DFC Installation and Configuration
时间:2010-09-13 来源:毁于随
The below steps will guide you to install & Configure DFC :
Step 1: Use dfcWinSuiteSetup.exe to start the DFC installation.
Step 2: A welcome dialog box appears, click next to proceed to the next window.
Step 3: The license agreement is displayed, select the accept option and click next.
Step 4: Mention the path where you need to install DFC programs and click next.
Step 5: Specify whether to install optional components for developers like developer documentation and Primary Interop Assembly Installer.
Step 6: Specify the root directory for documentum user information and click next.
Step 7: Specify the host and port number for the connection broker machine.
Step 8: Check the global registry checkbox to use DFC as global registry.
Step 9: See the progress and click finish when the installation reports that it has successfully installed DFC.
The Following Files are required to run DFC and BOF programs. You can find the files in Directory “<<drive>>”:\Documentum\config
- dfc.properties
- dfcfull.properties
- dbor.properties
- log4j.properties
Set preferences for how DFC handles certain choices in the course of its execution.
This file contains documentation of all recognized properties and their default settings. (Do not modify this file and copy the properties to dfc.properties file)
Another important property is set dfc.registry.mode = file. This causes DFC to use a file to store certain settings, rather than the Windows registry. This is the standard setting for UNIX systems. It also works for Windows systems, but that setting is incompatible with Documentum Desktop.
Contains registry entries for BOF classes.
Configuring Log Properties
Edit dmcl.ini found in C:\WINNT
Host: Docbroker IP
Port: Port which Docbroker is listening