NHibernate 2.1.0 : Executable queries
时间:2010-09-22 来源:.net's
Nhibernate 2.1.0 support for bulk actions using HQL.
Some HQL examples:
insert into Animal (description, bodyWeight, mother) select description, bodyWeight, mother from Human insert into Pickup (id, Vin, Owner) select id, Vin, Owner from Car insert into Animal (description, bodyWeight) select h.description, h.bodyWeight from Human h where h.mother.mother is not null update Human h set h.description = 'updated' where exists (select f.id from h.friends f where f.name.last = 'Public' ) update versioned IntegerVersioned set name = :name update Human set name.first = :correction where id = :id update Animal a set a.mother = (from Animal where id = 1) where a.id = 2 update Animal set description = :newDesc where description = :desc update Animal set bodyWeight = bodyWeight + :w1 + :w2 delete SimpleEntityWithAssociation e where size(e.AssociatedEntities ) = 0 and e.Name like '%' delete Animal where mother is not null delete from EntityWithCrazyCompositeKey e where e.Id.Id = 1 and e.Id.OtherId = 2
using (var s = OpenSession())using (var tx = s.BeginTransaction()){ s.CreateQuery("delete from SimpleClass").ExecuteUpdate(); tx.Commit();}
link:NH2.1: Executable HQL
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