GL Balances Corruption Issue
时间:2010-09-17 来源:richardliu1123
GL Balances Corruption Fix Script
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script allows customers to safely detect
and/or fix corrupt actual balance data in their gl_balances table. It
is intended to resolve balance issues introduced through sql*plus updates,
concurrency problems, account type changes, retained earnings account
changes, or any other issue that would require fixes in the gl_balances
table. This version of the GL Balances Corruption Fix script is designed for
release 11.5 only. It works for version 11.5.1 through 11.5.10 CU2 of
applications. If you have an 11.5 version of applications after
11.5.10 CU2, then please check on metalink to verify that this script
is appropriate for your release. This script is not intended to work
with release 11.0, release 12.0, release 10.7, or any other release of
Oracle Applications other than release 11.5. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script is not intended to diagnose the
cause of the corruption. If such diagnosis is necessary, it is strongly
recommended that it either be done before using this script to fix
balances, or that the backup of the gl_balances table made before running
this script be retained until after the root cause analysis is completed.
When this script is used to fix balances in the gl_balances table, it
updates the table in such a way that data necessary to diagnose the
cause of the problem may be overwritten or lost. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script assumes that your journal entry
information is accurate. In its detection of balance corruption, it
compares the gl_balances table with your journal entries tables, and
reports any discrepancies. In its correction of balance corruption, it
fixes the gl_balances table to match the information in your journal
entries tables. If it is suspected that your journal entry information
is incorrect or incomplete, then any problems with your journal entry
information should be resolved before running this script, to avoid
having the problems propagated into the gl_balances table. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script assumes that your summary template
account hierarchies are accurate. When fixing balance corruption, it
makes fixes to any summary accounts based upon the associated detail
account fixes and the current account hierarchy. If your current
account hierarchy is inaccurate or if your summary accounts have
balances inconsistent with the detail balances, then the issue needs to
be resolved separately, generally by dropping and recreating the summary
template. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script only fixes issues in the
gl_balances table. It does not fix issues in gl_daily_balances, in
gl_code_combinations, in gl_period_statuses, in gl_je_batches,
in gl_je_headers, in gl_je_lines, in gl_account_hierarchies, etc. Before running the GL Balance Corruption Fix script to fix gl_balances
data, you should backup your gl_balances table. You should also make
sure that the following Oracle General Ledger concurrent programs
are prevented from running while the script is running: Posting,
Open Period, Translation, Add/Delete Summary Templates, and
Program - Incremental Add/Delete Summary Templates. These programs
can be safely run for sets of books other than the one being
corrected, but it is generally easier and safer to block them out
completely. Note that many programs submit Posting, so it isn't
sufficient to just prevent access to the Post Journals form. Backing
up the gl_balances table and blocking out the concurrent programs is
unnecessary if you are only running the GL Balances Corruption Fix
script in report only mode, and are not asking it to fix any
corruption found. You should prevent users from reserving funds while the GL Balance
Corruption Fix script is running. Funds reservation done while the GL
Balance Corruption Fix script is running may be inaccurate, and may
allow funds to be overspent. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script can safely be run without the
assistance of Oracle Support Services. However, we recommend involving
Oracle Support Services in any corruption fix that necessitates using
the GL Balances Corruption Fix script, especially if it is the first
time you have used the script. Note that the performance of the GL Balances Corruption Fix script
depends upon both the number of balances to be verified as well as
the number of balances to be fixed. Even if there is no or minimal
data that needs to be fixed, the script may take a long time to run
if run for a large range of accounts or a large number of periods.
To improve performance, please make sure that your GL schema has
been analyzed shortly before running this script. If you need to kill the GL Balances Corruption Fix script, it can be
done safely. All of the work done will be rolled back.
Types of Corruption Resolved
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script is designed to fix all types
of corruption encountered in the gl_balances table. Specifically,
it can detect and fix the following: (The text in parenthesis is the text that shows up in the report
when this problem is detected.) 1. Period to Date Balances (Bad PTD Amount)
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script verifies that your period
to date balances match your posted journal lines. It checks
and fixes your foreign entered, functional, and statistical
actual period to date balances.
