
  • 游戏榜单
  • 软件榜单
php爱好者> php文档>代码生成器,写好了一个Ibatis.Net的模板


时间:2010-09-13  来源:xrt2004

<%#NAMESPACE System.IO, System.Text, System.Text.RegularExpressions, System.Globalization %><%
// $Id: CSharp_IBatis_BusinessObject.csgen,v 1.3 2005/12/15 23:57:34 morciuch Exp $
public class GeneratedTemplate : DotNetScriptTemplate
 private IList _selectedTables;
 private string _dbName;
 private string _tableName;
 private ITable _workingTable;
 private string _className;
 private string _beanName;
 private string _exportPath;
 private string _fileName;
 private string _topNameSpace;
 private string _bllNameSpace;
 private string _dalNameSpace;
 private string _modleNameSpace="Model";
 private string _helpNameSpace;
 private string _helpClassName;
 private string _prefix="_";
 public GeneratedTemplate(ZeusContext context) : base(context) {}

 // Render() is where you want to write your logic   
 public override void Render()
    _dbName = input["chooseDatabase"].ToString();
  _selectedTables = input["chooseTables"] as ArrayList;
  _exportPath = input["outputPath"].ToString();
  _topNameSpace = input["topNamespace"].ToString();
  _bllNameSpace = input["bllNamespace"].ToString();
  _dalNameSpace = input["dalNamespace"].ToString();
  _helpNameSpace = input["helpNamespace"].ToString();
  _helpClassName = input["helpClassName"].ToString();
  ITables _allTables = MyMeta.Databases[_dbName].Tables;
  foreach (Table _newTable in _allTables)
   _workingTable = _newTable;
   _tableName = _workingTable.Alias.Replace(" ", "");

   if (IsSelect(_tableName))
    _className = TableToClassName(_workingTable);
    GenerateMappingFile( _workingTable.Columns );//生成xml文件

 #region 生成bean的方法--begin
 private void CreateModelFile(IColumns Columns)

  output.writeln("using System;");
  output.writeln("using System.Text;");
  output.writeln("using System.Data;");
  output.writeln("using System.Collections;");
  output.writeln("using System.Collections.Generic;");
  output.writeln("/// <summary>");
  output.writeln("///\tMyGeneration : 实体类 " + _className);
  output.writeln("/// </summary>");
  output.writeln("namespace " + _topNameSpace + "." + _modleNameSpace);
  output.writeln("\tpublic class " + _className+":DomainBase");

  output.writeln("\t\t#region 默认构造函数");
  output.writeln("\t\tpublic " + _className + "()");
  output.writeln("\t\t#endregion ");

  if (Columns.Count > 0)
   output.writeln("\t\t#region 私有成员");
   foreach (IColumn field in Columns)
    if (field.IsInPrimaryKey)
    string fieldName = FirstToUpper(field.Name);
    string cType = field.LanguageType;
    output.write("\t\tprivate " + cType + " _" + fieldName + " ");
    if (cType == "string")
     output.writeln(";");//如果是非string类型则为默认的空值 null false 0

  if (Columns.Count > 0)
   output.writeln("\t\t#region 公有属性");

   foreach (IColumn Column in Columns)
    if (Column.IsInPrimaryKey)
    output.writeln("\t\t/// <summary>");
    output.writeln("\t\t///" + Column.Description + "");
    output.writeln("\t\t/// </summary>");
    string fieldName = FirstToUpper(Column.Name);
    string fieldType = Column.LanguageType;
    output.writeln("\t\tpublic " + fieldType + " " + fieldName);
    output.writeln("\t\t\tget { return _" + fieldName + "; }");
    output.writeln("\t\t\tset { _" + fieldName + " = value; }");
   output.writeln("\t\t#endregion ");


  _fileName = _className + ".cs";
  output.saveEnc(_exportPath + "\\" + _modleNameSpace + "\\" + _fileName, "o", "unicode");
 private void GenerateDaoFile( IColumns Columns )
output.writeln( "using System;");
output.writeln( "using System.Collections.Generic;");
output.writeln( "using System.Text;");
output.writeln("using " + _topNameSpace + "." + _modleNameSpace+";" );
output.writeln( "");
  output.writeln("/// <summary>");
  output.writeln("///\tMyGeneration : 实体类 " + _className);
  output.writeln("/// </summary>");
output.writeln("namespace " + _topNameSpace + "." + _dalNameSpace );
output.writeln( "{");
output.writeln("\tpublic class " + _className+"Dao:DaoBase<"+_className+">");
output.writeln( "    {");
output.writeln( "        public override string SqlMapNamespace");
output.writeln( "        {");
output.writeln( "            get { return \""+_className+"\"; }");
output.writeln( "        }");
output.writeln( "    }");
output.writeln( "}");

