时间:2010-09-08 来源:阿-辉
--附加:选数据库(右键)--附加 --select* from sysobjects where name= "proc_%"
--用到master数据库;查系统数据库;判断自己现在要创建的数据库的名字与系统数据库中数据库的名字是否相同,如果有那么自己可以改自己现在要创建的数据库名字,或判断这个数据库是否还有用,如果没用就将其删掉,创建新数据库;(分两种:第一种:指定路径;第二种:不需要指定路径。指定路径:注意要用到on primary(易忘记的)主数据文件(指定路径时在后面加上.mdf)的名字(name)因为是字符串所以要用到单引号(这里的主数据文件名字不能与数据库名字一致)把创建的数据库放在哪(存放的路径(filename),以便下次要用时直接附加即可)、文件的初始大小(size)(主数据文件要求:初始大小不能小于3mb)、增长类型(filegrowth)(可以按照大小增长、还可以按照百分数增长)、最大大小(maxsize)(可以是无限制unlimited,也可以是规定最大大小),这是主数据文件如果有次数据文件(在指定路径时在后面加上.ndf)就直接在主数据文件括号外用‘,’直接再创建次数据文件,一个数据库中必须有一个主数据文件,可含多个次数据文件,同时还有日志文件log on也和上面一样指定路径时主日志文件后面是.ldf,次日志文件后面是.ndf,日志文件在一个数据库中必须有一个主日志文件可含有多个次日志文件。
use master
if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='L')
drop database L
create database L
on primary
alter database mydata--注释:修改数据库,数据库的名字是mydata
add file--增加次数据文件
modify file--修改数据库中的文件 指定要进行更改数据文件的名字、只能改maxsize所以修改数据库时只能有两项
remove file my_dbdata--从数据库中移除my_dbdata这个文件
drop database mydata
sp_helpdb mydata
sp_helpdb 'mydata','mydata1'
use master
if exists(select * from sysdatabases where name='testdb')
drop database testdb
create database mydata
on primary
--:my_dbdate叫做逻辑名称 主数据文件的名称
--:物理名称 主数据文件的路径,写路径是数据库一定要加上后缀名
--文件的增长 可以是数字也可以是百分比
log on
alter database mydata
add file
alter database mydata
modify file
alter database mydata
remove file my_dbdata
sp_helpdb mydata
sp_helpdb 'mydata','mydata1'
drop database mydata
--附加:选数据库(右键)--附加 -------常用的
--alter table student
add birthdate datetime
--add +列名+对应的列的类型 --注释:在表中添加一列
alter column stuid varchar(50) --修改stuid这一列中的字段类型范围将其改为50
--alter +column+列名+所要改的类型的范围
drop column birthdate --删除不需要的列
sp_help student
sp_rename student,shudent1
drop table student
insert into friends values(10000,10001)
insert into student(stuid,stuname) values('001','大大')
update student set stusex='女'where stuname='小小'--注释:修改student表设置(将正确的数据写在设置后面要注意的是:要强调是哪一列要改成什么)后面where是条件(一定是与要修改的数据是在同一行,选定这一行除错误数据外的其他列的列名,指定列名所对应的这一行正确的数据)
delete table student
truncate table student
delete student where stuid='001' and stusex='女'
--drop table 表名
--切换数据库:use mydata --在执行的左边
if exists(select * from sysobjects where name='student' and type='u')
drop table student
create table student
stuid varchar(20),
stuname varchar(20),
alter table student
add birthdate datetime
alter table student
alter column stuid varchar(50)
alter table student
drop column birthdate
sp_help student
sp_rename student,shudent1
insert into student(stuid,stuname)
update student set stusex='女'
where stuname='小小'
update student set stuage=stuage+2
where stuname='小小'
delete student
where stuid='001' and stusex='女'
delete table student
truncate table student
drop table student
stuid int identity(100,2)
insert into student(stuname)
stuname varchar(20) not null
stuid varchar(20) constraint pk_stuid primary key
--constraint pk_stuid可以省略
create database person
create table student
stuid varchar(20) constraint pk_stuid primary key,
--主键约束constraint pk_stuid可以省略
stuname varchar(20),
stuage int constraint ck_stuage check(stuage between 15 and 30),
--check(stuage>15 and stuage<30)
stusex char(2) check(stusex='男' or stusex='女')constraint df_stusex default '男'
--check(stusex in ('男','女'))
insert into student
create table course
courseid varchar(20) primary key,
coursename varchar(50) constraint up_coursename unique,
create table score
stuid varchar(20) constraint fk_stuid foreign key references student(stuid)on delete cascade on update cascade,
--级联删除:如果你要删除一个人的信息,找到一列对应项就可以将 它所对应的一行全部删掉
--constraint fk_stuid foreign key是可以省略的
courseid varchar(20) references course(courseid),
score int check(score between 0 and 100),
constraint pk_score primary key(stuid,courseid)
alter table student1