2. Quarter to Date Balances (Bad QTD Amount)
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script verifies that your
opening quarter to date balances match the closing quarter to
date balances for the prior period, assuming it is in the
same quarter. Note that this check checks opening balances,
not the total quarter to date balance. The period to date
portion of the total quarter to date balance is checked by the
period to date balances check above. The script checks and
fixes your foreign entered, functional, and statistical
actual opening quarter to date balances. 3. Year to Date Balances (Bad YTD Amount)
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script verifies that your
opening year to date balances match the closing year to
date balances for the prior period, assuming it is in the
same year or is a balance sheet account. Note that this
check checks opening balances, not the total year to date
balance. The period to date portion of the total year to
date balance is checked by the period to date balances check
above. The script checks and fixes your foreign entered,
functional, and statistical actual opening year to date balances. 4. Retained Earnings Balances (Bad YTD Amount)
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script verifies that your retained
earnings opening balances are correct at the beginning of each year,
given your retained earnings ending balances for the prior year
and the balances of your income statement accounts at the end of
the prior year. It checks and fixes your foreign entered,
functional, and statistical actual retained earnings balances.
Note that retained earnings balances are only checked if the
account range specified when running the GL Balances Corruption
Fix script either contains the retained earnings account or contains
an income statement account. 5. Project to Date Balances (Bad PJTD Amount)
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script verifies that your
opening project to date balances match the closing project to
date balances for the prior period. Note that this check checks
opening balances, not the total project to date balance. The
period to date portion of the total project to date balance
is checked by the period to date balances check above. The
script checks and fixes your foreign entered, functional,
and statistical actual opening project to date balances. 6. Duplicate Balances (Duplicate Row)
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script checks for actual rows that
violate the primary key of the gl_balances table, by having
the same values for all of the columns in the primary key as
some other row. It deletes all but one of these duplicates. If
necessary, it will then correct the balances of the remaining row. Note that the GL Balances Corruption Fix script, when run
in report only mode, may produce unusual output in the report
when it encounters duplicates. It will report the duplicates
correctly, but if one or both of the duplicates have other
problems, say if they have incorrect period to date balances,
then these problems will also be reported. If both duplicates
have the problem, then the problem will be reported twice. If
one duplicate has the problem, then it will be reported once
even though the other duplicate doesn't have the problem. Also, if the duplicates are for an income statement account, then
the retained earnings calculation may double count the
contribution of that account for the purposes of the report.
When the GL Balance Corruption Fix script is run to fix balances,
not just report on them, then these problems shouldn't occur. All
but one of the duplicates will be deleted before the rest of the
analysis occurs, so the retained earnings calculations will be
correct. If the duplicate row that was retained has other
problems, for example an incorrect period to date balance, then this
will also be corrected and reported on. 7. Extra Balances (Extra Row)
The GL Balances script checks for actual rows in gl_balances that
are for a period that is not opened, closed, or permanently closed.
It reports on and deletes these rows.
Limitations and Warnings
1. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script assumes that your journal entry
information is accurate. In its detection of balance corruption, it
compares the gl_balances table with your journal entries tables, and
reports any discrepancies. In its correction of balance corruption, it
fixes the gl_balances table to match the information in your journal
entries tables. If it is suspected that your journal entry information
is incorrect or incomplete, then any problems with your journal entry
information should be resolved before running this script, to avoid
having the problems being propagated into the gl_balances table. 2. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script assumes that your summary
template account hierarchies are accurate. When fixing balance
corruption, it makes fixes to any summary accounts based upon the
associated detail account fixes and the current account hierarchy.
If your current account hierarchy is inaccurate or if your summary
accounts have balances inconsistent with the detail balances, then
the issue needs to be resolved separately, generally by dropping and
recreating the summary template. 3. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script only works on actual balances.
It does not fix problems with budget or encumbrance balances.
4. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script only fixes issues in the
gl_balances table. It does not fix issues in gl_daily_balances, in
gl_code_combinations, in gl_period_statuses, in gl_je_batches,
in gl_je_headers, in gl_je_lines, in gl_account_hierarchies, etc. 5. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script does not fix daily balances.
Customers who maintain daily balances can run this script, but need
to be aware that it will only fix their gl_balances table, not their
gl_daily_balances table. 6. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script does not maintain budgetary
dr and budgetary cr balances. Customers who use the budgetary
dr and budgetary cr account types cannot use this script. The
script will error out if it detects that the customer is using
budgetary dr and/or budgetary cr account types. 7. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script does not maintain functional
entered balances. Customers who have the maintenance of functional
entered balances turned on (aka who have the
track_entered_func_curr_flag column set to 'Y' in gl_sets_of_books),
cannot use this script. The script will error out if it detects
that the maintenance of entered functional balances is turned on. 8. The GL Balance Corruption Fix script expects that each year has
the same number of periods. If after the specified start period,
some years have more periods than others, the script will error
out. 9. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script cannot be run for the first
period ever defined in your calendar. It can be run for the first
opened period for your set of books, but there must be a period
defined, though potentially not opened, that is before this period.
The script will error out if it is run for the first period in your
calendar. 10. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script cannot be run for periods for
which journals have been purged. The script will error out if it
is run for periods in which journals have been purged. 11. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script cannot be run for periods for
which balances have been purged. It also cannot be run for a
period where the period immediately prior to that period has had
balances purged. The script will error out if it is run for periods
that satisfy these criteria. 12. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script will use the current retained
earnings account defined for your set of books. If you have
changed retained earnings accounts, then the script may move balances
from your old retained earnings account to the current one. The
script will do this for all fiscal years where the period immediately
following the fiscal year (aka the first period of the next year)
is equal to or later than the start period specified when the
script was started. For example, if your fiscal year starts in January, and you specify
a start period of jan-04 when running the GL Balances Corruption
Fix program, then the balances for 2003, 2004, etc would be moved
to the new retained earnings account, but the balances for 2002,
2001, etc would be left with the old retained earnings account. 13. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script will attempt to retrieve all
retained earnings accounts that have balancing segment values that
fall into the specified account range, even if the balancing
segment value has never been posted to and does not have balances
that need to be fixed. If the appropriate retained earnings
account does not exist, the script will attempt to create it. The
script will fail to run if the account cannot be created. If
the account does exist, it will be used even if it is disabled,
out of date, or secured. 14. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script will use the current account
type for each account. If an account was treated as an income
statement account for some years and a balance sheet account for
others, the balances for the account will be changed to be
consistently treated as the current account type for all of the
years processed by the script. The script will do this for all
fiscal years where the period immediately following the fiscal
year (aka the first period of the next year) is equal to or later
than the start period specified when the script was started. For example, if your fiscal year starts in January, and you specify
a start period of jan-04 when running the GL Balances Corruption
Fix program, then the balances for 2003, 2004, etc would be moved
to the new account type, but the balances for 2002, 2001, etc
would be left with the old account type. 15. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script doesn't recalculate
translations. After running the script, you may need to rerun
translation to get up to date translated balances. 16. The GL Balances Corruption Fix script will rollback any sql*plus
updates to the gl_balances table that result in actual balances
that don't match journals. It will do this even if the updates
were intentional; for example to seed opening balances. It will
only do this for periods equal to or after the start period
specified when running the script.