 _fileName =  _className + "Dao.cs";
  output.saveEnc(_exportPath + "\\" + _dalNameSpace + "\\" + _fileName, "o", "unicode");

 private void GenerateMappingFile( IColumns Columns )
  if( Columns.Count > 0 )
   output.writeln( "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>" );
   output.writeln( "<sqlMap namespace=\"" + _className + "\"  " );
   output.writeln("\t\t\t xmlns=\"http://ibatis.apache.org/mapping/"");
   output.writeln("\t\t\t xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance/">");
   output.writeln( "<alias>" );
   output.writeln( "\t" + IBatisAliasTag());
   output.writeln( "</alias>" );
   output.writeln( "<resultMaps>" );
   output.writeln( "\t\t" + IBatisResultMap( Columns ) );
   output.writeln( "</resultMaps>" );
   output.writeln( "<statements>" );
   IBatisStatements( Columns );
   output.writeln( "</statements>" );
   output.writeln( "</sqlMap>" );
  _fileName = _className + ".xml";
  output.saveEnc(_exportPath + "http://www.cnblogs.com/xrt2004/admin/file://mapping//" + _fileName, "o", "unicode");

 private string IBatisAliasTag()
  object[] args = {_className, _topNameSpace+"."+_modleNameSpace+"."+_className,_topNameSpace};       
  return string.Format("<typeAlias alias=\"{0}\"  type=\"{1},{2}\" />", args);
 private string IBatisResultMap( IColumns Columns )
  StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder();
  object[] args = {_className, _className};         
  xml.AppendLine(string.Format("<resultMap id=\"{0}Result\" class=\"{1}\">", args));
  foreach( IColumn c in Columns )
   object[] args1 = {
   xml.AppendLine(string.Format("<result property=\"{0}\" column=\"{1}\" type=\"{2}\" dbType=\"{3}\"/>", args1));
  return xml.ToString();
 private void IBatisStatements( IColumns Columns )
  <insert id="Insert" parameterClass="<%= _className %>">
   INSERT INTO <%= _tableName %> (<%= CombColumn(AddDelegate1, ", ") %>)
   VALUES (<%= CombColumn(delegate(StringBuilder sb, string columnName, string propName) { sb.Append(string.Format("#{0}#", propName)); }, ", ") %>)
   <selectKey resultClass="int" type="post" property="Id">
    SELECT IDENT_CURRENT('<%= _tableName %>')

  <update id="Update" parameterClass="<%= _className %>">
   UPDATE <%= _tableName %> SET <%= CombColumn(delegate(StringBuilder sb, string columnName, string propName) { sb.Append(string.Format("{0} = #{1}#", columnName, propName)); }, ", ") %>
   WHERE <%= GetColumnName("Id") %> = #Id# AND <%= GetColumnName("DeleteTime") %> IS NULL
  <update id="DeleteById" parameterClass="int">
   UPDATE <%= _tableName%> SET <%= GetColumnName("DeleteTime") %> = GETDATE()
   WHERE <%= GetColumnName("Id") %> = #Id# AND <%= GetColumnName("DeleteTime") %> IS NULL
  <sql id="SelectFrom">
   FROM <%= _tableName%>
  <sql id="SqlWhereBase">
   WHERE <%= GetColumnName("DeleteTime") %> IS NULL
   <isNotNull prepend="AND" property="Id">
    <%= GetColumnName("Id") %> = #Id#
   <isNotNull prepend="" property="Ids">
    <iterate prepend="AND" open="(" close=")" conjunction="OR" property="Ids">
     <%= GetColumnName("Id") %> = #Ids[]#
  <sql id="SelectCond">
   <include refid="SqlWhereBase" />
   <include refid="SqlWhereCustom" />
  <sql id="SelectOrder">
   ORDER BY <%= GetColumnName("Id") %> ASC
  <select id="SelectCount" parameterClass="hashtable" resultClass="int">
   <include refid="SelectFrom" />
   <include refid="SelectCond" />
  <select id="Select" parameterClass="hashtable" resultMap="<%= _className %>Result">
   <include refid="SelectFrom"/>
   <include refid="SelectCond"/>
   <include refid="SelectOrder"/>
  <select id="SelectByPage" parameterClass="hashtable" resultMap="<%= _className %>Result">
   SELECT TOP $PageSize$ *
   <include refid="SelectFrom" />
   <include refid="SelectCond" />
   AND <%= GetColumnName("Id") %> NOT IN
   (SELECT TOP $NotInSize$ <%= GetColumnName("Id") %>
   <include refid="SelectFrom" />
   <include refid="SelectCond" />
   <include refid="SelectOrder" />
   <include refid="SelectOrder" />
  <sql id="SqlWhereCustom">



