《TCP/IP Sockets 编程》笔记4
时间:2010-09-12 来源:龍蝦
第4章 使用UDP套接字
Sending and Receiving with UDP Sockets
ssize_t sendto(int socket, const void *msg, size_t msgLength, int flags, const struct sockaddr *destAddr, socklen_t addrLen)
ssize_t recvfrom(int socket, void *msg, size_t msgLength, int flags, struct sockaddr *srcAddr, socklen_t *addrLen)
When a call to send() on a TCP socket returns, all the caller knows is that the data has been copied into a buffer for transmission; the data may or may not have actually been transmitted yet. However, UDP does not buffer data for
possible retransmission because it does not recover from errors. This means that by the time a call to sendto() on a UDP socket returns, the message has been passed to the underlying channel for transmission and is (or soon will be) on its way out the door.
Between the time a message arrives from the network and the time its data is returned via recv() or recvfrom(), the data is stored in a first-in, first-out (FIFO) receive buffer. With a connected TCP socket, all received-but-not-yet-delivered bytes are treated as one continuous sequence (see Section 7.1). For a UDP socket, however, the bytes from different messages may have come from different senders. Therefore, the boundaries between them need to be preserved so that the data from each message can be returned with the proper address. The buffer really contains a FIFO sequence of “chunks” of data, each with an associated source address. A call to recvfrom() will never return more than one of these chunks. However, if recvfrom() is called with size parameter n, and the size of the first chunk in the receive FIFO is bigger than n, only the first n bytes of the chunk are returned. The remaining bytes are quietly discarded, with no indication to the receiving program.
For this reason, a receiver should always supply a buffer big enough to hold the largest message allowed by its application protocol at the time it calls recvfrom(). This technique will guarantee that no data will be lost. The maximum amount of data that can ever be returned by recvfrom() on a UDP socket is 65,507 bytes—the largest payload that can be carried in a UDP datagram.
Alternatively, the receiver can use the msg_peek flag with recvfrom() to “peek” at the first chunk waiting to be received. This flag causes the received data to remain in the socket’s receive FIFO so it can be received more than once. This strategy can be useful if memory is scarce, application messages vary widely in size, and each message carries information about its size in the first few bytes. The receiver first calls recvfrom() with msg_peek and a small buffer, examines the first few bytes of the message to determine its size, and then calls recvfrom() again (without msg_peek) with a buffer big enough to hold the entire message. In the usual case where memory is not scarce, using a buffer big enough for the largest possible message is simpler.
Connecting a UDP Socket
It is possible to call connect() on a UDP socket to fix the destination address of future datagrams sent over the socket. Once connected, you may use send() instead of sendto() to transmit datagrams because you no longer need to specify the destination address. In a similar way, you may use recv() instead of recvfrom() because a connected UDP socket can only receive datagrams from the associated foreign address and port, so after calling connect() you know the source address of any incoming datagrams. In fact, after connecting, you may only send and receive to/from the address specified to connect(). Note that connecting and then using send() and recv() with UDP does not change how UDP behaves. Message boundaries are still preserved, datagrams can be lost, and so on. You can “disconnect” by calling connect() with an address family of AF_UNSPEC.
Another subtle advantage to calling connect() on a UDP socket is that it enables you to receive error indications that result from earlier actions on the socket. The canonical exampleis sending a datagram to a nonexistent server or port. When this happens, the send() that eventually leads to the error returns with no indication of error. Some time later, an error message is delivered to your host, indicating that the sent datagram encountered a problem. Because this datagram is a control message and not a regular UDP datagram, the system can’t always tell where to send it if your socket is unconnected, because an unconnected socket has no associated foreign address and port. However, if your socket is connected, the system is able to match the information in the error datagram with your socket’s associated foreign IP address and port. Note such a control error message being delivered to your socket will result in an error return from a subsequent system call (for example, the recv() that was intended to get the reply), not the offending send().