Setting up your environment
Before the GL Balances Corruption Fix script can run successfully
against your environment, the objects that it needs need to be
installed in your database. This can be done as follows: 1. Uncompress the provided file. 2. Run glqblfix.sql against your apps account. Glqblfix.sql will
create all of the necessary temporary tables, add any missing
columns to gl_sets_of_books, and will analyze the new tables. Glqblfix.sql will request the name of your gl account, your
gl password, the name of your apps account, and your apps
password. Please note that if one or more of the necessary objects already
exists, glqblfix.sql will produce error messages, and then
continue on with the next object. These error messages are expected
and can be ignored. Example
sqlplus apps/apps @glqblfix.sql 3. Run glublfxs.pls against your apps account. Glublfxs.pls will
create the specification for the gl_balance_fix package. Glublfxs.pls should not produce any errors when run. If it
produces errors, then you may need to contact Oracle Support
Services to get them resolved. Example
sqlplus apps/apps @glublfxs.pls 4. Run glublfxb.pls against your apps account. Glublfxb.pls will
create the body for the gl_balance_fix package. Glublfxb.pls should not produce any errors when run. If it
produces errors, then you may need to contact Oracle Support
Services to get them resolved. Example
sqlplus apps/apps @glublfxb.pls 5. Verify that the gl_balance_fix package exists in your database
and has successfully compiled.
Running the Script
To run the GL Balances Corruption Fix script, you need to do the
following: 1. Read this entire document first. 2. Back up your gl_balances table if you are going to use the
script to fix balances, not just to report 3. Take the necessary steps to make sure the Posting,
Open Period, Translation, Add/Delete Summary Templates, and
Program - Incremental Add/Delete Summary Templates programs don't
run while the GL Balances Corruption Fix script is running.
These programs can be safely run for sets of books other
than the one being corrected, but it is generally easier
and safer to block them out completely. Note that many programs
submit Posting, so it isn't sufficient to just prevent access to
the Post Journals form. 4. Take the necessary steps to make sure funds aren't reserved while
the GL Balance Corruption Fix script is running. Funds
reservation done while the GL Balance Corruption Fix script is
running may be inaccurate, and may allow funds to be overspent.
5. The report that results from running this script will be dumped
out to your screen. Make sure that you are running the report
in such a way that you can handle a potentially many page report
with a page width of 132 characters being dumped out to your
screen. 6. Start the script by running it using sql*plus against the apps
account. sqlplus apps/apps @glbalfix.sql 7. The program will ask you to confirm that you have read this
documentation and have backed up the gl_balances table. Press
*Return* to confirm this. 8. When prompted, enter the name of the set of books for which
balances are to be checked and/or fixed. Note that case
and punctuation is important; you want to enter the name
exactly as it appears in the Set of Books form. 9. When prompted, enter the period to start fixing or checking
balances from. Balances will be checked and/or fixed from this
period through the latest opened period. Balances before this
period will not be checked and/or fixed, though the ending
balances of the period immediately before this one will be used
to verify the opening balances for this period. 10. When prompted, enter the low and high range of accounts that the
program is to run for. You can either leave both of these values
empty, in which case the program will run for all accounts, or you
can specify a low and high account for the range, in which case
only accounts within that range will be processed. If you specify
a value for the low account, you must also specify a value for the
high account, and vica versa. If you specify values for the
low and high accounts, you must specify values for each segment,
as well as the necessary delimiters. For example, you might
specify a value for the low account of 01-000-1100-0000-000 and
a value for the high account of 01-200-2100-0000-ZZZ. 11. When prompted, enter the user name of the user who is executing this
program. This should be the user name as used in logging into
applications. Any inserts or updates on gl_balances will be
stamped with this user. 12. When prompted, enter whether you want to run this script in report
only mode. Entering a value of 'N' runs the report in fix mode,
in which it fixes the balances. Entering any other value for
this parameter will cause the script to run in report only mode.
It will produce a report indicating the problems with the
gl_balances table, but it will not resolve these problems.
13. Once the report runs, review the results. 14. If desired, once the results have been reviewed, run Translation
to do any necessary corrections to your translated balances.
Example Run
sqlplus apps/apps @glbalfix.sql SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Jun 2 16:06:22 2006 (c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Connected to:
Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
This is the GL Balances datafix corruption script. Please review
the documentation thoroughly before running this script. Please
also backup your gl_balances table before running this script
unless you are going to run it in reporting mode only. Press RETURN to continue.
