLOC QUALITY ------------------------------ ----------- ----------- -------------------- 11-APR-04 PM 6372 65536 INTERPOLATED 12-APR-04 PM 6372 65536 INTERPOLATED 13-APR-04 PM 6372 65536 INTERPOLATED ... 13-MAY-04 PM 6372 65536 PROJECTED 14-MAY-04 PM 6372 65536 PROJECTED 15-MAY-04 PM 6372 65536 PROJECTED 16-MAY-04 PM 6372 65536 PROJECTED 36 rows selected.The QUALITY column indicates the quality of the output as follows:
- GOOD - The data for the timepoint relates to data within the AWR repository with a timestamp withinn 10% of the interval.
- INTERPOLATED - The data for this timepoint did not meet the GOOD criteria but was based on data gathered before and after the timepoint.
- PROJECTED - The timepoint is in the future, so the data is estimated based on previous growth statistics.
- Managing Space for Schema Objects
- Managing the Undo Tablespace
- Segment Advisor
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