[Yii Framework] How to embed the css and images in a module
时间:2010-09-22 来源:DavidHHuan
Maybe there is not a good introduction about how to embed css and images in a module in the forum (or cookbook) of Yii framework, but thanks to Qiang, who builds the great framework, that I found the way in the kernal code in framework/gii (In fact that gii is a module!)
Here is the structure of my module "admin"

| | |~modules/
| | | `~admin/
| | | |+assets/
| | | |+components/
| | | |+controllers/
| | | |+css/
| | | |+images/
| | | |+messages/
| | | |+models/
| | | |+views/
| | | `-AdminModule.php*
1. Modify the AdminModule.php, add the code as below:

private $_assetsUrl;
* @return string the base URL that contains all published asset files of this module.
public function getAssetsUrl()
return $this->_assetsUrl;
* @param string the base URL that contains all published asset files of this module.
public function setAssetsUrl($value)
public function registerCss($file, $media='all')
$href = $this->getAssetsUrl().'/css/'.$file;
return '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.$href.'" media="'.$media.'" />';
public function registerImage($file)
return $this->getAssetsUrl().'/images/'.$file;
2. Example of calling the css and images in modules/admin/layouts/main.php

//calling the css
<?php echo Yii::app()->controller->module->registerCss('main.css');?>
//calling the images
<?php echo CHtml::image(Yii::app()->controller->module->registerImage('logo.png'), "logo");?>
Have fun with Yii!
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