Set of books: Vision Operations (USA)
Start period: Jan-01
Account range low: 08-000-1000-0000-000
Account range high: 08-000-8000-0000-000
Report only (Y/N): Y
No bad balances found. Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, Oracle Label Security, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
JServer Release - Production
Reviewing the Report
When the GL Balances Corruption Fix script has completed, it will
display either 'No bad balances found.' which indicates that it found
no corruption, or it will display an error message if it found an
error (the errors are discussed in a later section), or it will display
a report that indicates the detected balance corruption. An example of such a report is as follows:
Balance Corruption Fix Results Date: 02-JUN-06 16:34
Page: 1 Set of Books: Vision Operations (USA)
Start Period: Jan-01
Account Low: 08-000-1000-0000-000
Account High: 08-000-8000-0000-000
Account Currency Period Problem
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------- -------------------------
New Dr New Cr New Converted Dr New Converted Dr
--------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
Old Dr Old Cr Old Converted Dr Old Converted Dr
--------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
08-000-1110-0000-000 CAD Nov-04 Bad PTD Amount
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 1,000.00 0.00 1,200.00 08-000-1110-0000-000 USD Nov-04 Bad PTD Amount
0.00 0.00
0.00 1,200.00 08-000-5341-0000-000 CAD Nov-04 Bad PTD Amount
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
1,000.00 0.00 1,200.00 0.00 08-000-5341-0000-000 USD Nov-04 Bad PTD Amount
0.00 0.00
1,200.00 0.00
The heading of the report gives the set of books, the start period, and
the account range the report was run for, as well as giving the date and
time on which it was run. This information is repeated on each page. The body of the report details any corruption that was found. It
indicates the account, currency, and period in which the corruption
can be found, the type of corruption, the new (correct) balances and
the old (incorrect) balances. The types of corruption are Bad PTD Amount, Bad QTD Amount, Bad
YTD Amount, Bad PJTD Amount, Extra Row, and Duplicate Row. They
are described above in the "Type of Corruption Resolved" section.
Note that bad retained earnings opening balances are reported as
Bad YTD Amount corruption. Note that for QTD, YTD, and PJTD problems, the balances shown are
the opening QTD, YTD, and PJTD balances. They don't include the
current period activity, they only include the QTD, YTD, and PJTD
impact from prior periods. The converted amount columns are only populated for foreign currency
balances with Bad PTD Amount or Bad YTD Amount corruption. None of the amount columns are populated for Extra Row and Duplicate
Row corruption. Note that one problem row is displayed for each problem detected in
each row in gl_balances. However, multiple rows may be in reality
impacted by the same problem. In the above case, a foreign currency
transaction that impacted both the foreign currency (CAD) as well as
the cumulative functional currency (USD) balances was deleted, so both
sets of rows were impacted. Another example of this would be as follows: Account Currency Period Problem
----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- --------------- -------------------------
New Dr New Cr New Converted Dr New Converted Dr
--------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
Old Dr Old Cr Old Converted Dr Old Converted Dr
--------------------------- --------------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------------
08-000-2110-0000-000 USD Nov-04 Bad PTD Amount
0.00 50.00
0.00 0.00 08-000-2110-0000-000 USD Dec-04 Bad QTD Amount
0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 08-000-2110-0000-000 USD Dec-04 Bad YTD Amount
0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00 08-000-2110-0000-000 USD Dec-04 Bad PJTD Amount
0.00 0.00
0.00 50.00
In this case, the $50.00 amount never made it to the Nov-04 row in
gl_balances, but it did impact the Dec-04 QTD, YTD, and PJTD balances.
So four errors are reported ... first the error that the $50 journal
line in Nov-04 doesn't have corresponding amounts in the gl_balances
table, then the errors that the Dec-04 opening QTD, YTD, and PJTD
balances don't match the Nov-04 ending QTD, YTD, and PJTD balances. When fixing gl_balances, the GL Balances Corruption Fix script would
net out these two issues, resulting in the Nov-04 PTD Cr balance
being changed to $50.00, while the Dec-04 QTD, YTD, and PJTD
balances would be left alone, since the $50 rollforward from Nov-04
and the -$50 reduction to fix the bad QTD, YTD, and PJTD would net out
to zero.
