SUN公司主席Scott McNealy对红旗2000开源贡献的致谢信
时间:2010-09-14 来源:胡才勇
今天,看到了陆首群主席在博客上发布的《Red Office是自主创新的商业软件》后,想起了SUN公司主席在2007年6月曾给我发过一封致谢信,大意是感谢我和我们公司在开源和开放标准方面的立场与贡献。特原文公开,中文部分是为了阅读方便我自己现做的翻译,供大家参考。此封邮件后,SUN先后派了三个工程师到我公司进行开源和技术方面的培训和辅导,我们公司也曾在2008年派遣了两位工程师到德国汉堡进行了为期一月的免费培训和辅导。我稍后再转发几篇原红旗2000开源部总监成修治几篇关于贡献源代码过程的文章,供有志于开源的人士参考。
From: "Scott McNealy" <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2007 8:19 AM
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: "Lin-Hwei Lee" <[email protected]>; "Scott McNealy" <[email protected]>
Subject: Open Office Community
Dear Mr. Hu,
I have learned that your company, RedFlag Chinese 2000, has decided to
contribute back to the open office community and I congratulate RedFlag
Chinese 2000 for being the very first company in China to do that. I am
glad that Sun along with will be able to assist your
company in contributing to the open source community.
I understand that my team in China is getting a lot of support from you
and your company in promoting Open Document Format (ODF) in China, and I
would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. Sun is
very committed in both open source and open standards, and it's always
nice to have partners who share the same vision and passion.
As we have already had great experience partnering in the past, I would
like to propose another collaboration. I would like to propose that you
or your company consider taking advantage of Sun's other open source
technology such as Solaris, Java, JES, and Netbeans. I understand that
you have already used Java extensively in your product, and your product
can run on Solaris. However, have you considered shipping a Solaris
version? If you are interested, I am sure that our StarOffice team in
Germany will be able to give you some guidance and assistance. This is
just one example of how we can work even closer; there are many other
collaboration models that we can explore. With open source, the possibilities
are unlimited.
Last but not least, I applaud you for your leadership in open source and
thanks in advance for your contribution to the open source community.
Best regards,
Scott McNealy
Sun Microsystems, Inc.