alter column stuid varchar(20) not null
add constraint pk_stuid primary key(stuid)
alter table student1
add constraint ck_stusex check(stusex in ('男','女'))
alter table student1
add constraint df_stusex default '男'for stusex
alter table course1
add constraint uq_coursename1 unique (coursename)
alter table score1
add constraint fk_stuid foreign key(stuid) references student1(stuid)
alter table score
drop constraint pk_stuid
use pubs
select * from dbo.authors
select au_id,au_lname from dbo.authors
select au_lname+'.'au_fname from dbo.authors
select title_id,title,[type],price*0.8 as '打折后'from dbo.titles
select top 10 *from dbo.authors
select top 10 percent * from dbo.authors
select distinct au_id from dbo.authors
select au_lname,au_fname,city from dbo.authors
where state='ca'
select * from dbo.titles
where pub_id='0877'and price>16
select * from dbo.titles
where advance<=5500 and ([type]='business' or [type]='psychology')
select title,pubdate from dbo.titles
where pubdate between '1991-1-1' and '1991-12-31'
select * from dbo.authors
where state='ca' or state='in' or state='md'
where state in ('ca','in','md')
select phone from dbo.authors
where phone like '415%'
select * from dbo.authors
where au_fname like'[cs]hery1'
select pub_name from dbo.publishers
where pub_name like '[^abcdef]%'
where pub_name like '[^a-f]%'
select title,price from dbo.titles
where [type]='business'
order by price desc
--排序要用到order by默认的是升序(asc)降序是desc
select * from dbo.titles
where [type]<>'business'
where not [type]='business'
select * from dbo.titles
where royalty is not null
select count(*) from titles
where [type]='business'
select count(distinct state)from dbo.authors
select avg(price) from dbo.titles
where type='business'
select [type],avg(price) from dbo.titles
group by [type]
select [type],avg(price) from dbo.titles
where royalty=10
group by [type]
select [type],avg(price) from dbo.titles
group by [type]
having avg(price)>19
--如果聚合函数要做条件一定是在having后面且在group by后面
select getdate()
select dateadd(yy,3,getdate())
select year('1991-1-2')
select month('1991-1-2')
--select datediff(--月日年任选一,被减数,减数)
select datediff(yy,stubirthday,getdate())from student
select * from dbo.titleauthor cross join dbo.titles
where dbo.titleauthor.title_id=dbo.titles.title_id
select buyers.buyer_id ,buyer_name ,prod_id,qty
from buyers inner join sales
on buyers.buyer_id=sales.buyers_id
select buyers.buyer-id,buyer_name,prod_id,qty
from buyers left outer join sales
on buyers.bu
select au_id,au_lname,au_fname from dbo.authors
where au_id in
select au_id from dbo.titleauthor
where title_id in
select title_id from dbo.titles
where [type]='popular_comp'
select au_lname,au_fname from dbo.authors
where 100 in
select royaltyper from dbo.titleauthor
where dbo.authors.au_id=dbo.titleauthor.au_id
--自连接的另一种方法 待解决
select emp_id from dbo.employee a
where hire_date in
select hire_date from dbo.employee b
where a.emp_id<>b.emp_id
update dbo.titles set price=price*2
where pub_id in
select pub_id from dbo.publishers
where pub_name='new moon books'
insert t_test
select emp_id,fname from dbo.employee
select title,price from dbo.titles
where price>all
select price from dbo.titles
where [type]='business'
select title,price from dbo.titles
where price<any
select price from dbo.titles
where [type]='business'
--exists和not exists
select * from dbo.authors
where not exists
select * from dbo.titleauthor
where dbo.authors.au_id=dbo.titleauthor.au_id
select top 3 distinct *
where between ...and . in like and not or
group by max() min() sum() avg() count()
order by asc desc
--交叉连接 cross join where
--内连接 inner join on
--左外 left outer join
--右外 right outer join
--全外 full outer join
--子查询 in > all any <