 #region ---------版本信息---------
 private void Version()
  output.writeln("///\t作  者:相润通");
  output.writeln("///\t时间: " + DateTime.Now);

 #region ---------工具方法---------
 //   这个表是否被选中
 private bool IsSelect(string _strTableName)
  foreach (string _strTableName2 in _selectedTables)
   if (_strTableName2.Equals(_strTableName))
    return true;
  return false;
 // 去掉表前缀,得到的类名
 private string TableToClassName(ITable table)
  string tableName = table.Alias;
  tableName= tableName.Replace(" ", "");
  string name = RemoveFirstUnderlinePrefix(tableName);
  return name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + name.Substring(1, name.Length - 1);

 private string FirstToUpper(string columnName)
  string name = RemoveFirstUnderlinePrefix(columnName);
  return name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + name.Substring(1, name.Length - 1);
 private string RemoveFirstUnderlinePrefix(string str)
  int i = str.IndexOf('_');
  if (i >= 0)
   return str.Substring(i + 1, str.Length - i - 1);
   return str;

 public string GetColumnPrefix()
  string str = _workingTable.Columns[0].Name;
  int i = str.IndexOf('_');
  if (i >= 0)
   return str.Substring(0, i + 1);
   return string.Empty;
 public string RemoveColumnPrefix(string columnName)
  string columnPrefix = GetColumnPrefix();
  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(columnPrefix) && columnName.StartsWith(columnPrefix))
   return columnName.Substring(columnPrefix.Length, columnName.Length - columnPrefix.Length);
  return columnName;
 public string GetColumnName(string propName)
  return GetColumnPrefix() + propName;

public void SetBeanName()



  protected string GetPK()
            ITable Table = MyMeta.Databases[_dbName].Tables[_tableName];
            string value = "";
            foreach (IColumn Column in Table .Columns)
                if (Column.IsInPrimaryKey)
                    value = Column.Alias;
            return value;
 public string CombColumn(CombDelegate delegate1, string separator)
  StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
  string columnPrefix = GetColumnPrefix();
  for (int i = 0; i < _workingTable.Columns.Count; i++)
    if (!_workingTable.Columns[i].IsInPrimaryKey)
      string columnName = _workingTable.Columns[i].Name;
       if(!columnName.Equals(GetColumnName("RecordTime"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && !columnName.Equals(GetColumnName("DeleteTime"), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(separator) && sb.Length != 0)
     delegate1(sb, columnName, RemoveColumnPrefix(columnName));
  return sb.ToString();
 *sg        :StringBuilder
 *propName  :除去前缀的列名
 *column    :列的ColumnSchema
 public delegate void CombDelegate(StringBuilder sg, string columnName, string propName);
 public void AddDelegate1(StringBuilder sb, string columnName, string propName)
 public void AddDelegate2(StringBuilder sb, string columnName, string propName)
  sb.Append(string.Format("@{0}", propName));
 public void UpdateDelegate1(StringBuilder sb, string columnName, string propName)
  sb.Append(string.Format("{0} = @{1}", columnName, propName));

// Convert CLR type to SqlDbType
 private string CLRTypeToDbType( IColumn Column )
  string retVal = Column.LanguageType;
  switch( Column.LanguageType )
   case "Byte[]":
   case "byte[]":   
    retVal = "Binary";
   case "Boolean":
    retVal = "Bit";
   case "Byte":
    retVal = "TinyInt";
   case "DateTime":
    retVal = "DateTime";
   case "decimal":
    retVal = "Real";
   case "numeric":
    retVal = "Real";
   case "float":
    retVal = "Real";
   case "double":
    retVal = "Real";
   case "int":
    retVal = "Int";
   case "Int16":
    retVal = "SmallInt";
   case "Int32":
    retVal = "Int";
   case "Int64":
    retVal = "BigInt";
   case "string":
    retVal = "varchar";
   case "single":
    retVal = "Real";
   case "UInt16":
    retVal = "Int";
   case "UInt32":
    retVal = "Decimal";
  return retVal;

 // Convert CLR type to IBatis type alias
 private string CLRTypeToIBatisType( IColumn Column )
  string retVal = Column.LanguageType;
  switch( Column.LanguageType )
   case "numeric":
    retVal = "single";
   case "decimal":
    retVal = "single";
   case "float":
    retVal = "single";
   case "byte[]":
    retVal = "Byte";
  return retVal;


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