Errors Reported
The following errors will be caught and reported by the GL Balances
Corruption Fix script: Error 1: The set of books name provided isn't a set of books name that
is defined on the system. This error occurs when the set of books name specified when running
the GL Balances Corruption Fix script doesn't match the name of
any of the set of books defined on the system. If you receive this
error, you may want to check the case and punctuation of the set of
books name you provided. The set of books name should be entered
exactly as it appears in the Set of Books form. The full name should
be entered, not the short name. Error 2: The set of books has an accounted period type that doesn't
exist in the gl_period_types table. This error occurs when the set of books specified has an accounted
period type that isn't defined. This sort of data corruption should
never occur. If you see this error message, please contact Oracle
Support Services. Error 3: The start period provided either doesn't exist, isn't
opened, or has a period number less than 1 or greater than the
maximum number of periods per year This error occurs when the start period specified when running the
GL Balances Corruption Fix script is not valid in some way. Either
no period with that name has ever been defined for the calendar and
accounted period type of the specified set of books, or the period
hasn't been opened for the specified set of books, or the period
number of the period is less than 1 or greater than the maximum
number of periods per year for the accounted period type of the
specified set of books. If you receive this error, you should
double check the start period name you provided. Error 4: The latest opened period for this set of books either
doesn't exist, isn't opened, or has a period number less than 1 or
greater than the maximum number of periods per year. This error occurs when the latest opened period of the specified
set of books is not valid in some way. Either no period with that
name has ever been defined for the calendar and accounted period
type of the specified set of books, or the period hasn't been
opened for the specified set of books, or the period number of the
period is less than 1 or greater than the maximum number of periods
per year for the accounted period type of the specified set of books.
None of these should ever occur. If you see this error message,
please contact Oracle Support Services. Error 5: The low value provided for the account range is invalid. This error occurs when an account range is specified, but the low
value of the account range is not valid. If you encounter this
error, check to make sure that values are specified for all segments
and the correct delimiter is used to separate segment values. Error 6: The high value provided for the account range is invalid. This error occurs when an account range is specified, but the high
value of the account range is not valid. If you encounter this
error, check to make sure that values are specified for all segments
and the correct delimiter is used to separate segment values. Error 7: Values were not specified for one or more segments in
the account range. This error occurs when an account ranges is specified, but values
were not specified for one or more segments. If you specify an
account range, you must specify values for all segments. If you
encounter this error, verify that you have specified low and
high values for all segments. Error 8: There exist undefined or unopened periods between the
start period and the latest opened period. This error occurs when there is either an unopened period between
the specified start period and the latest opened period of the
specified set of books, or when one or more periods within this
range are undefined. If you encounter this error, check and make
sure that all period years within this range have periods defined
for period number one through the maximum number of periods per
year for the accounted period type of the specified set of books.
If all such periods are defined, with no gaps or extra periods and
with the correct period type, then check to make sure that they are
all opened, closed, or permanently closed. If you do find a missing
period or one that is not opened, then please contact Oracle Support
Services. Error 9: There exists a period with an invalid period number
between the start period and the latest opened period. This error occurs when there is a period between the specified start
period and the latest opened period of the specified set of books
with a period number less than 1 or greater than the maximum number
of periods per year for the accounted period type of the specified
set of books. If you encounter this error, then please look for such
a period. If you do find one, then please contact Oracle Support
Services. Error 10: The start period is the first period defined in this
calendar. This error occurs when the specified start period is the very first
period defined in the calendar used by the specified set of books
for the accounted period type used by the specified set of books.
