时间:2010-09-28 来源:IORICC
方案:通过SPSite->SPWeb->SPFolder得到SPFile,通过 SPFile.GetLimitedWebPartManager 方法获取SPWebPartManager(Provides a limited set of Web Part operations that can be performed in our object model scenarios when there is no HttpContext and no Page object is instantiated.),通过SPWebPartManager来操作页面中的WebPart,下面是示例代码:
//get the current web; not using "using" because we don't want to
//kill the web context for other controls that need it
SPWeb curWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
//look to see if our code has already run
if (! curWeb.Properties.ContainsKey(KEY_CHK))
The next thing is to get a reference to the home page in the site:
//look for the default page so we can mess with the web parts
SPFile thePage = curWeb.RootFolder.Files["default.aspx"];
With the home page, you can get the web part manager for it:
//get the web part manager
SPLimitedWebPartManager theMan = thePage.GetLimitedWebPartManager
//create a hashtable to store our web parts
hshWp = new Hashtable();
foreach (WebPart wp in theMan.WebParts)
//close the welcome part; WebPartAction is a custom class
//I wrote to keep track of web parts and their properties
if (wp.GetType().Equals(typeof(PersonalWelcomeWebPart)))
new WebPartAction(wp,
//add a new ThisWeekInPictures web part
ThisWeekInPicturesWebPart wpPix = new ThisWeekInPicturesWebPart();
wpPix.ImageLibrary = "Shared Pictures";
wpPix.Title = "My Pictures";
//add it to the hash so it gets put in the page
new WebPartAction(wpPix, WebPartAction.ActionType.Add,
"MiddleRightZone", 10));
Finally, the code enumerates through the hashtable and makes all of the web part changes:
foreach (string key in hshWp.Keys)
WebPartAction wpa = (WebPartAction)hshWp[key];
switch (wpa.Action)
case WebPartAction.ActionType.Delete:
case WebPartAction.ActionType.Move:
theMan.MoveWebPart(wpa.wp, wpa.zoneID, wpa.zoneIndex);
case WebPartAction.ActionType.Add:
theMan.AddWebPart(wpa.wp, wpa.zoneID, wpa.zoneIndex);
//look to see if our code has already run
if (! curWeb.Properties.ContainsKey(KEY_CHK))
//add our key to the property bag so we don't run
//our provisioning code again
curWeb.Properties.Add(KEY_CHK, "true");
curWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = false;