Chapter3 - Defining Types - Union
时间:2010-09-27 来源:兴说:
Union 可以将具有不同含义或不同结构的数据绑定在一起。
let Volume =
| Liter of float
| UsPint of float
| ImperialPint of float
let vol1 = Liter 2.5
let vol2 = UsPint 2.5
let vol3 = ImperialPint 2.5
let convertVolumeToLiter x =
match x with
| Liter x -> x
| UsPint -> x * 0.473
| ImperialPint x -> x * 0.568
printfn convertVolumeToLiter vol1
printfn convertVolumeToLiter vol2
printfn convertVolumeToLiter vol3
type 'a BinaryTree =
| BinaryNode of 'a BinaryTree * 'a BinaryTree
| BinaryValue of 'a
let tree1 =
BinaryNode( //根节点
BinaryNode( BinaryValue 1, BinaryValue 2), //子节点1,具有1跟2两个叶子
BinaryNode( BinaryValue 3, BinaryValue 4) ) //子节点2,具有3跟4两个叶子
//看到了么,这里我们借助一个范式的类型 BinaryTree,就很自然的表现出了一颗二叉树。
let rec printBinaryTreeValues x =
match x
| BinaryNode (node1, node2) ->
printBinaryTreeValues node1;
printBinaryTreeValues node2
| BinaryValue x -> printfn x;printfn ", "
type Tree<'a> =
| Node of Tree<'a> list
| Value of 'a
let tree2 =
Node( [ Node( [Value "one"; Value "two"] );
Node( [Value "three"; Value "four"]) ] )
let rec printTreeValues x =
match x with
| Node l -> List.iter printTreeValues l
| Value x ->
printfn x;printfn ","
let Volume =
| Liter of float
| UsPint of float
| ImperialPint of float
let vol1 = Liter 2.5
let vol2 = UsPint 2.5
let vol3 = ImperialPint 2.5
let convertVolumeToLiter x =
match x with
| Liter x -> x
| UsPint -> x * 0.473
| ImperialPint x -> x * 0.568
printfn convertVolumeToLiter vol1
printfn convertVolumeToLiter vol2
printfn convertVolumeToLiter vol3
这里的模式匹配它可以接收一个范式定义的 Volume,然后判断他的类型,是Liter 还是 UsPint
或 ImperialPint ,然后对其做不同的处理。
type 'a BinaryTree =
| BinaryNode of 'a BinaryTree * 'a BinaryTree
| BinaryValue of 'a
let tree1 =
BinaryNode( //根节点
BinaryNode( BinaryValue 1, BinaryValue 2), //子节点1,具有1跟2两个叶子
BinaryNode( BinaryValue 3, BinaryValue 4) ) //子节点2,具有3跟4两个叶子
//看到了么,这里我们借助一个范式的类型 BinaryTree,就很自然的表现出了一颗二叉树。
let rec printBinaryTreeValues x =
match x
| BinaryNode (node1, node2) ->
printBinaryTreeValues node1;
printBinaryTreeValues node2
| BinaryValue x -> printfn x;printfn ", "
type Tree<'a> =
| Node of Tree<'a> list
| Value of 'a
let tree2 =
Node( [ Node( [Value "one"; Value "two"] );
Node( [Value "three"; Value "four"]) ] )
let rec printTreeValues x =
match x with
| Node l -> List.iter printTreeValues l
| Value x ->
printfn x;printfn ","
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