If you encounter this error, then please either choose a later period
as the start period or define a period immediately before this period
in the correct calendar and with the correct period type. Error 11: Tracking of entered functional currency balances is turned
on. This error occurs when tracking of entered functional currency
balances is on for the specified set of books. If you encounter
this error, then you will need to use an alternative solution to
detect and fix any balance corruption. Error 12: Journals have been purged for the start period or for
periods after the start period. This error occurs when journals have been purged for the specified
start period or for periods after it. If you encounter this error,
you either need to choose a later period as the start period or use
an alternative solution to detect and fix any balance corruption. Error 13: Your chart of accounts contains budgetary dr or budgetary
cr accounts. This error occurs when the chart of accounts of the specified set
of books contains accounts with an account type of budgetary dr
or budgetary cr. If you encounter this error, then you will need
to use an alternative solution to detect and fix any balance corruption. Error 14: Unable to retrieve segment values associated with your
retained earnings ccid 999. This error occurs when the retained earnings account associated with
your set of books is undefined or invalid. The code combination id
of the retained earnings account that the GL Balances Corruption Fix
script attempted to use is displayed in the error instead of the 999.
If you encounter this error, then you should go into the Set of Books
form and check your retained earnings account definition. You may
need to fix it. Error 15: Flexfield creation failed with following error: This error occurs when the GL Balances Corruption Fix script
attempted unsuccessfully to create a retained earnings account.
If you encounter this error, then please review the text of the
attached message, and either resolve the issue, or create all
necessary retained earnings account manually before running the
program again. Error 16: Balances have been purged for the period immediately
before the start period, for the start period, or for periods after
the start period. This error occurs when balances have been purged for the specified
start period, for the period immediately before the specified start
period, or for periods after it. If you encounter this error, you
either need to choose a later period as the start period or use an
alternative solution to detect and fix any balance corruption. Error 17: The user name provided isn't a user name that is defined
on the system.
This error occurs when the user name specified when running
the GL Balances Corruption Fix script doesn't match the name of
any of the users defined on the system. If you receive this
error, you may want to check the case of the user name you provided.
The user name should be entered exactly as it appears in the Users form. Error 18: The posted status or period for one of your lines doesn't
match the information at batch or journal level. This error occurs when the posted status or the period for one or
more of your journal lines doesn't match the posted status or the
period of the batch or journal that contains it. If you encounter
this error, please contact Oracle Support Services. Error 19: There exists an opened period after the latest opened period. This error occurs when a period after the latest opened period of the
specified set of books has a status of open, closed, or permanently
closed. If you encounter this error, please contact Oracle Support
Fixing Concurrency Issues
The GL Balances Corruption Fix script should not be run at the same
time as the following programs: Posting, Open Period, Translation,
Add/Delete Summary Templates, and Program - Incremental Add/Delete
Summary Templates. These programs can be safely run at the same
time for sets of books other than the one being corrected, but it
is generally easier and safer to block them out completely. If one of these programs is accidentally run at the same time as the
GL Balances Corruption Fix script and for the same set of books, then
depending upon which program it was, this can be resolved as follows: 1. Posting
If Posting and the GL Balances Corruption Fix script were accidentally
run at the same time for the same set of books, then rerun the
GL Balances Corruption Fix script for the same set of parameters to
detect and resolve any corruption. Be aware that you may also need
to drop and recreate your summary templates. 2. Open Period
If Open Period and the GL Balances Corruption Fix script were
accidentally run at the same time for the same set of books, then
rerun the GL Balances Corruption Fix script for the same set of
parameters to detect and resolve any corruption. Be aware that
you may also need to drop and recreate your summary templates. 3. Translation
If Translation and the GL Balances Corruption Fix script were
accidentally run at the same time for the same set of books, then
you may need to purge and retranslate balances, starting from the
earliest period modified by both programs. 4. Add/Delete Summary Templates / Program - Incremental Add/Delete
Summary Templates
If Add/Delete Summary Templates or Program - Incremental Add/Delete
Summary Templates and the GL Balances Corruption Fix script were
accidentally run at the same time for the same set of books, then
you should drop and recreate any impacted summary templatessql.
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