时间:2010-09-04 来源:hanxingruo
Use of volatile
The compilation system tries to reduce code size and execution time on all machines, by optimizing code. It is programmer responsibility to inform compilation system that certain code (or variable) should not be optimized. Many programmers do not understand when to use volatile to inform compilation system that certain code should not be optimized or what it does. Although (no doubt) their program work, they do not exploit the full power of the language.
A variable should be declared volatile whenever its value can be changed by something beyond the control of the program in which it appears, such as a concurrently executing thread. Volatile, can appear only once in a declaration with any type specifier; however, they cannot appear after the first comma in a multiple item declaration. For example, the following declarations are legal
/* Let T denotes some data type */And the following declaration is illegal
typedef volatile T i;
volatile T i;
T volatile i ;
T i, volatile vi ;Volatile qualifiers can be used to change the behavior of a type. For example,
volatile int p = 3;declares and initializes an object with type volatile int whose value will be always read from memory.
Keyword volatile can be placed before or after the data type in the variable definition. For example following declaration are identical:Volatile T a =3;The declaration declares and initializes an objet with type volatile T whose value will be always read from memory
T volatile a=3;
Pointer declaration
Volatile T * ptr;Ptr is a a pointer to a volatile T:
T volatile * ptr;
volatile pointer to a volatile variablevolatile can be applied to derived types such as an array type ,in that case, the element is qualified, not the array type. When applied to struct types entire contents of the struct become volatile. You can apply the volatile qualifier to the individual members of the struct. Type qualifiers are relevant only when accessing identifiers as l-values in expressions. volatile does not affects the range of values or arithmetic properties of the object.. To declare the item pointed to by the pointer as volatile, use a declaration of the form:
int volatile * volatile ptr;
volatile T *vptr;
To declare the value of the pointer - that is, the actual address stored in the pointer - as volatile, use a declaration of the form:
T* volatile ptrv;
Use of volatile
- An object that is a memory-mapped I/O port- An object variable that is shared between multiple concurrent processes
- An object that is modified by an interrupt service routine
- An automatic object declared in a function that calls setjmp and whose value is-changed between the call to setjmp and a corresponding call to longjmp
# An object that is a memory-mapped I/O port
an 8 bit , memory -mapped I/O port at physical address 0X15 can be declared aschar const ptr=(char*)0X15 ;*ptr access the port consider following code fragment to set the third bit of the output port at periodic intervals
*ptr = 0;the above code may be optimize as
*ptr = 4 ;
*ptr = 0 ;
*ptr = 0*ptr is assigned 0 before value 4 is used ( and value of *ptr never changes ( same constant is always assigned to it)
while(0) {
volatile keyword is used to suppress these optimization the compiler assumes that the value can change any time , even if no explicit code modify it to suppress all optimization declare ptr as
volatile char * const ptr = (volatile char*)0x16this declaration say the object at which ptr points can change without notice , but that ptr itself is a constant whose value never change
# An object that is shared between multiple concurrent processes
if two threads/tasks concurrently assign distinct values to the same shared non-volatile variable, a subsequent use of that variable may obtain a value that is not equal to either of the assigned values, but some implementation-dependent mixture of the two values. so a global variable references by multiple thread programmers must declare shared variable as volatile.#includethe compiler may use a register to store the num variable in the main thread , so the change to the value by the second thread are ignored . The volatile modifier is a away of telling the compiler that no optimization applied to the variable its value be not placed in register and value may change outside influence during evaluation
volatile int num ;
void* foo()
while(1) {
++num ;
int p ;
void *targ =NULL ;
thread_t id ;
num = 0;
p = thr_create((void*)NULL , 0,foo,targ,0,&id);
if(!p) printf(" can not create thread ");
printf("%d" , num ) ;
# An automatic object declared in a function that calls setjmp and whose value is-changed between the call to setjmp and a corresponding call to longjmp
Variables local to functions that call setjmp is most often used. When an automatic object is declared in a function that calls setjmp, the compilation system knows that it has to produce code that exactly matches what the programmer wrote. Therefore, the most recent value for such an automatic object will always be in memory (not just in a register) and as such will be guaranteed to be up-to-date when longjmp is called. Without volatile variable is undefined by the standard whether the result one see differs with or without optimization simply reflects that fact Consider following code
#includevolatile variable isn't affected by the optimization. So value of b is after the longjump is the last value variable assigned. Without volatile b may or may not be restored to its last value when the longjmp occurs. For clear understanding assembly listing of above program by cc compiler has been given below.
static jmp_buf buf ;
main( )
volatile int b;
b =3 ;
if(setjmp(buf)!=0) {
printf("%d ", b) ;
longjmp(buf , 1) ;
/*Listing1: Assembly code fragment of above program
Produced by cc compiler when volatile is used*/
.file "vol.c"
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $20, %esp
movl $3, -4(%ebp)
pushl $buf
call _setjmp
addl $16, %esp
testl %eax, %eax
je .L18
subl $8, %esp
movl -4(%ebp), %eax
pushl %eax
pushl $.LC0
call printf
movl $0, (%esp)
call exit
.p2align 2
movl $5, -4(%ebp)
subl $8, %esp
pushl $1
pushl $buf
call longjmp
/*Listing 2:Assemply code fragment of above program
produced by cc compile witout volatile keword */
.file "wvol.c"
pushl %ebp
movl %esp, %ebp
subl $20, %esp
pushl $buf
call _setjmp
addl $16, %esp
testl %eax, %eax
je .L18
subl $8, %esp
pushl $3
pushl $.LC0
call printf
movl $0, (%esp)
call exit
.p2align 2
subl $8, %esp
pushl $1
pushl $buf
call longjmp
/listing 3: difference between listing 1 and listing 3 ***/
< .file "vol.c"
> .file "wvol.c"
< movl $3, -4(%ebp)
< movl -4(%ebp), %eax
< pushl %eax
> pushl $3
< movl $5, -4(%ebp) / * store in stack */
From above listing 3 it is clear that when you use setjmp and longjmp, the only automatic variables guaranteed to remain valid are those declared volatile.
# An object modified by an interrupt service routine
Interrupt service routines often set variables that are tested in main line code. One problem that arises as soon as you use interrupt is that interrupt routines need to communicate with rest of the code .A interrupt may update a variable num that is used in main line of code .An incorrect implementation of this might be:static lon int num ;When compilation system execute while statement, the optimizer in compiler may notice that it read the value num once already and that value is still in the register. Instead of re reading the value from memory, compiler may produce code to use the (possibly messed up) value in the register defeating purpose of original C program. Some compiler may optimize entire while loop assuming that since the value of num was just assigned to val , the two must be equal and condition in while statement will therefore always be false .To avoid this ,you have to declare num to be volatile that warns compilers that certain variables may change because of interrupt routines.
void interrupt update(void)
++num ;
long val ;
val = num ;
while(val !=num)
val = num ;
rturn val ;
static volatile long int num ;With volatile keyword in the declaration the compiler knows that the value of num must b read from memory every time it is referenced.